This was a calm week for Symfony2 development. In the 2.0.x branch, a new removeListener()
method was added to container-aware EventDispatcher. In the master branch, cookie session options were prefixed with cookie_ preffix and a new Redis profiler storage was added.
Development mailing list
- Doctrine generator - crud, forms but no views
- Collections within Collections in a form (prototype within another prototype)
Symfony2 development highlights
- b3da94d: [HttpKernel] removed the _controller since it is not a route parameter part of the url
- c319ff5: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed session assumption
- 48a288e: [DoctrineBridge] added tests for data fixture ContainerAwareLoader
- 6e2a7da, e0fba80: support session cookie options with cookie_ prefix
- 471b564: session auto_start option default value should be false
- 7f8c293: [HttpFoudation] added ability to configure sqlite session storage
- ddeac9a: [Security] added support for the remember_me parameter in the query
- 86ebe5b: added Redis Profiler Storage
- 26496d0: added Queries duration in Propel1 Bridge DataCollector
- dc2d5a0: [HttpFoundation] fixed bug in PDO Session Storage with SQLSRV making assumptions about parameters with length being OUTPUT not INPUT parameters
- 8fe6ee3: [Console] fixed help command when used from the shell
- f758884: [FrameworkBundle] added ContainerAwareEventDispatcher::removeListener()
- 5a6ce20: [Session] added Test for PDO Session Storage with SQLite in Memory DB
Repository summary: 4,038 watchers (#1 in PHP, #28 overall) and 1048 forks (#1 in PHP, #11 overall).
Updated plugins
- retrieve the file extension manually
- added documentation
- added factory and data handler
- removed some user methods
- added sfRequest mixin and context getter
- fixed sendReference action
- smart slideshows now participate in getAreaForMedia() in the blog plugin - the slot now implements getOrderedMediaItems()
- added "title" option to aMediaItemTable::addFileAsMediaItem(). If present it is used instead of a cleaned up version of the filename
- added _afterUploadMultiple.php, a blank partial which provides an override point to add something additional to the div that displays the file upload form in the media library
- added apostrophe.supportsFileInput() javascript method to check for support for file input elements (really basic support - as in they work at all)
- apostrophe.injectActualUrlIntoUrl(url, paramName) injects a new query string parameter called paramName containing the current URL in the address bar into the supplied url and returns the resulting URL
- fixed blog excerpts (slot and index) were using incorrect syntax for aHTML::simplify, so links, bold, and italic text were not being displayed
They talked about us
- Ecrire une commande console pour Symfony2
- Symfony2: Deserializing Request Content Right Into Controller Arguments
- Composer.json and Travis-ci for our Symfony2 Bundles
- Contextualizing your Symfony2 Application with the Service Container
- Sorteamos dos entradas para deSymfony 2012
- Erste Symfony User Group in Hamburg gebildet
- Guía de Symfony2 – Capítulo 3 – Creando páginas con Symfony 2
- Inclure un formulaire sur plusieurs pages sans dupliquer l’inclusion dans tous les contrôleurs
- Une semaine symfonique #269 - du 20 février au 26 février 2012
- [Symfony2] Request class mini-cheatsheet
- Using a DataTransformer to save tags for an object in Symfony
- Doctrine 2 – Day 2 – Model Validation using Symfony Validator Service in Zend Framework
- How to use LESS CSS and Symfony 2 in harmony
- How to stop Symfony project execution from a filter
- symfony使用cookie来实现自动登录
- Symfony2: Loading external libraries
- Como adicionar o campo CSRF token ao formulário sem usar a função form_rest
- Clean URLs for Multiple App on Symfony
- วิธีติดตั้่ง symfony framework
- Taming Symfony 2 Projects With VIM
- Symfony Usergroup Hamburg #sughh
- Afficher une date dans Twig (symfony2)
- RAD Bundle ... Ale o co chodzi?
- [PHP][Symfony2]DateTypeのformatに"yyyy年MM月dd日"を指定しても"yyyy-MM-dd"扱いされる
- Symfony 1.4: Redirectare din componenta
- Ajax валидация entities (сущностей) в Symfony 2
- Tutorial como hacer joins en symfony 2 con doctrine 2 y dql correctamente
- Symfony Converting Propel Project To Doctrine
Nice for Redis Profiler Storage !