Symfony2 published this week two new release candidate versions, fixing some minor bugs and regressions. Symfony 1.4 branch also released a new maintainance version.
Development mailing list
symfony 1 development highlights
- r32678: [1.4] fixed sfNumberFormat::format() when the value has a negative exponent
- Milestone 1.4.12 completed
- r32707: [1.4] fixed project:optimize which did not worked with plugins
Symfony2 development highlights
- c3bb214: [DependencyInjection] removed injection for protected and private properties
- 761724a: [Routing] adjusted urlescaping rules, only + and % are now encoded in generated routes
- 2b5e22d: [Routing] fixed ApacheDumper when a space appears in a default value
- 418d6a0: [Routing] fixed syntax error when dumping routes with single quotes in the requirements or pattern
- 4e7b16f: added 'trans' Twig filters to labels in the widget_choice_options block
- 339ad86: added missing translator calls in form templates
- a724774: [Form] fixed guesser when a choice constraint is defined via a callback
- fb4dea6: [Config] tweaked exception message when a resource can't be loaded
New plugins
- sfEntityAttributeValue: provides a way to easily create dynamic fields with jQuery Form Builder Plugin and bind then to a specific object (DB line) of your model.
- sfDoctrineSocial: this is a fork of the sfSocialPlugin, designed to be a feature for feature match built in doctrine.
- sfSendgridSendMail: symfony library used to send emails with SendGrid.
- sfAjaxAdminDoctrineTheme: with this plugin, your admin pages will be automatically converted to use AJAX for all user gestures, greatly improving the interactivity and "feel" of your application.
- sfTodo: simplest and fastest to-do list maker commponent.
- slI18nAdmin: listing of pre-defined i18n files for editing over admintool.
Updated plugins
- added a new schema
- added predefined message priority and type
- corrected fields on message list
- set default value for visible_from field
- added content table
- completely re-wrote the styles and cleaned up some of the javascript
- added form validation to new person form
- switched link validation to aValidatorUrl so 'http://' is automatically added
- apostrophe:generate-people task now populates all available fields
- fixed namespacing conflict on the click event
- changed the conditional to include IE8
- added a 'multi-image' class to compliment the 'single-image' class set on aSlideshow slots when there is a single image
- added an app.yml setting to change the less import directory
- fixed the media layout buttons to use the button sprite instead of hard-coded background images
- removed redundant and obsolete FCK dependency in button slots
They talked about us
- de PHP / symfony à Ruby / Rails : un an après
- Sorting, deleting from a PropelObjectCollection
- Symfony2 publica sus tres primeras versiones RC en tres días
- Testing emails in a safe way
- Autoloading classes in an any PHP project with Symfony2 ClassLoader component
- Piccoli aggiornamenti per symfony 1.4
- Do you want DIC with that Controller?
- 在Symfony2中使用Doctrine2的MongoDB
- Thank you OpenSky and farewell
- Is forking symfony 1.5 really a realistic option?
- Deployar proyecto Symfony 1.4 en hosting público
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#A week of symfony
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