This week, Symfony2 development got a boost. Firstly, its 2.0.x branch fixed lots of bugs and added some tests. Meanwhile, the master branch added a new kernel.terminate
event and introduced a new memory spool for SwiftMailer that makes applications more responsive. Lastly, the 16th maintenance version of symfony 1.4 was published to address some minor bugs.
Development mailing list
symfony 1 development highlights
- r33249: [1.4] fixed last modified date calculation in sfMessageSource_Aggregate
- r33250: [1.4] fixed saving i18n fields in subforms
- r33251: [1.4] fixed sfChoiceFormat when a string to translate contains a valid range
- Milestone 1.4.16 completed
Symfony2 development highlights
- 73ac773: [Config] added ability to set info message and example to node definition
- 09678b7: [WebProfilerBundle] added the method information in the profiler
- 28d93f0: [WebProfilerBundle] made the profile URL clickable only when the method is GET or HEAD
- 0776b50: removed supports(De)Serializiation()
- 2c3672b: [HttpKernel] added request and response as arguments to the TerminableInterface::terminate() method
- aa9b86e: [HttpKernel] added the terminate() call to the Client
- 9a0aefd: [SwiftmailerBundle] added support for the new memory spool
- 8713c2d: [DoctrineBridge, DoctrineBundle] refactored the DBAL logging (this allows enabling the logging and the profiling separately)
- d7712a3: [Process] added ProcessBuilder (this class was copied from Assetic)
- cab0334: [Console] enabled stderr support for commands
- 5f98b73, 3f4d718: [Console] added raw output of commands in app/console list
- 7b619e7: [TwigBundle] used nl2br as it is now part of Twig core
- 9c1fbb8: [DoctrineBridge] fixed the refreshing of the user for invalid users
- e3421a0, 4316595: fixed a ton of code syntax violations
- d97d7e9: [Form] added a check to see if the type is a string if it's not a FormTypeInterface
- 6548354: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed and tweaked some templates
- 4d64d90: allowed empty result on EntityChoiceList; changed default choices value to null instead of array()
- f3e92c4: [TwigBundle] fixed the exception message escaping
- d5a1343: [Console] improved input definition output for Boolean defaults (they are now shown as true and false)
- ba7d810: [FrameworkBundle] added functional tests to prove session attributes and flashes in practice
- 5c41ec9: [HttpKernel] only simple (name=value without any other params) cookies can be stored in same line, so lets add every as standalone to be compliant with rfc6265
- 9e38d6a: [SwiftmailerBundle] fixed the send email command when the queue does not extends Swift_ConfigurableSpool
- ce66548: [FrameworkBundle] added tests to prove functional testing works with simultaneous clients
- 9b8cdab: [FrameworkBundle] prove client insulation and non-insulation works in session tests
- 997f354: tweaked tens of README files
Repository summary: 3,591 watchers (#1 in PHP, #22 overall) and 932 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).
Updated plugins
- added the dateTimePiker library
- added dcWidgetDateTimePicker validator
- added a demo module
- fixed unit tests for sfFileTools
- added hybrid symfony cache: memcached for data, redis for cache info
- updated vendor libraries
- fixed gearman worker stops on fatal error without any error message
- connection is now optional in default worker task
- added logic to override csrf_attack error message
- enabled support for Symfony 1.3 and 1.4
- fixed aDate can be overridden without copying and pasting
- now you can write your own slot component
- fixed bug in aText that was outputting slot options as attributes on the form element
- aPageTable::getPagesInfo() now accepts an 'ids' option with an array of ids as an alternative to the 'where' parameter
- set history = false on the singleton slots in layout
They talked about us
- Status of Lyra CMS and bundles development
- Объединенные формы и значения по умолчанию
- Symfony 2 tutoriel Watch My Desk: Repository et Manager d'entités
- Rendering emails with Twig in Symfony2
- Une semaine symfonique #258 Du 5 au 11 décembre 2011
- Symfony 2: Execute console commands on a specific entity manager
- PHP ve Framework üzerine - Symfony 2, 3/...
- Symfony Default filter
- Zend Studio 9 で Symfony や Twig がサポートされました
- ¿Por qué escoger el framework Symfony 2?
- Displaying the configured 403 error in Symfony 1.4
- Les relations entre entites avec Symfony 2
- Las bondades de Symfony
- Symfony2 Tutorial Part 1: Project Setup
- symfonyで独自loggerを実装する
- Symfony2 クックブックの主観的なおさらい Symfony Advent Calender 2011 JP –14日目
- [symfony]怎么自定义Form表单
- Belajar ORM: Doctrine di Symfony
- Conditional validation using the Symfony2 Validation Component
- Symfony Tag cloud helper
- [Symfony]カスタムバリデータで特定のフィールドに対してエラーメッセージを設定する
- PHPFog + Symfony2 でステージング環境を作る方法:Symfony Advent Calender 2011 JP – 13日目 -
- symfonyのバリデーションで判定を2つ入れる
- symfony Cannot redeclare class で エラー
- PHP初心者へのフレームワーク(たとえばSymfony 2とか)のススメ 〜 Symfony Advent Calendar JP 2011 15日目
good job Sensio Team I deeply respect this community effort keep up the good work
very interesting, I'm waiting for much more information of this kind, congratulations for this work