This week Symfony2 committed the first changes related with the new composer component, a package manager that will greatly simplify bundle installation in symfony projects. In addition, parameters.ini
configuration file was replaced by parameters.yml
, a new mandatory checklist for pull requests was published and the documentation of Twig was significantly improved.
Development mailing list
- i18n: fallback mechanism seems is not working ok
- Got error when creating my own firewall
- ACL Memory Leak?
Symfony2 development highlights
- a57a4af: [DomCrawler] added a way to get parsing errors for Crawler::addHtmlContent() and Crawler::addXmlContent() via libxml functions
- 258a1fd: moved makePathRelative to Filesystem
- bfb99bf: [FrameworkBundle] added a --relative option to assets:install
- 0f7bf41: [Console] detect if interactive mode is possible at all
- b9ba117, ee0fe7a: [Validator] added a SizeLength validator
- d6c4bfb, ee0fe7a: [Validator] added a Size validator
- 8b240d4: implementation of kernel.event_subscriber tag for services
- 1467bdb: [Routing] added RouterInterface::getRouteCollection()
- ed02aa9: [Console] fixed list 'namespace' command display all available commands
- 72e82eb: [Serializer] replaced deprecated key_exists alias
- 9ade639, d535afe, 731b28b: [composer] added composer.json
- d6b915a, 369f181: [FrameworkBundle] added request scope to assets helper only if needed
- c13b4e2: fixed fallback catalogue mechanism in Framework bundle
- 2db24c2: removed time limit for the vendors script
- 1e7e6ba: [HttpFoundation] removed the possibility for a cookie path to set it to null (as this is equivalent to /)
- 1284681, b402835: [BrowserKit, HttpFoundation] standardized cookie paths (an empty path is equivalent to /)
- 17af138: fixed usage of LIBXML_COMPACT as it is not always available
- d429594: removed separator of choice widget when the separator is null
- 600b8ef: [Validator] added support for grapheme_strlen when mbstring is not installed but intl is installed
- e70c884: [Bridge/Monolog] fixed WebProcessor to accept a Request object
- 5c8a2fb: [Routing] fixed route overriden mechanism when using embedded collections
Repository summary: 3,119 watchers (#1 in PHP, #25 overall) and 791 forks (#1 in PHP, #13 overall).
New plugins
- sfUploadify: wraps the Uploadify library for jQuery.(
- cpLDAPAuth: authenticates users against an LDAP directory.
Updated plugins
- updated Text_CAPTCHA_Driver_Image
- updated image widget
- split the function 'render' to 'renderInputField' and 'renderCaptcha'
- fixed the "_length" partial on Nix systems
- fixed bug in images filtering
- added twig and twig-extensions as vendor libs
- cast $user_id to integer in case it arrives as an empty string due to a busted session. Prevents SQL error
- the new overrideLinks option to apostrophe.linkToRemote() can be used to inject an admin generator module or other really basic Symfony module that is not AJAX-aware into an AJAX container, such as a div
- aInjectActualUrl function allows me to call it multiple times after dom ready instead of how it was structured before
- the edit and new admin generator actions should have a title slot, just like the list action does
- RSS Feed
- backed out attempts to make the category admin gen classes autoload because Symfony's admin gen has a very limited way of autoloading things that looks for them in specific modulename/lib folders only
- fixed the aAdmin theme to work when there is no filter and no custom table method
- app_a_simple_permissions is an extremely simple alternative view permissions model
- correctly tolerate symfony cc without the right environment settings
- fixed bug with _menuToggle function in a.js
- fixed source view formatting. It was being displayed in a tiny window instead of the full editor frame
They talked about us
- Introducing KhepinUpdateBundle
- parse_ini_file 関数の INI_SCANNER_RAW モードでは DSN が適切にパースされない問題
- Symfony2: Working with multiple databases
- Loosening dependencies with closures in PHP
- A frontend editor for Symfony2 CMF with the help of VIE
- Noch wenige Wochen bis zum Symfony Day Cologne
- symfony1 sfTaskLoggerPlugin 1-0-3 released
- October PHP Conferences
- Symfony2 unit database tests
- Symfony CMF hackday October 22nd in Cologne
- Интеграция шаблонизатора Twig в CodeIgniter 2
- Symfony 1.4 : distance_of_time_in_words en français
- Gushing over Web Frameworks
- Smarty vs. Twig: производительность
- Symfony2でMongoDBを使ってみよう。
- opCommunityTopicPlugin リリースのお知らせ
- Create a custom password encoder for Symfony
- Symfony 2 – Events and Listeners
- Remove default CSS/Javascript in View.yml
- Reunión de programadores en PHP Barcelona Conference
- Symfony Doctrine “where in” and “where not in” Syntax
- Symfony2のススメ2 ~認証とともに~
- MAMP環境でsymfony doctrine:buildに失敗する
- Symfony 2 et Play! : Frameworks de productivité
- Symfony2 и основные положения HTTP
- openpne3系インストール(windows版)
- Capifony + Symfony2 Revisited Experience
What exactly this "In addition, parameters.ini configuration file was replaced by parameters.yml" mean ?
We just change the extension and that's all? What are the beneficies?
@Richard, you are right about the simplicity of the change: it's just a new format and file extension.
The benefit is that this file was the only "default file" in .INI format. YAML is used by default in other config files.
Then, if the change is so simple, why did I highlighted it in the excerpt of the post? Because the "parameters.ini" file is one of the most important files for new users and I wanted to notice it.
@Javier, Hi Javier, well I supposed that the change was to keep the same format (as you said it was the only file with the .INI), but I wanna to be sure, so thanks.
And when I said "We just change the extension and that's all?" I was talking about application of this new change, something like:
"So I have should change PARAMETERS.INI to PARAMETERS.YML and that is all?, the symfony framework will work without to change anything more?"
Jajaja, now I wrote all this I see that maybe it was not that easy to deduce that.
Thanks for your answers :D.
Symfony->: PDO Connection Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. please help me