Symfony Live 2010 conference took place this week, resulting in astonishing success. Symfony 2 preview was released during the conference and it's been praised afterwards in hundreds of blog posts and tweets.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about sfAutoloadAgain
Development highlights
Symfony 1.X branch:
- r28046: [tools] prepared icu converter for icu 4.3 release preparing to fix some bugs
- r28050, r28051: [1.3, 1.4] added tests for ICU upgrade
- r28080: [lime 2.0] implemented the new CLI utility
- r28092: [lime 2.0] renamed mock method any() to method()
- r28111: [lime 2.0] added the new class LimeExecutable which allows to add any test files to the harness
- r28113: [lime 2.0] simplified the LimeLoader logic and introduced new interface LimeLoadable
Symfony 2.X branch:
- 5cde..4856: [Templating] added an output method to Engine
- 6796..9aed: [Foundation] added a check to the Universal class loader
- 0218..632f: [RequestHandler] added the Request Handler component
- 4a00..26c0: [Routing] added the Routing component
- 38ae..6677: [Foundation] added the missing parts of Symfony Foundation
- 5bf8..3521: [Framework] added the Symfony 2 full-stack framework code
- 1d8a..0d85: [WebBundle] made some error messages better
Development digest: 142 changesets, 26 bugs reported, 40 bugs fixed, 1 enhancement closed, 13 documentation defects reported, 4 documentation defects fixed, and 23 documentation edits.
- Updated Debate about Symfony 2.0 features and changes, and Symfony IRC channels pages
New Job Postings
- Symfony Expert at Omniture Developer Connection - Contact: rpacker [at] adobe dot com
- Darmen Amanbayev ( has 3 years of web application experience and 2 of them - with Symfony, also works as PHP developer. Based in Astana, Kazakhstan.
New symfony bloggers
- Vivian Pennel (feed) (French)
- Keri Henare (feed) (English)
- Wojciech Sznapka (feed) (English, and Polish)
- typeed (feed) (Deutsch)
- Pugi-Ga-Pogi (feed) (English)
- Tworzeniu Stron | Łukasz Adamczewski (feed) (Polish)
- develop7's blog (feed) (Russian)
- 2cool4school (feed) (English, and French)
- New plugins
- sfOrmBreadcrumbsPlugin: provides easy breadcrumbs integration and configuration for your project application.
- sfTeraWurflPlugin: provides an easy way to use Tera-Wurfl library which is a PHP and MySQL based library that uses the Wireless Universal Resource File (WURFL) to identify specific device capabilities and features.
- sfOauthPlugin: (no description)
- sfPicasaPlugin: a quick symfony wrapper for the Google Picasa API.
- sfSympalPlugin:
- introduced listeners (classes which reacts on dispatcher event)
- refactored events out of sfSympalConfiguration to the new event handling implementation
- fixes for installer
- removed requirement to use enableAllPluginsExcept manually in your ProjectConfiguration
- made sure app is enabled for sympal and prepared when installing
- renamed plugin related methods to be more appropriate
- added again the new configuration tests
- fixed issue with the order of loaded plugins and using enableAllPluginsExcept() which should not be used anymore
- fixed issue with broken tasks
- fixed issue with plugin manager
- fixed issue with old google analytics js and updated event listener to new implementation
- disallowed the editing of the site slug which is also the application name which breaks the application
- made sfSympalDataGrid implement Iterator and Countable
- removed old dependencies code as it is not used any longer
- removed sfSympalContext instance from slot model
- fixed sitemap.xml and added tests
- sfTrafficCMSPlugin: added auto-config for simple-page routing & model stuff for simple pages, delete checkboxes are now added to embedded models
- sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: added select_callback to treeview.jquery.uo JS script
- sfEasyAuthPlugin: major refactoring to change how inheritance works, fixed various bugs in the admin area, added indexes on the credential and profile_id columns, created a branch to integrate doctrine, renamed propel filters and generated doctrine ones, updated some references to propel, the admin filter now works on credentials, created an easy auth credential base class, created doctrine versions of all propel methods, updated the actions base class, created some basic Doctrine forms for registration
- sfSolrPlugin: fixed deletion by ids, refactored indexing task, removed debugging information, added more logging information, add omitNorms option in search.yml file
- sfPhpunitPlugin: selenium autocomplete methods, base testcase\testsuite don't implement fixture agregator interface by default, fixture throws exception if the requested fixture data object is not exist, all test can be run through standart phpunit command
- sfDoctrineJCroppablePlugin: now allows the loading of images from the data/images dir when doing a './symfony doctrine:build --all --and-load'
- mgI18nPlugin: added default relative url root to asset, made the form works with sf1.3 and upper
- sfJqueryFormValidationPlugin: continued work on new and updated version
- ahDoctrineEasyEmbeddedRelationsPlugin: no useless "add new" forms anymore when the embedded relation is one-to-one and a related object exists, added the git clone installation option to the README
- pmModuleEnablerPlugin: fixed 404 on logout
