Symfony community gathered this week around the first Symfony Live conference in San Francisco (chronicle of day 1, day 2). In addition, the donation drive for security audits finished with great success and Twig, Doctrine2 and Symfony2 code will be audited.
Development mailing list
- Symfony 2 and Intl: Reimplementing ResourceBundle is a problem
- [Symfony2] Parameters and config merging
- [Symfony2] RFC: Option refactoring
- Importing a bundle's DI resource
- RFC: {% assetic %} or {% assets %}
- [Symfony2] More pedagogy in error messages?
Symfony2 development highlights
The stable Symfony2 repository didn't receive this week any commit. Anyway, the development repository forked by Fabien Potencier got a ton of commits.
New plugins
- sfGuestBook: (no description)
- sfReCaptchaLib: it's a port of recaptchalib 1.11 to the Symfony PHP framework. It features improved error handling and better integration than the other reCAPTCHA plug-in provides.
- sfDataMatrix: adds support of Data matrix codes in symfony 1.x projects.
- sfMinifyCacheFarFuture: speeds up web applications combining, encoding and minimizing web assets.
- sfKorero: channel-based chat plugin, using Doctrine, sfGuardAuth, and jQuery. Korero is Maori for talk/discussion.
Updated plugins
- implemented tasks and utils from project
- cleaned up tasks
- initial README file
- added support for multiple RADIUS servers with querying servers in qeue or at random
- added support for MS-CHAPv1, PAP and CHAP-MD5
- check dockblocks for all your classes & methods
- add config check_class_docblock
- empty configure() generated by Propel in form are ignored
- switched propel externals to 1.6 branch
- added an optional parameter to method call option in widget
- unset soft deletes just incase
- now you can make custom templates
- added simple people search (searches for any substring of the person's full name)
- fixed the headshot delete
- made the people admin actions easier to override
- Video Service Not Available
- added the ability to template Media Engine pages
- before
- added app_a_assetCacheUrl setting allowing overrides of the URL where cached assets live
- set a default for $orientation so we don't get warnings
- sort categories alphabetically when presenting a choice of categories for an engine page
- chronological order wasn't really being enforced for the individual entries in a particular page of the blog and events engines
- added an 'alphaSort' option to aBlogToolkit::filterForEngine
- released version 0.3 with a number of bug fixes
New symfony powered websites
- (Deutsch) Price Comparison Site made with Symfony
They talked about us
- Symfony2 será el framework más seguro
- Sensio Labs ouvre un bureau à San Francisco
- Symfohub, recopilación de repositorios de código symfony
- 3ème édition du Symfony Live les 3 et 4 mars
- Commenting your mysql database tables using doctrine schema.yml to ease work with phpMyAdmin
- OSSCube at the largest International Conference on Symfony - Symfony Live 2011, San Fransisco
- Crónica de la primera jornada del Symfony Live 2011 en San Francisco
- Distant echoes from Symfony Live 2011 in San Francisco – Day 1
- Créer un panel pour la Web Debug Toolbar utilisant l’Event Dispatcher
- Creation of a panel for the Web Debug Toolbar and usage of the Event Dispatcher
- Crónica de la segunda jornada del Symfony Live 2011 en San Francisco
- Overview of Symfony Live San Francisco (day 1)
- Distant echoes from Symfony Live 2011 in San Francisco – Day 2
- Analyser le code de son project avec sfProjectAnalyserPlugin
- Sensio Labs abre una nueva oficina de San Francisco
- Disección de una aplicación Symfony – Paso 1
- Projeto QuemLiga
- Disección de una aplicación Symfony – Paso 2
- Symfony: Cross-application cache clearing on distributed servers
- Symfony Contact Form Example – Finished Product
- Some pointers on Propel 1.5
- さくらVPSのCentOSにsymfony 1.4.xの環境を構築する
- cakephpはじめました
- the Symfony Routing Framework
- Installation de USVN (version 1.0+)
- Symfony 2 для разработчиков на symfony 1.x
- symfonyをインストール
- PHP序列化
- Другое обличие Symfony Dependency Injection контейнера
- Symfony2 Tools
- Desenvolvimento ágil com Doctrator #Symfony #php
- Symfony Редирект внутри конструкции try/catch
- Error con la función token_get_all() al crear proyecto con Symfony 1.4
- Create Doctrine 2 custom types for MySQL enums
- [Symfony]Symfony\Component\Process\Process - チラシの裏
- PHP5 Symfony сэдэвт практикт суурилсан сургалт
- What You Missed At Symfony Live 2011 : Day 1
- Tạo csdl trong symfony
- How to access symfony2 console?
- Crear un proyecto de symfony en Netbeans 7.0
- Simple symfony Word Count Validator
- Symfony2, un framework muy seguro
- Windows環境にOpenPNE入れてみた
- Symfony Liveカンファレンスに参加中(ハックデイ)
- symfony live 一日目
- sfDoctrineGuardPlugin 5.0.0のインストールと使い方
- Symfony Framework – użyteczna klasa sfContext
If a Tutorial like Jobeet are planed for the stable Release??