A week of symfony #158 (4->10 January 2010)
January 10, 2010 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
Symfony 2 started this week its migration to a Git repository. First commits on GitHub were related to Console component and Commands/Tasks. Meanwhile, Sympal and Diem maintained their close competition for being the most updated symfony plugin.
Development highlights
Symfony 1.X branch:
- r26171: [2.0] deleted 2.0 branch (migration to Git in progress)
Symfony 2.X branch:
- 65d0..7811: [2.0] added some Symfony 2 components
- 6fea..cfc6: [2.0] added the CLI component
- 3dc0..05e7: [2.0] replaced double negative with true ===
- f775..53cd: [2.0] renamed Task to Command (as in Command Line Interface)
- 1e3e..07f5: [2.0] changed the default version if nothing is provided by the developer
- 41bc..1c98: [2.0] changed the default version if nothing is provided by the developer
- e9ad..9c46: [2.0] renamed CLI component to Console
Development digest: 302 changesets, 30 bugs reported, 13 bugs fixed, 7 enhancements suggested, 4 enhancements closed, 8 documentation defects reported, 1 documentation defect fixed, and 12 documentation edits.
- Updated Russian, and French translations of Jobeet tutorial
- Updated Italian translation of symfony 1.3 reference
- Agence Pix: a digital communication & marketing agency based in Nice. With more than 10 years experience, we are developping projects for very large to small companies. We are currently hiring an experienced symfony developer to start ASAP on a large-scale project.
- OLS Software: PHP and web application development in Israel. Symfony is our framework of choice.
New symfony bloggers
- Excilys Blog (feed) (French)
- davidsCorner.de (feed) (Deutsch)
- New plugins
- TimicoWikiPlugin: a simple wiki engine designed with flexibility in mind.
- sfDoctrineRestGeneratorPlugin: provides a generator in order to bind a REST-style web service to Doctrine models. The highly customizable REST service permits to retrieve, add or delete Doctrine objects.
- sfWebMoneyPaymentPlugin: part of the sfPayment plugins suite and brings WebMoney support.
- sfReCaptchaWidgetPlugin: enables the use of reCAPTCHA with the ease of a symfony form widget.
- sfFlexymfonyPlugin: provides means for a developer to easily integrate flex applications into Symfony. The undelying Flex application uses a specific framework aimed to give developers a Symfony-like feel.
- dcPropelReportsPlugin: provides a custom generation of reports in a graphical fashion, allowing end users to build ang get their custom reports. Report creation is done by a Query by Example way, and some restrictions are imposed, but it seems to be very useful in many scenarios.
- w3sExtensionMbMaskedGalleryPlugin: an extension content for sfW3StudioCmsPlugin plugin, which adds a masked gallery content using the awesome jquery plugin mb.maskedGallery made by Matteo Bicocchi.
- dmCkEditorPlugin: adds a CkEditor WYSIWYG to your Diem site.
- sfTwigPlugin: integrates Twig into symfony.
- twCorePlugin: core Plugin for Thunderwolf System Based Plugins.
- twMediaPlugin: Thunderwolf System Media Plugin based on sfAssetsLibraryPlugin.
- twBasicCmsPlugin: Thunderwolf System Basic CMS Plugin.
- twNewsPlugin: Thunderwolf System News Plugin.
- twArticlePlugin: Thunderwolf System module plugin for creating articles web page sections.
