Symfony 2 reported this week some impressive and very promising figures in a basic "hello world" benchmark. Meanwhile, symfony 1.X returned to its usual development activity with several bugfixes.
Development highlights
Symfony 1.X branch:
- r26866: [1.3, 1.4] fixed sfValidatorDate errors
- r26867: [1.3, 1.4] turned off xdebug_logging by default as it can make the dev env very very slow
- r26870: [1.3, 1.4] fixed sfWidgetFormSchema::setPositions() which accepts duplication positions
- r26871: [1.3, 1.4] fixed sfValidateDate for negative timestamps
- r26872: [1.3, 1.4] fixed sfDomCssSelector requires quotes for matching attribute values when they should be optional
- r26957, r26968: [1.2, 1.3, 1.4] updated web debug javascript to work when the dom includes an svg element
- r26989: [1.2, 1.3, 1.4] fixed typo in getting Priorities from sfVarLogger
- r26992: [1.0] fixed two security issues with shipped prototype.js 1.5.0 by replacing it with
- r27061: [1.3, 1.4] partially fixed sfTester#isValid() on Windows systems
- r27099: [lime2] fixed mocking of deep-namespaced classes/interfaces
Symfony 2.X branch:
- 5398..a154: [DependencyInjection] added a way to retrieve loaded resources
- bb33..79fe: [DependencyInjection] added autodetection of resource format when importing a resource in an XML or YAML file
- c015..cdeb: [DependencyInjection] disable the possibility to have a reference in parameters
- ee3e..4d28: [Console] added a way to add common behaviors to commands extending a common command
- c9d0..1c90, ce6f..034b: [DependencyInjection] speed optimizations
- 2ac6..bd15: [DependencyInjection] changed the order of priority when a service is both defined with setService() and with a getXXXService() method
- a2a7..cc29: [DependencyInjection] made an optimization to the Templating extension when only one loader is registered
- r26982: [1.2] fix for doctrine debug panel not html-escaping
- r26865: [1.3, 1.4] updated Propel to 1.4.1
Development digest: 354 changesets, 25 bugs reported, 39 bugs fixed, 7 enhancements suggested, 2 enhancements closed, 5 documentation defects reported, 1 documentation defect fixed, and 23 documentation edits.
- Updated French, and Russian translations of Jobeet tutorial
- Updated symfony 1.4 forms book:
- chapter 8: added sfWidgetFormI18nChoiceTimezone
- appendix A: fixed form docs for some I18n widgets/validators
- Updated Jobeet 1.4 / Practical symfony 1.4 book:
- chapter 22: fixed typo, fixed documentation of loggers
New symfony bloggers
- Henrik Bjørnskov (feed) (English)
- Symfony-world.blogspot (feed) (English)
- New plugins
- hsRublSignPlugin: allows to create a image of the Rouble sign (like
- elXHProfPlugin: eases the use of XHProf profiler. It allows developers to easily profile code blocks thanks to a simple API. This plugin also integrates XHProf runs into the web debug toolbar to see and compare them in a simple way.
- rsfDoctrineTimelinePlugin: helps you to add a user timeline to your application. Notify a user timeline when content is created, updated, deleted or other application events.
- sfPropel13ActAsSortableBehaviorPlugin: version for Propel 1.3 of the plugin sfPropelActAsSortableBehaviorPlugin.
- dmWidgetTwitterPlugin: allows to connect your site with twitter. It packages a Diem front widget to display tweets searched by keywords.
- sfDoctrineJQueryUISortablePlugin: JQueryUI Sortable lists integrated with doctrine.
- sfTrafficCMSPlugin: an experimental CMS framework package.
- sfJSLibTinyMCEPlugin: convenience package containing the TinyMCE library version 3.2.7 and settings for use with the sfJSLibManagerPlugin.
- dmWidgetFeedReaderPlugin: allows to load and display feeds on your site. It packages a Diem front widget to show feed items from a url.
