This week, Symfony 2.1.0 RC2 and Symfony 2.0.17 were released to fix several potential security issues related to XML handling. In addition, the final version of Symfony 2.1.0 was announced for the next week and the full Symfony Live London conference schedule was published.
Development mailing list
- Service Container lifecycle (circular references, compiler pass, etc.)
- Template {{ asset() }} and multiple including the same JS lib
- Get list of services by tag in Controller
- Secure web service
Symfony2 development highlights
- 7b63428: [Process] add workaround for PHP's internal sigchild failing to return proper exit codes
- 5cb8264: [Form] deprecated Form::hasErrors that isn't part of the Interface
- 4c5bfab: [FrameworkBundle] non-permanent redirects now return 404 status code (as stated in the spec)
- dcbeeb1: [Form] replaced UnexpectedValueException by InvalidArgumentException in Guess
- 0186731: [Form] removed hasParent from FormInterface and deprecated its use (there are already 2 alternatives with getParent() and isRoot())
- 39606c8: published Symfony 2.1.0 RC2
- eb2eba1: [Form] don't allow users to force exceptions by submitting unexpected data
- cf4189b: moved remember me ResponseListener from security bundle into security component
- 7503ec9: [Validator] fixed when match is false the html5 validation regexp should be either inverted or not added
- 4225869, 5f64503, 3363832: [Routing] allowed disabling the requirements check on URL generation
- cb7e3f5: [Routing] added route compile check to identify a default value of a required variable that does not match the requirement
- 04fd5f1: [Form] fixed PropertyPath to not modify Collection instances (not even their clones)
- 352e8f5: [FrameworkBundle] redirects are now absolute (it's mandatory according to W3C)
- 865461d: standardized the way we handle XML errors
- a2a6cdc, c896d71, 4e0c992: prevented injection of malicious doc types
- 47fe725: disabled network access when loading XML documents
- 5bf4f92: fixed XML decoding attack vector through external entities
- e333865, 9e54d6c: published Symfony 2.0.17
Repository summary: 5,460 watchers (#1 in PHP, #34 overall) and 1,537 forks (#1 in PHP, #13 overall).
They talked about us
- Symfony2 – Sonata Admin Bundle service configuration in YAML
- Gestion du cache HTTP avec Symfony2
- symfony event example
- Symfony documentation in French is online!
- Protect a Symfony2 project against bruteforce attacks
- Symfony2: Introduction to the Security Component Part II
- HTTP cache management with Symfony2
- Une semaine symfonique #295 - du 20 au 26 août 2012
- symfony cron task logging example
- symfony 2.0 – Symfony2: locale, date and French format
- 转】主流PHP框架间的比较(Zend Framework,CakePHP,CodeIgniter,Symfony,ThinkPHP,FleaPHP)
- Protéger un projet Symfony2 contre les bruteforce
- Proxy composer in Symfony2
- Why Symfony2 dont bolt exceptions
- Symfony 2 Nginx Config
- Symfony2 bundle for API
- Nouvelle version du site de l’agence en préparation basé sur la technologie Symfony!
- Symfony2「blogチュートリアル(9) 記事の削除」
- Symfony2 composer install error
- Access cookies in a twig template using Symfony2
- Symfony2: Cache Clear Fix For Windows 7
- Datepicker with custom types in symfony 2.1
- SymfonyのFinderコンポーネントを使ってみた
- Symfony2: simple JavaScript routing with Assetic and HTML5 data Attributes
- A New Killer Feature for Symfony2 Security
- Usando el FOSUserBundle para habilitar la administración de usuarios en Symfony2 e incluirle Roles
- Intégrer Google Maps dans vos Entités sur Symfony2 avec Doctrine2
- [Symfony]テンプレートにアクションで定義した変数を埋め込む方法
- Eclipse-Plug-in für Symfony 2.1
- symfonyをwindowsにインストールした時、open_sslがないとか言われたorz
- Twig: Comment créer facilement et simplement votre propre filter
- Custom error500 / 400 page in symfony 1.4
- Конфигурация nginx для фреймовка Symfony2
- Gestionando dependencias en nuestros proyectos PHP con Composer
- [PHP][Symfony2][Doctrine2]Symfony2でDoctrine2のFilterを使う
- Como añadir mensajes de ayuda a los campos de formularios de Symfony 2.1
- symfony
- IdeupSimplePaginatorBundle, paginador para Symfony2