- sfSympalPlugin:
- initial entry of new functionality for sympal_admin admin generator theme for handling nested set models
- fixed content list sorting configuration and moved sympal_admin theme to sfSympalAdminPlugin
- added ability to automatically set the response meta title based on the current menu item and content
- added asset type class for videos
- initial entry of flowplayer
- added storing of original asset files and added ability to resize and crop asset images
- added ability to upload a new file to an asset to replace it
- initial entry of better support for actual Sympal themes that are more configurable
- implemented a new version super caching for sympal
- enhanced nested set version of sympal_admin generator theme so default index is indented like a tree
- cleaned up how context is created
- changes to sfSympalDataGridPlugin to help with dependencies
- added filter event to filter rendered markdown html
- fixed default theme for actions which were forwarded
- cleared cache when plugin is uninstalled or installed
- fixed asset and link inserting with tinymce
- showed hierarchy of content when viewing content list
- initial entry of server check code ported from diem
- added title with name of file to inserted asset code for better readability
- added new "default" theme and changed the configured default theme to it
- added red required * to all forms
- fixed Sympal install to clear cache, re-prime autoload cache and fix perms so things work out of the box
- moved form event code to its own class
- added ability to configure what forms have recaptcha enabled
- added success_signin_url configuration to integrate with sfDoctrineGuardPlugin
- initial entry of url redirecting functionality
- maed the user, group and permission model names configurable to make it easier to swap out sfDoctrineGuardPlugin and sfSympalUserPlugin
- added automatic setting of the title in the admin generator theme
- fixes for multiple sites and site creation from web
- added content hierarchy icons to links browser
- fixed automatic handling of different request formats for sympal content
- fixed plugin author syncing
- extended symfony Doctrine i18n filter to fallback to default culture with language translation does not exist
- moved fix perms call to very end of install
- added sfSympalBaseTask
- initial entry of sitemap xml functionality
- added ability to edit slots from the admin backend area
- fixed redirects and 404 themes
- enhancing and refactoring content rendering/routing to allow custom modules and actions for content records and types
- customized the sympal_content admin gen to better handle the many actions
- enhanced how embedded forms are rendered in sympal_admin
- enhanced sympal_content admin gen module list change content type controls
- fixed issue with which menu the plugin content types are installed to
- added ability to preview themes in admin
- made template input a dropdown
- added configuration abilities for content templates per content type
- added help text in a few areas
- initial entry of wordpress theme
- added ability to easily integrate with google analytics
- fixed default content list data grid to not have all columns
- added ability to generate theme plugins
- fixed issue with output escaping and turned it back on by default
- refactored sfSympalConfig to extend sfConfig to avoid lots of additional static method calls
- sfLucenePlugin: tweaked limit selection, fixed query referencing issue, fixed addSane method with utf8 string, added path management, renamed misleading method getLucene => getSearchEngine, fixed friendlyFind to handle sfLuceneFacetsCriteria
- diemPlugin:
- added admin_module_space_menu & admin_module_type_menu services to admin service container
- used menu services to display admin space and type pages
- made transUnit admin not loremizable
- moved dmAlternativeHelper to dmAlternativeHelperPlugin
- fixed menu translations when only one culture
- made test project more complex
- fixed isSuperAdmin cache in dmSecurityUser
- fixed image overlays creation
- fixed dispatcher dependency in dmFrontCodeEditorFileMenu & dmFrontAddMenu
- made google cdn disabled by default
- added functional tests to test project for continuous integration
- fixed dmWidgetTypeManager on admin app
- added module spaces and types pages to automatic admin functional tests
- fixed record loremizer when creating a link to a random page
- added programmatically the dmUser module on front app only if missing
- disabled user modules creation on dmAdminPlugin
- removed deprecated module dmViewPart
- fixed threads default culture
- added the sitemap_menu service (deprecates dmFrontHtmlSitemap)
- improved dmMenu to transform link source to link object only when rendering
- fixed dmWidgetTypeManager component detection
- made possible to temporary disable versioning on a record
- enhanced doctrine form generator to allow plugins to change widget classes
