This week Symfony2 refactored and simplified cache warmers. Doctrine bridge was also heavily refactored and some classes were moved from the bundle to the bridge. Console component was made more powerful and Serializer component expanded its interface and simplified its internals. As usual, Form component showed a frantic development activity, including the removal of one feature not available for 2.0 launch.
Development mailing list
- [Symfony2] SecurityBundle refreshUser performance
- [Symfony2] Consistent use of cache_warmer configuration option
- Detecting annotation declarations
- Dependency Injector on components site vs one in the framework
- How to handle AJAX authentication redirects in Symfony2
symfony 1 development highlights
- r32635: [1.4] fixed typo in sfNumberFormat
- r32639: [1.4] fixed typo in sfConfigCache
- r32641: [1.4] fixed extra code in stack trace
Symfony2 development highlights
- c2b9061: [Form] added tests for AbstractDivLayout
- eed54c1: [Form] fixed the FormView::isRendered() method
- 181fb56, 6711a18: [Form, Twig] reorganized and simplified the form templates
- bca17fe: [Form] fixed collection rendering
- 48733b9: [Swiftmailer] added the swiftmailer.plugin tag to automatically register Swiftmailer plugins
- b12b11c: [Form] never render a view again. If some of the nested views are rendered individually they should not be rendered again when calling form_rest
- 60c463d: [Form] FormType labels should never have a for attribute
- 5044a7b: [Form, FrameworkBundle] fixed the label should not include the view 'id' attribute as it is used by the view widget
- 8d2974c: [Form] fixed accessibility for file inputs
- f303125: added the support of the locale in the login path and the check path
- 2a5d768: fixed Router cache warmer
- 85a381d: [DoctrineBundle] added Registry::getConnections()
- 1c3fa20: [DoctrineBundle] added Registry::getEntityManagers()
- 22428b8: [DoctrineBundle] refactored Doctrine proxy cache warmer (removed the dependency on the Container, the proxy cache is now get from each entity manager configuration)
- 5af7c7f: moved TemplateFinder to CacheWarmer as it is only useful in this context
- 5be0baf: removed TemplateReferenceInterface::getSignature() (replaced by the existing getLogicalName() which already acts as a unique identifier)
- b76eec7: [HttpKernel] changed cache warmup to be executed even in the CLI
- 96fc666: simplified cache warmers (required cache warmers are always executed when the Kernel boots for the first time, optional cache warmers are only executed from the CLI via cache:warmup)
- 116e004: [DoctrineBundle] removed doctrine:generate:proxies as this command is never needed in a Symfony2 context
- 41242dc: [DoctrineBundle] made XML/YAML mapping drivers more BC with their Doctrine counterparts
- fb051b2, d9f00ca: [Command] fixed array option parsing
- 37b2df2: [FrameworkBundle] introduced a new Controller::getRequest() method to get the Request service from a controller
- 89f544a: moved Twig form templates to the Twig bridge
- facff73, 7d3e20d, d84728e: [Console] made the console tool more powerful (added full support for nested namespaces and aliases now can have their own namespace)
- fbf3695: refactored Doctrine Bridge (added a RegistryInterface, changed all classes to depend on the Registry instead of a specific EntityManager)
- 879242c: moved some Doctrine classes from the bundle to the bridge
- 882a8e3: added the support of the locale in the login path and the check path
- 2d91183: [DoctrineBridge] fixed field guesser
- 12dd52b: [FrameworkBundle] removed the --without-debug option for cache:clear (it now inherits the debug flag from the parent Kernel)
- 740b2ac: [Console] added a --no-ansi option for disable ANSI output
- 188e742: [Security] fixed sub-requests creation
- f16e206: [HttpFoundation] added missing CONTENT_TYPE and CONTENT_LENGTH to the Request headers
- 0af4743: [HttpFoundation] fixed Request::getFormat() when the mime-type has some optional parameter
- 566511e: moved some FormView methods to FormUtil where they really belong
- bee505a, 5060702: [Form] fixed twig theme inheritance
- fd97dd0: [Form] text is now the default type when not explicitely set and when no data class is set
- 852a4c9: [Form] removed the file upload temporary storage feature (the current implementation is not ready for inclusion in 2.0. It has several known problems (security, not possible to disable it, not cloud-compatible, ...)
