This week, Symfony development activity was extremely intense. Symfony 2.2 version added lots of cool features and small tweaks across all its major components.
Development mailing list
- Commands as Services
- Position concerning workarounds and tradeoffs
- Should I contribute a Date Order validator
Symfony2 development highlights
- 8bb3208: [Config] Loader::import must return imported data
- e6bb156: [HttpKernel] removed realpath call, because it doesn't work when creating a PHAR file from a Symfony application
- a0e2391: [FrameworkBundle] used the new method for trusted proxies
- 773d818: [FrameworkBundle] added a check on file mime type for CodeHelper::fileExcerpt()
- 555e777: [FrameworkBundle] added tests for trusted_proxies configuration
- 9e46819: [HttpFoundation] fixed HeaderBag::parseCacheControl() not parsing quoted zero correctly
- 4e909bd: [Form] allowed null values in labels array
- 1ab4923, 1ab4923:[HttpFoundation] improved Cache-Control header when no-cache is sent
- eac14b5, b73b87d, b4e894a: check if key # is defined in $value
- 21a59ca: [Form] fixed FileType not to throw an exception when bound empty
- 35e19c7: [FrameworkBundle] refactored ControllerNameParser
- 03b880f: [Form] fixed treatment of countables and traversables in Form::isEmpty()
- d2231d8: [Console] added support for parsing terminal width/height on localized windows
- b20c5ca: [Form] fixed reverse transformation of values in DateTimeToStringTransformer (the parts not given in the format are reset to the corresponding values of the UNIX base timestamp)
- 20e93bf: [Session] utilized MongoDB::selectCollection()
- b28af77: [Session] supported MongoClient and Mongo connection classes
- de19a81: [HttpKernel] supported MongoClient and Mongo connection classes
- ad29df5: [Form] fixed DateTimeToStringTransformer parsing on PHP < 5.3.8
- 098b593: [Session] added exception to save method (a RuntimeException is thrown if there is an attempt to save the session without it being started)
- e62b5f7: [Finder] cleanup, fixes, improvements
- 5d98fb1: [HttpKernel] ExceptionHandler is actually displaying PHP errors
- 120547c, d5426f0: [Form, TwigBridge] don't set label attributes if is marked as not to be rendered
- 57b8447, e3ef936:[TwigBundle] added configuration pass that adds Twig Loaders
Repository summary: 5,903 watchers (#1 in PHP, #35 overall) and 1,839 forks (#1 in PHP, #15 overall).
They talked about us
- Development Environments with Vagrant and Puppet
- On Libraries and Dependencies
- Prevent Controller Execution with Annotations and Return a Custom Response
- When to use Property Injection
- Back from Berlin
- Настраиваем конфигурацию Symfony2 для MAMP Pro в MacOS
- Symfony Live Portland 2013 fait conférence commune avec les DrupalCon et WebVisions
- Ou est on avec Symfony2?
- Usando a annotation @ParamConverter no Symfony 2.1
- Symfony2.1 + sonata-admin + sonata-user +fos-userbundle [EN]
- Dead simple default values on Symfony2 forms
- Our first two Symfony2 certified developers!
- How to install Symfony2 on Fedora 18
- Aura: More Decoupled Than Symfony 2 and Zend Framework 2
- Symfony2のアプリ開発4
- Symfony2 : Ajouter un filtre twig dans Sonata AdminBundle
- Crear un proyecto en Symfony2
- [Symfony2] Authorization Layer for REST API
- Access images in Symfony 2.1 CSS stylesheets with Twig and Assetic