- enhanced javascript compressor to delegate the minify decision
- fixed sfupload_dir_name for windows servers
- made the javascript compressor delegate the decision to cache an asset by using a filter event
- fixed sortable activation/deactivation in admin generator
- added dmMediaTag->getAbsoluteSrc() method
- fixed markdown ajax previsualisation when multiple markdown editors on the same fieldset
- fixed admin sortable configuration
- fixed javascript strict compliance
- fixed pageSync and seoSync unit tests for old sqlite versions
- added browser_check service to the dmUserPlugin service container
- added unsupported browser page inspired by the google wave one
- started the admin dmManualSeo module
- started to implement the cut/copy and paste on front
- added javascript compressor black_list option
- added manual_metas permission
- moved dmBrowser->isModern method to the browser_check service
- removed deprecated dmHtmlFilter
- added dmFrontBar functional tests
- fixed front edition panels
- improved dmFunctionalTestHelper
- added clear-db parameter to dm.setup.before and dm.setup.after
- fixed browsers page links
- sfDoctrineActAsTaggablePlugin: implemented a --verbose option for taggable:clean, documented the taggable:clean task
- sfTaskExtraPlugin: removed pcre hack, made generated package.xml encoding dynamic
- sfPropel15Plugin: prune "SET NAMES" query in debug panel
- sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: fixed sfUoWidgetTable no data rendering, added relative_url_root setting usage in default loader, added experimental JS scripts into jquery.uo package
- pkContextCMSPlugin: support for cascading page options to children and descendants, consolidated cms test mock-ups, overhauled the rename form for the breadcrumb from the ground up
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: added export.boolean_is_integer config option in generator to export integer values for boolean columns instead of the default true false strings
- sfTrackedTaskPlugin: enhanced README
- pkBlogPlugin: symfony 1.4 compatability fixes
- sfSympalCommentsPlugin: fixed bugs caused by changes in sympal core, updated comments plugin to use new recaptcha enabling feature
- npAssetsOptimizerPlugin: optimize:assets task now uses the prod environment by default, it now throws an exception when the GoogleClosureCompilerAPI driver retrieves an error from a call to the service
- pkMediaCMSSlotsPlugin: added ability to specify an image title in ButtonSlot
- sfJqueryTreeDoctrineManagerPlugin: added waiting message and fix issue on create node action, added Licence and readme
- sfSympalDoctrineThemePlugin: fixed issues with no menus, updated for new theme system
- pkImageConverterPlugin: scaleToFit() method in gd mode now matches the netpbm driver's behavior
- sfEasyAuthPlugin: created a super admin, edited the schema.yml file (created a company role)
- zsToolboxPlugin: added user-based view cache manager
- swBaseApplicationPlugin: added reference class to table
- sfDoctrineUserPlugin: updated to work with the 1.3 branch of sfDoctrineGuardPlugin
- sfDoctrineGuardPlugin: formatted schema to be more friendly to configuration cascade
- pkToolkitPlugin: added keycodes jquery plugin and turned off any currently unused jquery plugins
- ckWebServicePlugin: fixed problems with propel, added tests for propel features, added unit test for ckGenericArray, updated prove script, added new fixture projects for propel and doctrine testing, removed doctrine and propel related files from original fixture project, fixed bug in ckGenericArray causing crash when decoding cyclic dependencies on soap client, added separate test cases for propel and doctrine, updated functional bootstrap script, updated ckGenericArray so getting the 'item' property if possible, added tests for passing doctrine and propel objects to the server
- dmChessPlugin: automatically clear old games
- sfTCPDFPlugin: sfTCPDF extended with callbacks for header and footer functions, added magic functions
- Bytes Web Development: (Dutch) website of a small dutch web development company
- Read This Link: (English) a source for what is new and popular on the web (for 'I should know' articles)
They talked about us
- German symfony trainings 2010
- Symfony 2 se pasa a Git
- More with symfony 1.3 & 1.4-提高你的生产力
- Jouer avec symfony 2 sur github
- 国外主流PHP框架比较-CodeIgniter、CakePHP、ZendFramework、Symfony
- Netbeans is a good IDE for Symfony development
- Détecter le contexte d’exécution sous Symfony
- Symfony mongodb logger
- Menez le web à la baguette avec symfony
- Continuous integration
- Plugin sfDoctrineAdminGeneratorWithShowPlugin pour Symfony 1.4
- Instalar plugin sfAssetLibrary en Symfony 1.2
- sfDoctrineGuardPluginについてのメモ
- Multiple Select & Fillin in Symfony
- Don't reinvent the squared wheel – The "Symfony" way
- PHP开发框架的现状和展望
- How I Use Netbeans 6.8 and Symfony 1.2
- Diem, my new CMS of choice
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