This week, two new versions were released: Symfony 2.0.15, including minor fixes and tweaks, and symfony 1.0.14, a security release that address a security vulnerability. In addition, this week started the integration of Symfony2 components into the core of Drupal 8.
Development mailing list
symfony 1 development highlights
- r33466:[1.4] fixed a possible DB session fixation attack
- Milestone 1.4.18 completed
Symfony2 development highlights
- 8775f2c: [Config] replaced setInfo(), setExample() with more generic attributes
- 23bb668: [FrameworkBundle] updated configuration SecurityBundle to new method names
- fc38e2b: [Form] fixed mapping of violations with empty paths to the root form
- f33b77c: [HttpFoundation] added a custom file save handler
- b2cc580: [HttpFoundation] removed Native*Handler session save handler classes
- d549493: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed time panel for fr locale
- a551d9e: [DependencyInjection] made ContainerAware class abstract
- 7b5328f: getClientIp() will now only return valid IP addresses, rather than assuming the X_FORWARDED_FOR is the first comma seperated value
- 7e3213c: [Form] fixed a bug that caused input date validation not to be strict when using the single_text widget with a date field
- aaa5cca, 27f9c02, 9a5e6c9: released 2.0.15 version
Repository summary: 4,823 watchers (#1 in PHP, #30 overall) and 1270 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).
Updated plugins
- fixed XML response saving
They talked about us
- Symfony Live Paris 2012 here we go!
- Drupal 8 : les nouveautés techniques commentées par Dries Buytaert
- Doctrine ORM behaviors, или как эффективно использовать трейты
- Preparando el lanzamiento de Symfony 2.1
- Symfony Live Paris 2012 by SensioLabs
- Setting up a Symfony2 project using Mamp
- deSymfony 2012, presente!
- Servicios REST usando Silex micro-framework 3/3 – Cliente
- Theodo at Forum PHP and sfLive in Paris next week
- [php]プロとしてWebアプリケーションを開発するということ
- Symfonyでカスタムバリデータを作成 ちょいとハマッタのでメモ
- Doctrine кеширование
- Executing SQL directly in Symfony2 Doctrine
- Symfony不仅功能强大
- The Kernel has landed
- [PHP][book]効率的なWebアプリケーションの作り方~PHPによるモダン開発入門
- Symfony2 + MongoDB for user managment
- symfony2查询数据
- BDD with Behat for Symfony2
- Symfony Eclipse プラグインを訳してみた
- Symfony 2 – Генериране на Bundle, Entity и CRUD Модул
- SymfonyとjQueryMobileを使うとページ移動時にundefinedと表示される件
- symfony1.4创建数据及模块
- Integración continua con Jenkins en proyecto symfony2
- Symfony2でTwigを文字列から読み込みたい
- offsetUnset forms on symfony
- Symfony2 Choice Fieldの使い方
- Ajouter la librairie html2pdf à un projet symfony2
- OpenShiftにSymfonyを設置してみる。
- 効率的なWebアプリケーションの作り方
- TOOLinux s’associe à Symfony Live Paris 2012
- LadyBugBundle
I think you wouldn't talk about 1.0.14 but 1.4.18 !
Cedric, you're absolutely right! I don't know what I was thinking about :(
1.0.14 ! A very bad memory with this version Javier ? ^^