This week Symfony 2.1 added a built-in web server when used with PHP 5.4. In addition, it started to make components and bridges self-contained by moving unit tests to their own src/
directories. Lastly, another big PHP project started using Symfony components, after the integration of EventDispatcher in phpBB 3.1.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- d9a0a17: [FrameworkBundle] added server:run command
- 1aaf5c9: [DoctrineBridge, Security] fixed bug that prevents repository's refreshUser from being called
- cd56d09: [Propel1Bridge] added connection name in the propel data collector
- dd4d46a: [Propel1Bridge] added limit to logger explosion (required to display complete query with e.g. array type in it)
- 2b8c2bc, 8f11f2d: [FrameworkBundle] made http_cache dir extensible
- 3e95126: [DomCrawler] removed the hard dependency on CssSelector
- d243097: [FrameworkBundle] run built-in server on dev environment
- fea6b79: moved component and bridge unit tests to the src/ directory (this is the first step to make each Symfony Component and Bridge self-contained)
- 468ad40, c73748f: [HttpFoundation] added support for 308 / Permanent Redirect
- 3303155: [FrameworkBundle] added kernel shutdown before create client
- 0bde12c: [Translation] added some skipifs to prevent fatal errors on missing extensions
- 97ba218: [Propel1Bridge] accept read-only models in ModelChoiceList
- dcf82d7: [Finder] added sortBy options based on accessed, changed and modified times
- 86a3512: [FrameworkBundle] added support for full URLs to redirect controller
- 24a0d0a: [DependencyInjection] support Yaml calls without arguments
Repository summary: 4,305 watchers (#1 in PHP, #29 overall) and 1123 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).
Updated plugins
- added Scroller plugin
- made the pager work like normal
- trigger aAfterJsCalls event on the body after all js calls are complete
- new a.afterGlobalSetup and a.afterGlobalShutdown events make it possible to intercept at this point and do things like substituting a virtual page
- result of aPageTable::checkUserPrivilege() is now filtered through an a.pageCheckPrivilege event
- added aPage::syncTo() method, a convenient way to sync an area from one page to another
- apostrophe.ready() moved after all other javascript calls in globalJavascripts
- improved performance of the logger
- next and previous buttons in the pager now move one page at a time
- made the pager visible for embed service search results again
They talked about us
- El futuro de Drupal se llama Symfony
- Table Inheritance with Doctrine
- Propel 1.6.5 is Released
- Symfony workshop for aspiring hackers
- Symfony2: Writing a Yaml Driver for your Metadata Factory
- Guía de Symfony2 – Capítulo 7 – Manejando la Vista con Twig
- Extending SensioGeneratorBundle for our Admin Areas
- 2012 PHP Conferences Round up
- Touring North America
- Использование ShtumiUsefulBundle в Symfony2 — несколько полезных вещей в одном бандле
- Resumen Q1 2012 – Muchos cambios
- symfony 1.2版 命令行语句
- Symfony(?)は難しい
- Instalando y configurando Symfony2 en un ambiente compartido
- Criação de Feed para seu Site em Symfony
- Symfony2 service + manager
- Symfony and Custom Validation for Entity Based Forms
- Création dun premier project Symfony2 avec NetBeans sous Windows 7
- symfony始めました-schema.ymlの作成
- symfony tip: очистка кеша без командной строки
- Doctrine PDO Query in Symfony 1.4 Toolbar
- Aplicar ingeniería inversa en Symfony2
- Drupal and Symfony Project align - what does this mean?
- Symfony2: múltiples formularios en una página
- symfonyでAPを作成する手順(まとめ)
- Utiliser les extensions Twig natives de Symfony2
- Symfony CMF: Editor mit Demos, Screencasts und Download
I've just noticed that the contributors list doesn't include the symfony-standard contributors! Not fair :(