This week, the echoes of the big Symfony 2.0.0 launch still resonated strongly. However, now that 2.0 is out, the work has already begun for the next versions. Lastly, a new maintainance version of symfony 1.4.x branch was also published.
Development mailing list
- Symfony 2.1 and the 2.0 maintenance branch
- Twig Assetic
- Symfony2 routing patterns and _method
- RFC: Runtime-configurable parameters in the DI container
- Following Database doctrine example produces Fatal error
- Handle REST JSON data in request
- Simple solution to cache directory permissions
symfony 1 development highlights
- Milestone 1.4.13 completed
- r32890: [1.4] fixed bad value of property list-style in css of WebDebug toolbar
- r32891: [1.4] fixed sfFinder bug when mirroring file with twice the path inside it
- r32892: [1.4] fixed Doctrine form generation when a schema has abstract tables
Symfony2 development highlights
- b8ee401: made the english smoother in command help description
- 1087792: fixed use of STDIN
- c0571fc: [ClassLoader] improved exception messages of the debug class loader
Repository summary: 2,758 watchers (#1 in PHP, #21 overall) and 712 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).
New plugins
- sfGeoNames: provides a single widget to an autocomplete city text field based on another field containing the postal code.
- fwLessphp: lessphp integration for development usage.
- sfColorPalette: finds out what colors your app is curretly using.
Updated plugins
- removed output Content-Length header
- fixed ->getEmail() method
- added parent::setup() to base forms fix for form events
- moved none doctrine related forms out of doctrine folder
- removed old translation
- fixed sfGuardRememberMeFilter does not check if user is disabled
- updated s3 document model
- added Sanitizer class
- added ajax support to add item
- orderSuccess template modification
- added dynamic filters
- made the newpost form elastic
- modified a-transition() mixin to accept a comma separated property list for which properties to transition
- fixed bug in metadata for og:url property for events
They talked about us
- Form composition in symfony2
- Functional testing sending emails in Silex
- Speaking at OSIDays & Paris-Web
- Symfony2 Book в pdf формате
- Постраничный вывод на Symfony 2
- RESTful Symfony2
- Symfony 2 liberado
- Знакомство с Symfony 2
- sfForkedDoctrineApplyPlugin 1.5.9
- Symfony CMF camp Italy wrap-up
- Sending emails in Silex via Swiftmailer spool
- Propel Has A New Leader
- Propel won't die
- Compilando e instalando a extensão intl no OS X 10.6.8 – Symfony2
- Symfony2 stable is available, what’s the big deal?
- Symfony CMF Camp 2011 (english)
- Symfony CMF Camp 2011
- Framework, Week 3
- Using Zend with Symfony2
- symfony2をcent os 6.0 にインストールしてみた。
- sfGuard設定手順
- Symfony1.4でRSS Feedを取得 and SwiftMailerでメール送信(gmail)
- Symfony+Doctrine: mentés előtti ellenőrzés
- Les bundles en Symfony2
- opMessagePlugin0.9.1リリースのお知らせ
- Symfony2 i zend framework w jednej aplikacji
- LigHTTPd and Apache - Symfony benchmarks
- Symfony: Solución al Error SfGuardUserTable:: retrieveByUsername
- Symfony2 i Zend Framework w jednej aplikacji
- الفرق بين symfony و codeigniter
- Proyecto web en Symfony 1.4 y Doctrine 1.2 (Esqueleto)
- Symfony 2 Τελικό
- Symfony and Pre-action Code
- Create Upload file with Symfony 1.4
- Symfony2 Released – Nelmio
- Fabien Potencier releases futuristic PHP framework Symfony 2.0
- 1.symfony 1.2 入門(インストール準備)
- Instalación de Symfony
- [symfony] askeet はやめます
- Symfony 2.0
- Symfony2 Released
- Symfony 2 : Erreur lors du premier lancement
Is there any new information about official page for boundles, like one for plugins for symfony 1.0-1.4?
Symfony2 is great, however I'm finding it very difficult to get answers to my questions, as well as finding good documentation for some more involved ones.
Especially when it comes to best practices or making sure I'm not inadvertently fighting the system to get something done.
Are there any concerted community efforts on the way?
What is the best admin bundle for this version? Someone is working on an official admin solution?