Symfony2 introduced this week its new Web Profiler Bundle. The Symfony Profiler augments the web debug toolbar and provides the most detailed debug information available in any framework.

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symfony 1 development highlights


  • r30790: [1.3, 1.4] fixed logging of PHP errors to the WDT when error messages include a "%" character

Activity summary: 49 changesets, 10 bugs reported, 16 bugs fixed, 3 enhancements suggested, 3 enhancements closed, 5 documentation defects reported, 1 documentation defect fixed, and 8 documentation edits

Symfony2 development highlights


  • 478fcca: [Templating] added Engine::exists()
  • 6b5c3d0: [FrameworkBundle] removed usage of Controller class for internal controllers
  • 994a6c3: changed actions::render() helper method signature
  • 8c6478d: [HttpKernel] added import/export to Profiler
  • d94271b: [FrameworkBundle] removed dependency with the DIC
  • d40d174: [ZendBundle] added an option to register zend logger as an error handler
  • 7503463: [DoctrineMongoDBBundle] updated log format to look more like the javascript shell
  • 935ac56: [DoctrineBundle] fixed bug in data:load when purging many-to-many relationships
  • 60ea1ee: added a configuration to allow the profiler to be enabled only when an exception occurs
  • ad835f8: [HttpKernel] added purge() in the profiler storage interface
  • ab9be87: [HttpKernel] fixed FlattenException status code
  • a29211a: [FrameworkBundle] removed usage of array access for helpers in templates
  • 4e57899, 5913c40, 7e2f135, c8935cc: [WebProfilerBundle] added the bundle
  • ebae1d7, a4d4963: [FrameworkBundle] updated skeleton with the web profiler configuration
  • 2d04ca3: [EventDispatcher] added a way to disconnect all listeners for an event name
  • 15cd264: [HttpFoundation] added Request::getClientIp()

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New plugins

  • twLoremIpsum: false data generator with more-or-less normal distribution of letters.
  • gjShortUrl: easy and flexible management of redirect rules and keyword landing pages.
  • twAdmin: plugin based on sfAdminDashPlugin with style projected for Thunderwolf system backend.
  • sfJqueryValidation: creates a powerful system to handle validation by both jQuery Validation and Symfony 1.3/1.4 in a unified manner (displays the same error messages in same markup whether validated server side or client side and can handle directly most symfony validation formats)
  • bsJobQueue: allows to postpone the execution of function from any Table class.
  • sfHarmonyRest: (no description)
  • sdInteractiveChart: allows you to use Google's Visualization API without writing any javascript, it simplifies the creation of charts and makes the code a lot neater which is especially useful if your planning to include more than one chart in a page.
  • ajDoctrineLuceneable: provides three things: 1) a behaviour to add your doctrine records automaticly to a lucene index, 2) a way to add lucene search to FilterForms, 3) a wrapper class to search Lucene indexes.

Updated plugins

  • sfPostgresDoctrine:
    • fixed bugs with inheritance and with tables patterns
    • updated README
    • fixed bug with yml files
    • added One To One relation in schema and model generation
  • idlDropbox:
    • added option to select OAuth library (Pear or Standard PHP lib)
  • sfAssetsLibrary:
    • changed from doSave to updateObject in sfAssetForm to allow saving of external objects
    • changed schema to get more friendly relation names
    • fixed a bug for moved files
    • added a check for file correctly saved
  • pmPropelWorkflowableBehavior:
    • behavior improved to work on sf 1.4
  • sfReCaptcha:
    • added option to validator to use classic invalid error
  • sfDoctrineJCroppable:
    • fixed bug with cropper image height not getting set correctly
  • swBaseApplication:
    • added jquery 1.4.2 and jquery-ui 1.8.4
  • ExtjsGenerator:
    • added support for listview in generator as the default list
    • fridpanel and Listview are now set via list.layout generator.yml config
    • created new rowactions plugin to support object_actions for listview
    • created new checkcolumn plugin to support boolean checkbox columns for listview
    • created new ListPanel extension to hold listview and handle paging and toolbars
    • added ProgressColumn plugins for listview and grid
  • sfSparkline:
    • added support for symfony 1.4.x
  • sfTaskLogger:
    • updated sample and purge tasks
    • moved "env" and "application" options at the base task level
    • prepared package and README for 1.0.2 version
    • fixed typos
  • sfDoctrineActAsTaggable:
    • new inline taggable widget
    • added jQueryAutocompleteSuccess.php
    • InlineTaggableWidget: performance enhancements, code readability enhancements, and moved functionality for unsetting existing popular tags to this script
    • refactored the makeLink function into two separate functions (makePopularLinks and makeRemoveLinks)
    • added the ability to pass in a label for the 'Existing Tags'
  • sfAdminDash:
    • updated French translation
  • dcReloadedFormExtra:
    • added mtWidgetFormPlain widget
  • tdCore:
    • enable the graphics module from tdCorePlugin to enable AJAX actions in other plugins to run correctly
  • tdGuestbook:
    • added the activate/deactivate AJAX interface in the backend
  • tdVideo:
    • added the activate/deactivate AJAX interface in the backend
  • tdAudio:
    • added the activate/deactivate AJAX interface in the backend
  • tdVisualFactory:
    • added the activate/deactivate AJAX interface in the backend
  • tdBlog:
    • added the activate/deactivate AJAX interface in the backend
  • apostrophe:
    • fixed pushTargetEnginePage to work when passed with a slug and no engine specified
    • don't try to calculate dimensions if PDF preview is turned off
    • backported improvements to aImageConverter and aValidatorFilePersistent
    • reworked a few engine link_to() calls to remove the need to query the database
    • never return attributes for a logged-out users in the media repository
    • removed the reference to the non-existent inline tagging widget
    • cleaned up some of the unused tagging code
    • saving page settings now updates the search index
    • fixed a bug with the Link option in button slots
    • improved stability when clicking save multiple times on an image selection
    • modified Page Settings Form to use the new Inline Taggable Widget
    • stopped unsetting some of the popular tags for the new tagging widget
    • you now can upload any mix of allowed file extensions
    • the set of file extensions, mime types and overall media types ("images," "video," "office") are now configurable (in principle) via app.yml
    • every item is now previewed either with an icon for its format or (for images) with an actual preview
    • you can now remove items during the annotation pass
    • when you are browsing for images for a slot, you can only upload images. When you are filtering by images, you can only upload images
    • the file upload widget is much smarter about detecting mime types and preferred file extensions correctly for a wide variety of file types including Office files
    • previews can be templated anywhere in the template containing the form
    • removed the "active" field in favor of paying attention to the names of the item fields
    • re-worked the page settings form significantly
    • fixed uploads in which one or more files are not acceptable
  • apostropheBlog:
    • made sure new calendar widget defaults to false
    • fixed alphabetizing of categories in show actions for aEvent and aBlog
    • fixed save trigger for date widgets in blog and event admins
    • updated the blog plugin sidebar in the admin view to output a slightly different set of text for events and blog posts that are already published
    • switched the php date to use the aDate help for internationalization
    • updated the published at or published on interface so that it works with Ajax refreshes
    • refactored code in aBlogActions and aEventActions
    • fixed issue where past events were not showing up in calendar view

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