Despite lack of development activity, it was a busy week for symfony. Firstly, symfony day 09 event took place in Germany with great success. Meanwhile, symfony drew lot of attention at the PHP Conference in Japan, greatly increasing symfony coverage in the japanese blogosphere.
Development highlights
- sfDoctrinePlugin:
- ...and many other changes
Development digest: 153 changesets, 17 bugs reported, 4 bugs fixed, 6 enhancements suggested, 1 enhancement closed, 2 documentation defects reported, 3 documentation defects fixed, and 21 documentation edits.
- Updated Russian, and Italian translations of Jobeet tutorial
- Updated 1 day 1 ticket, and Optimizing Your Application pages
- Terry Tsang ( I'm a freelance Symfony/PHP Web Developer who loves to create great web applications. I am good at open source platforms such as wordpress and magento. You can know me more at
New symfony bloggers
- Fellipe Brito (feed) (English, and Portuguese)
- New plugins
- sfWidgetFormInputShamsiDatePlugin: (no description)
- swBaseApplicationPlugin: (no description)
- sfCKEditorPlugin: provides CKEditor widget.
- sfGoogleAjaxPlugin: easy integration of the Google AJAX library APIs into a symfony project.
- sfPhpBbConnectPlugin: a set of helper to display on your symfony site, information from a phpBB 3.x forum (last post in the forum, etc.)
- sfAutoconfigPlugin: task to automaticaly configure your project when moving it to another server or context. It searches in dist files like app.yml-dist or index.php-dist for tags definied in a Yaml configuration file, replaces them and creates the final file.
- sfAuthPlugin: (no description)
- nvDoctrineSessionStoragePlugin: provides a Doctrine based session storage handler. Each user session is a doctrine record, making this plugin a solid base component for complex sessions usage applications, using powerful database interactions doctrine abilities.
- tmApacheLogParserPlugin: parser for Apache logs
- sfDoctrineSimpleForumPlugin: a simple forum which can be easily integrated into existing symfony applications
- diemPlugin:
- improved userLog and admin usability
- added symfony check_configuration.php to dmServerCheck and made sfGuardSignin extend BaseForm
- made sfWidgetFormDmDate extend sfWidgetFormI18nDate instead of sfWidgetFormDate and fixed jquery ui datepicker inclusion in forms that require it
- load current object variable in admin forms partials and components
- improved automatic i18n form merge in admin
- improved admin usability and fixed apc cache abstraction
- improved dmAPCCache (added prefixes to cache name)
- installed apc monitor and improved apc integration
- removed deprecated class dmAdminHelper
- fixed i18n date validator
- disabled symfony functional tests creation for admin
- revamped automatic media form embedding
- added automatic batch actions for record activation
- improved routing performance
- fixed admin doctrine selects must use defaut table sort
- improved admin list performance
- added badBrowser login page
- added select all / unselect all to multi checkbox admin fields
- fixed admin media form embedding
- added developper friendly method to perform custom joins in admin list query
- extended Zend CodeGenerator to fix indentation issues
- improvements on front edition and progressive code generation
- fixed i18n features and page creation
- moved doctrine filters creation to table
- huge performance boost
- pkContextCMSPlugin: configured Zend externals, archived pages only appear in subnav or tabs if you are a potential editor, fixed documentation error regarding specifying FCK toolbars, fixed unbinded click event for cancelling a history preview
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: changes ux.ToolbarUpload to use Ext.ux.IconMgr for upload button, added successText config option to ux.ToolbarUpload, export column order now matches export: display order exported booleans now export as true or false strings instead of 0 and 1, switched grid update after edit to tab activate listener, made nameSpace a class variable, added fix to maintain GridPanel scroll position across store reloads, added triming of spaces to textfield filter trim
- sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: fixed i18n usage, added sfUoWidgetTable widget
- sfAssetsLibraryPlugin: fixed form to move asset
- sfEasyGMapPlugin: correction of geocoding in v3, several bugfixes, fixed GMapMarkerImage
- swToolboxPlugin: added experimental Master and Slave Connection with MySQL, disabled logger (was causing trouble with unit tests), removed swDynamicForm files
- sfFacebookConnectPlugin: configuration of Doctrine fields, if no culture translation is available return the culture instead of an empty string, minor fixes: tabs to spaces, removed Windows line returns, removed trailing spaces, separate sfGuardUser account creation and sfGuardUser account retrieval, reverted to simpler auth method, added sfGuardUserPeer::isActive, added signin route configuration
- sfPropelSqlDiffPlugin: added unit tests, fixed bug with table type determining
- swFormExtraPlugin: save reset options into the form, added secure form option, restore i18n and fix catalogue reference, removed extra translation
- sfEasyAuthPlugin: added debug logging to the log in methods, updated documentation, added a new field to the app.yml file, sfEasyAuthBasicUser now inherits from the local class