- sfDatagridPlugin: added Last and first page buttons
- sfExtjs3Plugin: added 'data' to sf_extjs3_list_attributes
- sfDoctrineMasterSlavePlugin: initial import
- ckWebServicePlugin: updated functional tests for doctrine/propel object mapping, updated README, updated package.xml for 4.0.0 release for sf1.3 and sf1.4, regenerated wsdl in fixture project
- sfTaskExtraPlugin: added doctrine:build-app-forms task, added doctrine:build-app-filters task
- tdVisitorCounterPlugin: fixed wrong i18n catalogue
- tdVideoPlugin: updated CSS to use background images
- tdAudioPlugin: updated css to use background images, updated form to handle embedded relation form
- tdGuestbookPlugin: updated css to use background images
- (Deutsch) a classified ads site for cars
- University of Azores: (Portuguese) main website of the University of Azores and their Departments
- Millennium Trilogy: (English) a website for the New Zealand & Australian releases of the Millennium Trilogy movies
- Lido Auckland: (English) the Lido chain of cinemas
- IdeaHQ: (English) IdeaHQ invests seed capital at the very first stages of a business life
- Keri Henare: (English) personal website of Keri Henare
- LifeBloodLIVE: (English) Leukaemia & Blood Foundation New Zealand's community forum for support and information
- BabyAngel: (English) online supplier of fresh meal hampers, and care parcels in New Zealand
They talked about us
- Pre-Symfony Live report
- sfFormHierSelectPlugin pour intégrer jquery-option-tree dans votre projet symfony
- Symfony Development Services Are Now Available at a 7% Discount
- Se publica Symfony 1.2.11
- Se publican Symfony 1.3.2 y 1.4.2
- Run a Symfony Task from your Model or Action
- Symfony: памятка по форматированию даты – format_date()
- [DAY 1] Symfony live 2010 #sflive2010
- Sensio Labs dévoile Symfony 2.0
- symfony live 2010 - Internationalization
- Symfony Live 2010, impresiones
- Symfony Live 2010 : résumé de la première journée
- sfLive2010: Doctrine 2 no será como los demás ORM
- PHP: la conférence Symfony Live s’internationalise
- sfLive2010: phpBB4 será programado con Symfony 2
- Symfony Live – day 1
- Отключаем сессии в Symfony
- Symfony Live 2010. День первый
- symfony core team meets again at symfony live 2010
- User Dependent Forms with Symfony
- Symfony 2.0: des capacités d'intégration accrues
- Symfony live 2010 slides
- Symfony Live 2010
- sfLive 2010: Integrando Zend Framework con Symfony
- sfLive 2010: Preguntas y respuestas con los creadores de Symfony
- sfLive2010: Symfony 2 incluirá componentes de Zend Framework
- Symfony Live 2010: 1ere journée
- sfLive2010: Así es Symfony 2
- Symfony Live presentations
- sfLive2010: Todas las presentaciones de la conferencia
- Symfony Live 2010. День второй
- Прошла конференция Symfony Live 2010
- Symfony Reloaded – 2.0
- Symfony 2.0 sera disponible demain
- Symfony and jQuery: sfWidgetFormJQueryMultiSelect ver 0.1
- symfony Tip #1: Write A global/form Partial
- symfony live 2010: l'événement international incontournable
- Symfony 2.0
- Symfony Live 2010 & Symfony 2
- Symfony 2.0 - La nouvelle version du framework PHP est disponible
- Symfony Reloaded – Das ultimative PHP-Framework?
- Symfony 2.0, la nouvelle génération des frameworks PHP
- Symfony reloaded – Symfony 2.0 preview release
- symfony Tip #2: Circumvent The SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] PDO Exception (Propel)
- Symfony Live Conference, Symfony 2.0, and Dependency Injection
- Symfony Live 2010, now what?
- Diem 5.0 Release Candidate
- Sensio Labs présente Symfony 2, nouvelle branche du célèbre framework PHP
- Symfony Live 2010: 2eme journée
- Symfony Live Presentation. Part 2
- An Open Letter To The phpBB Community
- In Symfony, how big should a module be?
- Kris Wallsmith on Symfony in the clouds
- Symfony Experts is a new site for urgent Symfony questions
- Formulardaten vor dem Abspeichern ändern
- Eigener Form-Validator
- symfony session storage with using MongoDB
- Try to customize the console script in Symfony2
- Przydatne komendy Symfony CLI
- Przydatne Sztuczki Symfony
- Symfony Live 2010 review
- What to do when symfony cli colorization does not work on unix systems
- Symfony 2.0a et Symfony live 2010
- Symfony 2, comment ça fonctionne?
- Symfony 2 Looking Good :)
- Continuous Integration Of A symfony Project In Less Than 10 Minutes With CI Joe
- Symfony: Upload d’image sans dupliquer les fichiers
- Symfony Reloaded Preview
- Generating pdf using mPDF library in Symfony
- Codeigniter or symfony framework
- Symfony2 と戯れてみた (その1)
- Symfony 2.0 preview
- Symfony Live 2010 Highlights
- Symfony ha ricaricato 2.0 – una nuova generazione di strutture del PHP
- Symfony 2.0 – New generation of PHP framework
Hi Javier,
Thanks for updating the Symfony plugins blog.
We have moved apostrophePlugin development to our own svn and trac so that we can do ticket tracking. This means that you won't automatically see our commits by watching the symfony svn feeds.
However we've set up our own feed for it.
Would you be willing to monitor:
So that updates to the Apostrophe CMS can get the same treatment in the blog as updates to Sympal and Diem?
Please get in touch at if there's any issue with that.
Thank you!
Hi Tom,
Sympal & Diem have moved to github ;)
The monday blog posts will be less heavy.