This week, the new Symfony2 forms were declared in beta state and functional tests added support for cookies and sessions. Meanwhile, Symfony2-based micro-framework Silex gained form and swiftmailer support and could even include a small admin generator. Lastly, symfony community started a campaign to ask NetBeans IDE to add support for Symfony2.
Development mailing list
- [Symfony2] working through the tickets
- Automatic merge of _locale for route generation
- [Symfony2] postfixing all generated PHP files with .cache
- [Symfony2] interface injection
- [Symfony2] IRC meeting
- [Symfony2] Proper workflow for a happily permissioned cache
- Include PHPUnit in Symfony2 vendors
Symfony2 development highlights
- 7cc51d8: [FrameworkBundle] fixed resource inheritance in the template cache warmer
- 27a327e, c45d5c8: [FrameworkBundle] added unit tests for the TemplateLocator class
- e80a693: [FrameworkBundle] enforced templates instances of TemplateReferenceInterface
- e254ff8: display template logical names in exception messages
- 3e41bef: [FrameworkBundle] tweaked how the routing parameters are output
- 7d61c00: [FrameworkBundle] allowed init:bundle to be called with / as namespace separator
- d27dc86: [FrameworkBundle, Validation] fixed a bug where YAML Validation files are not detected
8e6233e: [Serializer] used DOMElement instead of SimpleXmlElement in XmlEncoder to permit some behavior(reverted) - a4b04c4: use synthetic services instead of special exceptions
- d300b94, d39ea6a: [Bridge, Twig] added transchoice filter
- 55a8f8d: extracted common layout for internal/core pages
- 61dba2d: [FrameworkBundle] added ContainerAwareInterface to services.xml
- d873f21: [FrameworkBundle] removed links in exceptions when the file does not exist
- 2397bcb: [DependencyInjection] improved logging
- bfb0f09: [AsseticBundle] updated bundle node to match others, cleaned up validation
- 227c874: updated PDO session storage to check if any rows are updated when doing a session write
- 6722910: removed a lot of special normalization logic in the configuration by using xml values instead of attributes
- 8193913: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed errors if the session is not configured
- 84dde40: [HttpFoundation] changed default value of Cookie httponly argument to match PHP defaults
- 66c4bc7: [HttpFoundation] renamed Cookie::getExpire() to getExpiresTime() to be consistent with the DomCrawler component
- e2c9fdf: [HttpFoundation] fixed expiration time for Cookie (PHP wants a Unix timestamp)
- 79cfea2: [WebProfilerBundle] displayed search form even if the session is not configured
- 6957dae: [HttpKernel] added support for cookies in Client
- 3322cdb: [FrameworkBundle] fixed an issue when adding a scoped service as an event listener
- ea84bb0: fixed session management in functional tests
- 9cc340a: fixed inconsistencies in file locator classes
- 6ea9fb1: [DependencyInjection] refactored code and added some more logging messages
- ad112da: added the request content to the request data collector
- 7e58c3f: [Routing] allowed default route variables to be null
- c6818d8: [HttpKernel] added support for controllers as arrays and object with an __invoke method
- 30bac46: [DependencyInjection] made base class of generated container configurable
- 874c4b6: added a DecodeInterface (and SerializerAwareInterface) to make it easier to identify if an Encoder also supports decoding
New plugins
- sfDoctrineGuardCulture: adds the ability to change language (culture) by your users. Plugin also is adding ability to setup list of available languages and display it for frontend user - using simple component.
- sfMinaclPropel: provides the Minacl form library for Symfony, which has tasks to generate forms and module skeletons for Propel.
- apostropheHTML5: a lightweight plugin that replaces layout.php, offers additional CSS, and Javascript to make it easy to start an Apostrophe project using HTML5.
- sfThemeGenerator: provides an easy way to generate useful cached code. The module generator that comes bundled with symfony is very difficult to extend.
- sfHadoriTheme: an admin generator with a beautiful-built in theme. Hadori provides basic functionality for an administrative interface, while keeping the generated code readable and beautiful.