- pkToolkitPlugin: added more pkSubCrud features, added pk_sub_crud_create_form_tag helper for outputting a valid "create new object" form, new date and time formatters in pkDate(), pkMutlipleSelectAll() now supports an options array, userCanEdit checks for edit buttons and actions as appropriate
- tmCsvPlugin: added option for case-insensitive columns despite doctrine case-sensitive "nature", fixed unit test for writing CSV, ignoring many-to-many when writing CSV, added check for CSV not having any usable columns in a header, bug fix for tables named in camelCase, updated documentation and changelog
- sfSocialPlugin: refactored some static variables/methods, got rid of ids in i18n
- sfDatagridPlugin: added getCriteria for sfDatagridPropel.class.php
- sfLucenePlugin: removed debug code
- sfTestsToXUnitPlugin: added content to README
- swFormDynamicPlugin: added missing javascript
- sfPhpExcelPlugin: added symfony 1.2 compatibility, added default properties
- sfWidgetFormInputSWFUploadPlugin: fixed bug that added onload listeners even if swfobject was not loaded in Safari
- sfAdminThemejRollerPlugin: added show view
- csSettingsPlugin: updated readme/documentation, added setting_default functionality when new setting is inserted
- Château Trinquevedel: (French) website with CMS for a wine producer in Rhone Valley
- Evolution 7: (English) leading digital agency based in Melbourne, Australia, specialising in ecommerce, customised applications, and symfony development
- Verbatim Australia: (English) corporate site for Verbatim Australia, including product database, knowledge base, and multilingual/multi-region CMS
- In Essence Aromatherapy: (English) slick ecommerce website, online ordering, payment gateway integration (DPS), ajax shopping cart
- Forethought Research: (English) corporate site for Forethought Research, including Think Tank database of articles & white papers. symfony CMS
- GBS Ventures: (English) unique & striking website for Melbourne-based venture capital firm GBS, symfony CMS
- Kingston Arts Centre: (English) dynamic website and portal for Kingston Arts Centre, showcasing events, movies and venue hire information
- Verbatim Hong Kong: (Chinese, and English) corporate site for Verbatim Hong Kong, including product database, knowledge base, and multilingual/multi-region CMS
- Verbatim Singapore: (English) corporate site for Verbatim Singapore, including product database, knowledge base, and multilingual/multi-region CMS
- Lifebroker: (English) providing range of life insurance quote comparisons, survey engine, full content management
- Lifebroker NZ: (English) providing range of life insurance quote comparisons, survey engine, full content management
- Lifebroker UK: (English) providing range of life insurance quote comparisons, survey engine, full content management
- Austcycle: (English) the Australian leader in providing cycling training - full content management, news, events, providers
- Autogoldimport: (French) importateur de véhicules d'occasion toutes marques et tous modèles
They talked about us
- Nuevos mirrors para Phing, Propel y Doctrine
- Symfony Day Cologne 2009 – Ich bin auch dabei
- Filtre de redirection basé sur le langage
- Symfony Live 2010 in Paris
- Devenir sponsor de la conférence internationale Symfony Live 2010
- Writing functional tests for HTTP auth secured actions
- How to change backend.php to /admin and prefix all routes automatically in symfony?
- Symfony Day Cologne 2009
- Resumen del Symfony Day 09
- 30 Symfony Best Practices, the slides from my talk at SymfonyDay Cologne '09
- How can i remove all generated symfony base files automatically from svn?
- Symfony en la PHP Conference 2009 de Japón
- new version of sfAdminThemejRollerPlugin (v 0.1.4)
- SymfonyDay Cologne 2009
- Validation Credit Card - Using Symfony
- Thank You
- Изменение структуры каталогов symfony
- Symfony in pratica...finalmente acquistabile su Amazon!
- PHP カンファレンスに行ってきた
- Осваиваю Symfony
- foreign key制約を勝手につけるのを抑制する
- PHPカンファレンス2日目に行ってきたよ
- PHPカンファレンスに行ってきました
- よく使う、symfony doctrineコマンド実際
- 問い合わせフォーム:チュートリアルと探した情報で、symfony・Doctrineフォームの改造に着手 ・・・
- Symfony Meetup Tokyoやります
- Live Event: PHP Conference 2009 Is Now Underway In Tokyo
- 技術メディアのみなさん、symfonyのFabien Potencierさんへの取材どうでしょう?
- Symfony - Problemas con la ruta del FCKEditor
- Symfony Day in Cologne 2009 - Workshop
- データベースとの接続
- Some Helpful Symfony Form Validators
- Forcing SSL and HTTPS with Redirects on Symfony 1.2
- symfony tree 无限分类
- Busqueda case-insensive en Symfony (Propel – Postgres)
- [emacs][symfony] 「flymake で yaml のシンタックスチェック」のコードの使い方
- How to optimize frontend in Symfony (CSS & JavaScript)
- Сайт на Symfony
- PHP Symfonyがうまくうごかん
- Symfony tip: Watching your logs on mac with Console
- The worst thing about Symfony is how badly documented Propel is
- Symfony Day 09, seto-social und Symfony
- localization i18nの設定
- symfonyのFabienさんと東京一日観光
- Fabienさんと東京観光
- Using git for symfony projects
- カスタムバリデータを使わない独自バリデート
- mb_internal_encodingもちゃんと設定しとくほうがよさげ
- Un buen framework PHP
Hi Javier,
Is there any material/presentation from symfony day that i can download ?
@Wildan, most presentations are published on SlideShare:
Best Practice Testing with Lime 2 (
30 Symfony Best Practices (
Symfony 1.3 + Doctrine 1.2 (
Symfony vs Integrating products (