It took more time than expected, but this week Symfony2 released two new beta versions. Beta2 was a huge leap from beta1 and beta3 fixed lots of bugs. This frantic development activity was possible thanks to the ever-growing list of Symfony2 contributors. The documentation team also worked hard this week to keep up synced with Symfony2 development.
Development mailing list
- Doctrine Common 3.0 Annotation Reader AnnotationException
- [Symfony2] Custom domain in form label translations
- RFC: Annotations improvements
- Import routing in php doesn't work
Symfony2 development highlights
- 2cecc95: [BrowserKit] dealing with raw value for cookies
- 7ab3fde: [Finder] added a way to ignore all 'hidden' files
- e9548dc: [Assetic] added call to setOptimize in config for assetic filter jpegtran
- de61474: moved to PHP
- 15bede5: [Console] refactored style management (the current code was broken when a style was defined inline)
- b6ce137: [DependencyInjection] create inlined private service from it's definition
- 3cdf371: [TwigBundle] moved the {% render ... %} node to a dedicated extension and removed service container
- 73bd9c7: [TwigBundle] changed the dependency of ActionsExtension to the actions helper
- f83c137: [TwigBundle] moved the code filters to a dedicated extensions
f13798f: [TwigBundle] renamed TemplatingExtension to AssetsExtension(reverted) - dfdd26d: [TwigBundle] moved all class names to parameters of DIC
- 1744c86: added calling methods for options to assetic filter configs
- afe6005: [SecurityBundle] using a DelegatingLoader so that security factories can be in any config format
- aa356e7: [BrowserKit] fixed cookie management (see RFC 2109)
- 6c409ca: [DependencyInjection] refactored parameter bag parameter replacements (removed duplicated code)
- 456eb53: [DependencyInjection] renamed CircularReferenceException to ServiceCircularReferenceException
- 6504797, 512eb53, 946f68e: [DoctrineBundle] added 'force' and 'annotate' options to generate:entities and mapping:import Doctrine commands
- 2438a73: [DependencyInjection] added a check for circular references in parameter definitions
- 3ea2a32: [Validator] refactored validators constraints: removed the need for defining getTargets(), replaced abstract Constraint::getTargets() with one that use 95% of validators, removed unused 'use' statement in Constraint\Valid and added additional tests
- dcd490e: [Twig] added a way to use % in a trans string
- 08e7629: [DomCrawler] uppercase http methods
- f019541: fixed broken logic in Request::getHttpHost(). It was ignoring HTTP_HOST completely
- 3c372d3: [BrowserKit] fixed explicit cookie params being overriden by url
- 3bdb7c2: [DependencyInjection] fixed regression when a parameter contains an escaped %
- a046259: [DoctrineBundle] extracted code from Doctrine commands
- 5ed136b: [SwiftMailer] optimized configuration: removed the requirement of the init.php file when getting the Swift_Mailer object and changed the data collector to avoid loading Swiftmailer when no email has been send
- 1ca4dca: [SecurityBundle] bootstrapped functional test suite
- fb9d951: fixed EntityChoiceList to support grouped entities
- a0397f9: [DependencyInjection] fixed bug where anonymous services from two different xml-files (with the same basename) could collide
- 4f0214e: [Routing] fixed a bug where the current directory was set too late in the PhpFileLoader
- 15c5d61: use an alias of translator.real instead of copying the definition
New plugins
- sfFileManager: provides a simple way to upload/manage files using a widget called sfWidgetFileGaleryHandler to open the file gallery in a facebox popup.
- sfDoctrineActAsActivable: allows use of the doctrine behavior actAsActivable. This behavior provides methods on your model for setting "is active"/"is not active" state to doctrine records. This plugin allow cascade activate/desactivate between doctrine relation.
- phantomQunit: allows user to write javascript tests for that can be run from the shell using phantomjs ( via symfony tasks.
Updated plugins
- fixed widget assets
- fixed widget assets
- added language files
- initial Signable values saved
- fixed sql error 121
- added a-asset-path to helpers css to allow for sites with different structures
- some light linting for a.js
- updated the form formatter to extra the ID from the field and slugify it
- slight adjustment to the naming of the form-rows
- aMysql can be created with an existing PDO handle
- moved clearfix to a-helpers as a variable and re-declare it in a-utility as a class for the variable
- added an app.yml toggle for LESS to force it to recompile every refresh
- cleaned up the method used to apply the form input id onto the form row
- handle database exceptions in aRouteTools::removePageFromUrl as a nonfatal error to allow apostrophe:migrate to progress
They talked about us
- Symfony Live 2011, et après?
- Abierta la inscripción para las Jornadas Symfony 2011
- 名前空間を利用したアノテーションの記述の簡略化
- symfony リファレンスガイドの推敲終了
- Symfony 1.4 and subdirectories for models, forms and filters
- Image resizing in sfAssetLibraryPlugin
- Se publica la segunda beta de Symfony2
- sfPropel15Plugin error, “class ‘FooPeer’ does not have a method ‘getUniqueColumnNames’”
- Noël Guilbert, développeur Web : « Je veux continuer à évoluer sur la partie conseil »
- Ajaxify sfAssetLibraryPlugin's mass upload files using jQuery File Upload Plugin
- Symfony gives me headache
- Symfony2 är nära
- Pros And Cons Of Using Frameworks
- Créer une application avec Symfony2 et Doctrine2 (étape 4)
- [Symfony]しんふぉにゃんaiファイル
- 10 Advanced PHP Tips To Improve Your Programming
- The most famous php frameworks Supported By Biztech
- Open Graph en Symfony 1.4
- Symfony Propel
- Symfony 2 : Interview de Fabien Potencier
- Symfony2 - Interview vidéo de Fabien Potencier
- [php][symfony] symfony 1.4 で簡単メンテナンスモード
- Sobre escribiendo los métodos getter en doctrine
- Symfony 2.0 цуврал хичээл
- symfony (ホームページを直さなくちゃ。)
- PhpStorm: поддержка Symfony Command Line
- Symfony 2 FAQ
- Another 5 cents to estimate how big is symfony community
- Symfony の validateエラーをactionで判定したい場合
- Symfony2 BETA2 !!!
- symfony event na przykładzie sfDoctrineGuardLoginHistoryPlugin
- Symfony – Add ReCaptcha to JQuery Dialog (Lightbox)
- symfony: Zamiana adresu URL front-controllera backend.php na /admin.
- Symfony2: Beta2 released
- Zend, Yii, Symfony at validation example
- Symfony2: Make your own Assetic Filter
- Simplify your external dependency management – DPC11
- symfony php frameork 太有爱了!
- Cross-Application Login
- [Symfony] SoftDeleteの論理削除でハマった
- Symfony2 mit zweiter Beta
- Utiliser CKeditor dans le frontend Symfony
- The new era of PHP frameworks
- Automaticly Copy Zend/Symfony Library to Project
- Starting with symfony framework in windows platform especialy with httpd
- [php][symfony][doctrine] symfony1.4+Doctrineでbuild-formsで生成されるコードに独自WidgetやValidatorをセットする
- symfony起步
- Учим генерилку модулей diem своему кодестайлу
- Silexの使いどころ(妄想)
Great content, thanks for sharing such an informative article with us!!!!!!!!!