- tdBlogPlugin: updated entire plugin, modified blog upload directory
- sfSympalPlugin:
- style/ui tweaking of inline edit bar
- added icons to inline edit bar buttons
- fixed inline edit bar when dev mode is off
- added url option to link syntax which allows for just a url to be output
- fixed possibility of the editor being confused about its state and not properly hiding on save and preview
- streamlined frontend and admin ui
- fixed admin theme layout
- don't show editor for 404
- added configurability of the default gravatar image via app.yml
- removed extra change language form
- removed core directory and moving classes to lib root
- fixed issue with menu cache and unpublished items
- fixed admin signin
- added signout button
- fixed i18n in admin generator theme, menu admin, dashboard, page actions menu, sympal_content admin module, inline edit mode info and plugin manager
- fixed i18n for assets and added a back to list link to assets select box
- added support for YAML inline values to sympal:configure task
- added support for enabling i18n during installation to sympal CLI project installer
- sfTCPDFPlugin: replaced is_null function
- sfSolrPlugin: updated task method signature, fixed doctrine collection and object management, added Field search option to sfLuceneCriteria, fix when empty string is provided, autoselect configuration object if done provided in getAllInstance, added query analyser/guesser
- dmCkEditorPlugin: enhanced asynchronous assets inclusion, declared CKEDITOR_BASEPATH
- dmFlowPlayerPlugin: enhanced asynchronous assets inclusion, fixed player loading during widget edition, fixed player loading for players called from £media in a template
- dmWidgetGalleryPlugin: enhanced asynchronous assets inclusion, fixed delete icon path, made gallery run on dmWidgetLaunch event, fixed gallery loading during widget edition, fixed front widget cache
- diemPlugin:
- enhanced edition javascripts
- enhanced front edition javascripts
- refactored front widgets edition to no more use json encode data but raw HTML
- enhanced dmBaseActions->renderAsync to allow to pass asynchronous assets to load
- fixed datepicker translation
- improved front pager to allow ajax links
- removed deprecated methods dmForm->addJavascript & dmForm->addStylesheet
- renamed dmWidgetBaseView->addRequiredJavascript to addJavascript & addRequiredStylesheet to addStylesheet
- added dmFrontAjaxPager javascript controller
- made dmFrontLinkTag and dmAdminLinkTag accept "mailto:"
- added unit tests for "mailto:" links
- added default options for the front_pager_view service
- added dmMenu->notAuthenticated method
- added unit tests for not_athenticated menu items
- fixed widget ajax preview by using encoded assets when clicking on the try button of the widget edition dialog
- removed old versions of jQuery
- added fluent interface for dmFrontPagerView
- widget edition handles better widgets which module/action does no more exist
- made front code editor use new async assets loading style
- improved apc monitor interface
- added web_browser service base on sfWebBrowser
- fixed user_agent in dmWebBrowser
- disabled gzip compression of assets by default
- cleaned dmContext
- fixed edition assets loading when user connected with remember_me filter
- added diem_version_check service
- added dm version methods
- added unit tests for diem_version_check service and dm version methods
- fixed web_browser service user-agent
- added dmFilter->getService method
- added version check message on admin homepage
- updated dmContent functional test
- added dmRefresh functional tests
- dmServiceContainer->reload now returns the reloaded service
- improved diem_version_check service
- dmMediaTag can now require javascripts and stylesheets
- fixed transliteration on dm:setup and moved transliteration arrays to separate files
- added upgrade method to dmUpgradeTask to add missing ga_token setting
- added dmLinkTag current_class and parent_class options
- made dmMenu assign link current_class and link parent_class to li tag
- updated admin charts
- removed Timestampable behavior from dmUserPlugin associative models
- added dmContext task methods for execution buffer output
- added jQuery UI 1.8b1
- removed deprecated dmFrontWebResponse and dmAdminWebResponse classes
- fixed skeleton default factories.yml
- fixed browser and log charts cache usage
- added writer user to test project
- fixed internal use of user->can()
- toggle edit mode when adding a zone or a widget to the page
- removed deprecated dmDialog.js
- refactored front page actions (clenaner, leaner, and use new async asset loading)
- fixed admin sorting on foreign and i18n column
- added sfFeed2Plugin to svn:externals
- fixed javascript code conventions in dmArea.js
- made diem usable on google chrome
- speed up front edition javascript by disabling hotkeys and splitted ajax success response
- fixed dmDoctrineQuery->getJoinAliasForRelationAlias()