- okiForm: (no description)
Updated plugins
- removed external js call (and added a note) to get ajax working in most recent browsers
- added set foreign_key_checks=0;
- added CuitVerifier
- try to close already opened connector before open it
- added experimental assertException method
- re-added a-delete class to reorg page delete button
- added a getCategoriesQuery method to PluginaMediaItemForm that makes it possible to override or extend that query to narrow things down
- the home page can now be an engine page
- the language selector had inline javascript and so did the accordion navigation partial. Mmoved the accordion javascript to a.js for now and wrapped them both with suitable a_js_calls
- all FCK-specific functionality is now in the aEditorFck class
- if comments or replies are submitted via ajax w/out any text a 404 error is returned
New symfony powered websites
- (Spanish) watch how your taxes are spent (developed with Symfony2)
New symfony bloggers
- WebPowered (feed) (English)
They talked about us
- DevOps conference online!
- sfMyPlugins, 2 years later
- Things learned from a Symfony2 – Training session
- Using PdoSessionStorage in Symfony2
- Symfony2 CLI bash script
- News for the Symfony2 CMF: second PHPCR implementation, hackday announcement and PHPCR to become official
- Se publica Symfony 1.3.11 y 1.4.11
- Suhosin 適用済みの PHP で Silex を動かすと真っ白なページが返される場合の対処法
- The Propel2 development has begun
- Mi experiencia programando con Symfony2
- Gérer les déployements de votre code source
- Something you probably don't know about interfaces
- sfPropel15Plugin: cannot redeclare echoln()
- Symfony 1.X - Route loading and evaluating order
- Symfony2的安全机制概况
- How to solve the Widget Does Not Exist Error in Symfony 1.4?
- symfony1.4のWebワークフロー図を描いてみた
- ManyToMany Relation in Forms: Easy way to Add/Edit/Delete Objects related to the object in the same form
- Symfony2 Cheat-Sheet: Forms
- Приложение Symfony2 в разрезе
- Habilitar URL finalizando en barra con Symfony 1.4
- A First Silex Project
- Symfony. sfDoctrineGuardPlugin и data-load
- FOS: Friends of Symfony – FOSUserBundle or UserBundle
- Capifony – A simple way to use it in many environments
- Hadori: Symfony 1.4’s Brand New Admin Generator
- SymfonyでPC対応とSmartPhone対応の両立
- Pourquoi devriez-vous utiliser un framework PHP?
- Envoi d’email avec Symfony et Mailjet
- Netbeans-Codetemplates for Symfony2
- Symfony2 support added to Maestro
- How to enable doctrine data fixtures back in Symfony2
- Workaround for the nasty oracle clob bug in symfony
- Symfony2: Controller as Service
- Using th native MySQL ENUM type in Symfony 1.4 and Doctrine
- Domyśle wiadomości błędu w symfony
- [Symfony] update DB Table without loss of data
- Symfony2 Dependency Injection в разрезе
- LITHIUMを諦めてやっぱりSYMFONY2を試しだした
- SOAP Server and Test Client with Zend_Soap, Symfony2, Doctrine2 and PostgreSQL
- Custom Web Application Development with PHP
- Domyśle wiadomości błędu w symfony
- symfony & svn & Linux/Unix
- Growing love towards Symfony2
- Symfony2 и Doctrine2 Repository
- Yes, I am still alive
- symfony 1.4によるWebアプリケーション開発―オープンソース徹底活用
- symfonyで、特定アクションのみlayoutを指定する方法
- そのうち調べるメモ
There are millions of threads on the internet asking the stable release date of symfony2. I think it'll be good to make a blog post about at least your plans, forecasts etc. Another popular question is the availability date of a practical documentation (like jobeet, askeet). Thanks for your effords
@Nurettin, Fabien published two weeks ago a post explaining the state of Symfony2 and its inmediate roadmap:
In that same post, Lukas wrote the following:
"A final release in April seems unlikely [...] I would be very surprised if we slip later than May."
In any case, please remember the ninety-ninety rule:
"The first 90 percent of the code accounts for the first 90 percent of the development time…The remaining 10 percent of the code accounts for the other 90 percent of the development time." (Tom Cargill)
Joined effort to ask NetBeans IDE to add support for Symfony2.