This week, Symfony 1.4.20 version was released to address a security issue. Meanwhile, hundreds of Symfony developers gathered at the Symfony Live Berlin 2012 conference.
Development mailing list
- Proper cache busting
- What is the right way to implement or extend custom authentication functionality?
symfony 1 development highlights
- r33596: [1.4] fixed some PHP 5.4 notices
- r33598: [1.4] fixed the possibility to fake a file upload
- Milestone 1.4.20 completed
Symfony2 development highlights
- 32dc31e: [SecurityBundle] converted HTTP method to uppercase in the config
- c067586, 694697d, 80f6992: [Security] fixed digest authentication when digest parameters contains `=` character or `, ` string
- 64b54dc, 64216f2: used better default ports in urlRedirectAction and added tests
- 1daefa5: [Routing] made it compatible with older PCRE version (pre 8)
- f211b19: [Filesystem] fixed symlinked directory mirror
- bbeff54: [Translation] fixed Xliff with other node than source or target are ignored
- deb740b: [Form] allowed no type guesser to be registered
- e39b709: [Routing] initialized the Route properties
- d3d8ff4: Zend Garbage Collection only for PHP5.4
- 6ff0dc6: added ability to set controller result in the kernel.view event
- d1b5093: [Security] made sure cookies get deleted from the TokenProvider when no longer in use
- b930066: added Route::hasOption() and Route::hasRequirement() methods
- efe42cb, 1f752e8, 1858b96: [Validator] refactored the GraphWalker into an implementation of the Visitor design pattern (with this refactoring comes a decoupling of the validator from the structure of the underlying metadata)
- e477a2e: handle case of static controller method and controllers using magic __call() method
Repository summary: 5,801 watchers (#1 in PHP, #35 overall) and 1,768 forks (#1 in PHP, #15 overall).
They talked about us
- Symfony bloggers on Twitter
- SensioLabs recrute ses futurs super-héros
- Symfony2 Testing Patterns: Forms
- Time for Symfony2
- Symfony Live Berlin 2012 – Day 2
- Loading large data from database with Symfony2 and Doctrine 2
- Speeding up the rendering of entity dropdowns in forms in Symfony2
- Symfony2 Gettext Translation Bundle
- Pense bête : Gestion des erreurs avec les formulaires imbriqués sous Symfony 2.1
- symfony2でcsvを出力してみた
- Getting started with Silex - The PHP microframework based on Symfony2
- How to call shell programs as functions with PHP
- L’antiséche Symfony2 par excellence
- Creando un Custom Encoder en Symfony2
- Create a social buttons bar for Facebook, Twitter and Google+ with Symfony2
- Personalizar la consulta de ParamConverter
Looking forward to the user friendly authentication improvements! Symfony2 just got a lot better for many people! :)
Symfony Live in Berlin was amazing! Thanks for everyone!