- replaced evil eval by native JSON parser on dmFrontPageAddForm.js
- made all front page form javascripts use the new async asset loading system
- fixed draggable zone helper style
- removed deprecated DmPage->initialiazeManualPage() method
- disabled doctrine setExtensionsPath call as it is useless
- rewrote default pageSuccess.php with symfony style
- fixed DmPage->updateAutoModFromModified does not always return the page
- made zone actions use new async asset loading
- fixed hotkeys on zone dialog and widget dialog
- made hotkeys lib load asynchronously
- added menu widget
- simplified and refactored the javascript codebase
- refactored dmEventLog, dmRequestLog and dmFileLog
- changed Diem file log format
- moved search_form and search_results widgets to search group (BC break)
- added dmAdminDiagram javascript controller in an attempt to make generated diagrams readable
- added map and mousewheel core jquery libs
- fixed all diem jquery widgets for 1.8
- added dmMediaTag getWidth and getHeight methods
- fixed admin lucene search form
- updated default project skeleton
- improved search index text cleaner
- improved text widget renderForIndex
- fixed dmWidgetListForm default order for sortable tables
- added helper.options.use_beaf propagation to link services in service container loader
- added tests for helper use_beaf and link use_beaf
- fixed link_tag_record default options in front services.yml
- added nb_page column in admin layout interface
- removed home layout on newly created projects
- fixed automatic functional tests
- improved labels on list and show front widget forms
- improved generated front templates
- allowed better widget type public names
- sfAdminDashPlugin: added ability to add user actions
- swToolboxPlugin: reformatted code
- pkBlogPlugin: updated the default blog post template to include the author and edit button in the meta info, moved if statement around some markup to avoid empty element, proper sorting
- pkToolkitPlugin: added space for default blog styles
- sfQuizPlugin: added initial support for i18n
- tdAudioPlugin: updated track album admin
- sfDoctrineJCroppablePlugin: displays 'No image' when there's no image uploaded yet, doesn't display the delete image link when there's no image uploaded yet
- dmChessPlugin: updated assets for jQuery UI 1.8
- sfFormButtonsPlugin: changed package for sf1.3 compatibility
- sfAssetsLibraryPlugin: removed standard routes to fit symfony 1.4 default routing
- sfPhpunitPlugin: fixed problems with running test under PHPUnit 3.3.x versions, fixed bug with sfPhpunit module, removed SabreAMF (should be installed separately from PEAR)
- sfJqueryTreeDoctrineManagerPlugin: better fix json encoding when escaping strategy is set to true, query optimization
- sfDatagidPlugin: added compat fr sf1.4 in propel version
- sfEasyAuthPlugin: added extra events to the base action class re sending password reminders
- sfSympalCommentsPlugin: removed the subject field, added an email (if not logged in, required) and a website (optional), improved tests, improved backend configuration, comment posting made a post route, addedtwo new configuration values related to the website field
- tdCorePlugin: added icons, updated libs and css
- tdVideoPlugin: updated admin
- tdVisitorCounterPlugin: updated translations and docs
- tdGuestbookPlugin: updated admin and docs, added crypto captcha support
- sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: renamed some class files, moved propel listing widgets to the appropriate folder
- Virvo Web Development: (English) Virvo provides web development and design services to small businesses
They talked about us
- Некоторые особенности CSRF Protection в symfony
- Diem 5.0 BETA3 released
- Second SYMFONY LIVE les 16 et 17 février à Paris
- The Top Symfony Development Firms Have Been Ranked for January 2010 by
- Object Relational Mapping
- Conférence Git
- a new version for sfAdminThemejRollerPlugin 0.2
- Customize Doctrine model builder options
- Der Symfony Cache
- Créer une liste triable avec Symfony et jquery ui
- Diem 5.0 BETA4 released
- The environment
- sfValidatedAmazonStorageFile
- Adding a little spice to Symfony Forms
- symfony development plugins
- configuring symfony application on shared hosting
- Ya puedes comprar Más con Symfony
- PHP Entwicklungsserver auf dem Mac
- Symfony gives me headache
- Compose a MVC Paradigm for PHP with Symfony
- Using Symfony’s sfForm Standalone
- Symfony- 8日目
- Guida Symfony
- symfony バージョンアップ:さて、symfony。どうも調子が悪いようで、バージョンアップに気持ちが揺れる。昨年から気にはなっていた、さて不安だがどうしたものか ・・・ 【今日のsymfony】
- Instalando e iniciandose con Symfony 1.4
- symfony1.4を海外のサーバーで動かすときに注意すること
- PHPでコマンドライン・アプリケーションを簡単に作成する
- Was ich am Zend Framework lieber mag als an Symfony
Nice to see the community being so active! Keep up the good work guys.
Just a note, the "symfony 1.4 forms book" is not linked from the Documentation page...