This week, Symfony project introduced a proposal for a new formal release process. In addition, Symfony 2.1.2 was released and some more details about the upcoming Symfony Live San Francisco 2012 were unveiled.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- de6658b: [Profiler] use the abstract method to get client IP
- 71d8148: created file for auto-linking in PR's
- 2ceebdc: fixed stringification of array objects in RequestDataCollector
- 7bafc69: [Process] added a Sigchild compatibility mode (set to false by default) to determine if the process finished with success when PHP has been compiled with the --enable-sigchild option
- c4429af: [Console] fixed default argument display
- b8a2f8c: [HttpFoundation] removed the username and password from generated URL as generated by the Request class
- bb2566c: [Console] console colorization is also provided by ConEmu on Windows
- 9135431: [HttpKernel] added support for WinCache in ConfigDataCollector
- 71db836: [Config] improved config validation handling for numerical values (added Integer and Float types and min() and max() expressions)
- bafe890: [FrameworkBundle] changed Client::enableProfiler() behavior to fail silently when the profiler is not available
- 0d181bc, c79584a: normalized exceptions fr several components (Process, Yaml, Serializer, DependencyInjection)
- 6cbeff0: [Console] use find() instead of get() in the help command to allow command aliases to be used when looking for commands help
- 6bafe5a: [FrameworkBundle] moved some code to the Config component
- 3680cec: [DomCrawler] fixed PSR-0 incompatibilty (having 2 classes in the same file breaks PSR-0 compability)
Repository summary: 5,558 watchers (#1 in PHP, #34 overall) and 1,585 forks (#1 in PHP, #14 overall).
They talked about us
- Symfony2: Introduction to the Security Component Part III
- Symfony Live San Francisco 2012 : the 2nd SensioLabs US rendez-vous
- Symfony Live London 2012, entering the BDD era
- Popularidad mundial de los frameworks PHP
- Symfony Live London Wrapup
- Symfony2: recuperer ses entites directement dans le controleur (magique)
- Migration Symfony : Allowed memory size exhausted
- Symfony2 Error: The definition for X has no class
- Se publica Symfony 2.1.2
- Overview of Symfony 2 Framework
- Symfony in PHP Major Components
- Ingeniería inversa - Symfony2
- Symfony and Drupal 8: The lowdown from Symfony Live London
- Symfony2+Doctrine2.3でSharding(水平分割)を実現する
- JetBrains PhpStorm 5.0 Aligns To Symfony2 and Yii
- Symfony 2.1 Vagrant vs. Amazon
- 新時代に突入したPHPのフレームワーク戦争
- symfony 2.1, Commands and Swiftmailer memory spooling
- Why are most CMS systems not based on popular MVC frameworks?
- symfonyではまったDBのID変更~備忘録~
- Symfony2 and me – let’s be friends – Part 4
- X-Share – tutorial pentru studiu Symfony2
- Symfony2 : Installation CCDNMessageMessageBundle
- Install / setup Symfony 2 windows xp windows 7 windows 8
- Symfony2 – Validation not working for embedded Form Type
- PHPフレームワーク「Symfony 2.1」リリース
- Access configuration values inside an entity in Symfony2
- Getting a PHP app running on heroku