- 34b5a67, e694397, 46da5ff, f67b3f5: [Serializer] expanded interface, removed redundant management of encoders and decoders, added exceptions and implemented lazy-loading
- ea93e4c: [Form] added a circular reference safeguard for form type
- ce3839a: [DoctrineBundle] added new DisconnectedMetadataFactory class that is now used in the doctrine:generate:entities command instead of the MetadataFactory class
- 1daca76, 03a0566: [Form] unified the way form and data path are created
- 5458baf: [MonologBundle] changed the default bubbling behavior
- cb53414: [Form] fixed issue with csrf token not present on collection fields because of resize listener
- fe4382e: [Form] moved csrf listener to its own class
- 10bb4ff: [Routing] optimised the PHP URL matcher dumper. The cached URL matcher classes contain some unneeded logic
- 9604573: [TwigBundle] removed the extensions setting. There is now only one way to register Twig extensions, via the twig.extension tag
Repository summary: 2,319 watchers (#1 in PHP, #24 overall) and 600 forks (#1 in PHP, #14 overall).
New plugins
- aMediaItemSelect: provides a form widget and validator for selecting an Apostrophe media item.
Updated plugins
- changed documented setting server: name: port: to ports as expected by code
- updated readme and package.xml to reflect documentation change
- use Symfony Codestyle
- use Logger to record errors and info messages
- throw sfConfigurationException on incomplete/missing config
- try to use sfGuardAuth when RADIUS connect fails
- fixed getColumnValues no longer used in D2
- added "from" option to convertMapping task
- added custom controller, needed when functional tests are run with process isolation
- special handling of sfStopException added to custom controller
- fixed names of 2 level partials
- outlined desactived features in the config summary
- added more flexibility to filter fields
- fixed filter for multiple fields
- the new aCacheFilter drastically speeds up high-traffic Apostrophe sites by caching all content for GET requests for five minutes for logged-out users
- more logic on the body class stuff to make sure you have a page object before checking if it's locked
- backed out a change to slideShowItem regarding echoing image heights
- with no arguments to the constructor aSql uses the default PDO connection of Doctrine
- the new apostrophe.linkUpdates method works just like formUpdates but for links
- fixed errors in aTestFunctional::loginFailed
- wrapped the act-as-submit function in some logic that makes it check if there's an existing submit before generating one
- added adefault skin, which is a copy of the kama skin with adjustments to allow it to fit into a 100% width column
They talked about us
- Lessons learned from a Symfony2 – Training session – Part 2
- Se publican las últimas betas de Symfony2
- Symfony News 2011
- Anunciado el programa del tercer día de las Jornadas Symfony 2011
- Nächster Termin für offene Symfony2-Schulung verfügbar
- How to change default symfony web directory to public_html
- Symfony2 – FOS Userbundle Registrierungsseiten mit Content
- Symfony 2: The Progress
- Elegir un framework de PHP para un nuevo proyecto
- jAlert para mostrar mensajes flash en Symfony
- Getting Symfony 2 into the Cloud
- Denied Access with AdminBundle
- symfony: Generowanie adresu URL route’a w kontrolerze modułu.
- Print to PDF on Symfony 1.4 and Debian
- Un PreExecute pour votre Controller via des Listeners
- PHP Frameworks Benchmarked: Here Are the Results
- Symfony y CMS
- Installing Symfony Framework in Netbeans 7 & WAMP 2
- Le verrouillage d’un projet symfony ignoré
- symfony & Doctrine behavior review
- Getting data using doctrine in symfony by leftjoin
- Personalizar las Páginas de Error en Symfony2
- Using Vagrant with Symfony2
- Silex, standing on the shoulder of giants
- Comenzar un proyecto en Symfony 1.4 (part.2)
- phpの罪?symfonyの罪?レベルの低い開発者の罪?実は全員が犯人だ!
- はじめてのSymfony1.4
- Symfony2 beta 4 disponible
- Symfony2 beta4 wydane
- Простейший блог на Symfony 2
when is beta 5 coming out?
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