This week, Symfony2 added a stopwatch to profile code. The first use of this stopwatch is the new timeline panel in the web profiler. All these new features were introduced during the last Symfony Day 2011 conference.
Development mailing list
symfony 1 development highlights
- r33137: [1.4] fixed multiple database support in Propel plugin
Symfony2 development highlights
- 97d6591: [WebProfilerBundle] tweaked the default layout to make more room for interesting content
- 347053c: moved most of the logic from ResponseListener to the Response::prepare() method (this allows projects that only use HttpFoundation and not HttpKernel to be able to enforce the HTTP specification rules)
- 312b20f: [FrameworkBundle] added more info to debug command output
- fbc422b: [BrowserKit] added the standard output when an error occurs during the request execution
- 106ebdb: [HttpKernel] added a Stopwatch
- 842ac36: added Stopwatch support in debug mode, added a timeline representing the stopwatch events in the web profiler
- c5ca40c: [Routing] added support for _scheme requirement in UrlMatcher
- 46a69f1, ad7fcf5: define a WarmableInterface and only warm the cache if it implements warmable to allow replacing the core router
- 3134ef1: [HttpKernel] removed usage of assertCount which has been introduced in PHPUnit 3.6
- 2e1344e: [Routing] added the possibility to define default values and requirements for placeholders in prefix
- e81c710, 1a43505: [FrameworkBundle] increased the priority of the profiler request listener
- HttpKer: check if cache_warmer service is available before doing the actual cache warmup
Repository summary: 3,234 watchers (#1 in PHP, #24 overall) and 819 forks (#1 in PHP, #13 overall).
New plugins
- sfExport: (no description)
- sfDoctrineTable: generates feature packed base tables to each model. Base table contains PHPDocs of available pre-generated WHERE, COUNT and JOIN considering table relations and its depth.
- sfTools: provides some tools and debugging functions. * sfDebugTools.class.php (dump(), dump2(), getElapsedTime()).
- sfDoctrineExtra: includes the following behaviors: Blameable, EventLoggable, GoogleI18n, Localizable, Sortable, Taggable, Temporal.
Updated plugins
- upgraded Predis to 0.6.6
- deprecated commands alias in Predis
- added option for reversing ZSET pager
- fixed show_when stuff on linkTo* methods
- fixed bug with IE and the map JS
- fixed a bug with the .a-normal / .a-editing class name that is toggled on areas and slots when the edit view is toggled
- singleton slots were missing the .a-slot toggle because of the nature of the markup and the way the slot was being targeted
- verbose logging for static file sync while we test a few things
- fixed menuToggle issue
- AJAX media edit form now supports CKEditor
- a little clean up in layout for assembling the body class
- added handy getDatabases() and databaseExists() methods in aMysql
- aString::limitWords now supports an ellipsis option that lets you override what is appended as an ellipsis
- added aHtml::lazyUrls, which turns likely hostnames into proper http:// URLs so that textToHtml() can pick up on them
- disabled the save on blur behavior for the blog admin interface in old apostrophe 1.4
They talked about us
- Symfony2: create a response filter and set extra response headers
- Streaming content with Symfony 1.4
- How to add a custom class to form field in Symfony2
- Disabling remember me in FOSUserBundle
- [Symfony 2][Twig] – Enabling (native) Twig Extensions
- Use DocBlox in Symfony2 for inspecting DocComment blocks
- Symfony Day 2011
- Symfony2: how to create a custom Response using an event listener
- symfony1 sfToolsPlugin 1-0-0 released
- Interfacing the PHP world
- Use Proxy-Object in Symfony2 applications to test non-public methods
- Todas las presentaciones del Symfony Day 2011
- Symfony – Telepítés
- Photos from Symfony Day 2011
- Symfony Day 11 Cologne
- symfony Jobeet學習紀錄--Jobeet網站的資料模型(The Data Model)--(03/24)
- Linking between applications in symfony 1.4
- Symfony2 Generate Entities Starting from a Database
- Symfony 1.0 action url_for
- Symfony2 – first impressions
- My first thoughts on Symfony2
- How to use the repeated field type in Symfony
- Symfony: Error Unable to load i18nHelper.php
- How to Create a Page for your Website Using Symfony
- Bloginy 3, Symfony 2, retour d’expérience
- Envoi d’e-mails à partir d’un fichier batch Symfony 1.4
- Mon premier projet en Symfony2 PART2 – Création de la base de données et du model Doctrine2
- ¿Memoria agotada al intentar generar el modelo en Symfony 1.4.6 con Propel?
- Trimiterea de e-mail-uri dintr-un fişier batch Symfony 1.4
- Silex: Le service de traduction et les templates Twig
- Symfony Embedded Forms (take 2)
- Preparando LightTPD sobre Windows para Symfony
- Doctrine migrations para actualizar la base de datos desde el fichero schema.yml
- Creación de Reportes Graficos con High Charts y symfony 1.4
- symfonyでDATE_FORMATを使う
- Firesymfony: как сделать WebDebugToolbar еще более удобным
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