This week, the official Symfony2 repository added support for the Travis distributed continuous integration server. In addition, Twig published a new release candidate version that includes a custom C extension to increase the runtime performance of Twig templates.
Development mailing list
symfony 1 development highlights
- r33226: [1.4] fixed merging problem for the routing configuration
Symfony2 development highlights
- 667c24d: [EventDispatcher] added name property to Events
- cf09c2d: added authentication success/failure events
- 82b0b37, 7a8e1b3: ChoiceType flattens nested Choices when expanded
- f68c028, 9d2bd1c, 0e51e32: added continuous integration support
- a931e21: get correct client IP from X-forwarded-for header
- c76487e, a250e3d: fixed composer.json files to be stricter
- 5878490: removed unused use statements
- 61e0bde, 7b1dda8: [HttpKernel] ControllerResolver arguments reflection for Closure object
- 17dc605: [FrameworkBundle] check that the template is readable before checking its modification time
Repository summary: 3,465 watchers (#1 in PHP, #23 overall) and 881 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).
New plugins
- lapeSSLFilter: redirects all actions that include 'is_ssl' = true option to https requests and https requests (with 'is_ssl' = false) to non-https.
- sfPlupload: allows you to upload files using HTML5 Gears, Silverlight, Flash, BrowserPlus or normal forms, providing some unique features such as upload progress, image resizing and chunked uploads.
- wkCaptcha: based on secureimage php library.
Updated plugins
- added polish translation
- reimplemented the translate method. Now if the widget does not have a parent, it translates using I18N helper
- added support for theme as option
- cookie path setted to work on every request
- added the CURL error number in the returned exception
- reverted feed slot
- a-gradient mixin sets background-color to the @top value for browsers that don't support gradient, so there's no need to set a background color
- modified apostrophe:deploy to exit with a non-zero exit status if no confirmation is given
- aTaskTools now sets the email address of ataskuser and sets the username to ataskuser@... too if there isn't an ataskuser already
- updated layout.php to use the HTML5 doctype and some of the niceties that come with the HTML5 boilerplate like the tag with the IE conditional class names
- aEngineTools::getBestEngine now returns correct results so that you are directed to the most ideal blog page for a given blog post
- extras
- aHtml::ajaxifyEmbedCode converts most (but not all) embed codes that rely on 'script src' and 'document.write' to work in a dynamic context
- aHtml::ajaxifyEmbedCode() now returns a JavaScript? DOMready function
They talked about us
- Enable Twig-Extensions in Silex
- PHP : un réseau social pour le framework open source Symfony
- Symfony2: Creating a Validator with dependencies? Make it a service!
- Direct links to controller without global routing rules in sf2
- Кастомные аннотации в Symfony2
- Admingenerator + Symfony2 => AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle : The automatic setup
- Utilizzare le Estensioni di Doctrine in progetti symfony2
- Howto Facebook Connect in Symfony2
- Belajar Symfony Framework
- Symfony 2: Setting Cookies
- Symfony propel: usar funciones en el objeto Criteria
- Creating a Symfony2 helper
- OpenPNE3.7の開発#2 (openpne:installの正体)
- Erstes Treffen der Symfony User Group Cologne am 30.11.
- Symfony 2: Searching multiple types at once with Elasticsearch
- Utilizzare le Estensioni di Doctrine in progetti symfony2
- My last thoughts on Symfony2
- Are you using Symfony as frontend to a SOA?
- Symfony 1.4, charger 2 pages en même temps
- 10分ぐらいで学べるSymfony2 ~DataFixturesの使い方編~
- SensioLabs Connect, c’est parti!
- Symfony 1.0 Propel トランザクション
- Utiliser LESS avec Assetics de Symfony2
- Symfony2 form theme for Bootstrap
- Symfony2 MVC – I don’t care
- Symfony 学习网站
I’m waiting for Xmas with hope for new tutorial, like askit and jobit, based on symfony2. There are so many new things to be explained. And it’s right time to do this, because symfony2 is already stable enough. Will the new tutorial be presented by Sensio in this year? If Sensio can’t make it, then may be it should be done later by community?