This week, the Symfony Live Portland 2013 conference gathered all the attention of the Symfony community. Meanwhile, the upcoming Symfony 2.3 version continued removing deprecated options and adding new unit tests.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 5321600: [HttpKernel] fixed two bugs in HttpCache (304 responses always send Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8 header and failed to invalidate cached entities referred to by the Location header)
- 45b68e0: [Finder] fixed unexpected duplicate sub path related AppendIterator issue
- 169c0b9: [Finder] fixed iteration fails with non-rewindable streams
- e61ba7d: [Routing] added Router tests and fixed an exception message
- 815cee5, 11497f3: added missing files for phpunit in FrameworkBundle and SecurityBundle
- 79a842a: [Console] added namespace support back in to list command
- a8f4501: [Form] removed the validation_constraint option
- 13ba4ea: fix logger in regards to DebugLoggerInterface
- 8a4b91b: [WebProfiler] removed deprecated verbose option
- 9d3397d, 573bf07, 3129bee, 12d9b0a, 30fe940, 8d5f39f: [Security] added tests for the AccessMap, the SessionAuthenticationStrategy, the Remember Me ReponseListener, the DefaultAuthenticationFailureHandler, the DefaultAuthenticationSuccessHandler, and the DefaultLogoutSuccessHandler
They talked about us
- Symfony2 on Windows Azure Websites
- Greetings Symfony Live - New tools for Symfony developers on Windows Azure
- Symfony2: Compiler pass
- Symfony Case studies: Youporn
- SymfonyBricks, un nuevo recurso para aprender Symfony2
- The Battle of the Titans. Zend vs. Symfony
- Benjamin is now a Certified Symfony Developer
- Symfony2: Yet more on that Twig Extension
- Using APC cache with Doctrine & Symfony? Check again!
- Load bundle without composer.json in Symfony2.3
- Webscraping in PHP mit Guzzle HTTP und Symfony DomCrawler
- How I Use Doctrine Fixtures with Symfony 2 for an Easier Life
- Prezentacja o Symfony2 w ramach cyklu wykładów Performance Media po raz drugi
- Symfony 2.3.0-RC1 しんふぉにゃん化
- Symfony2プロジェクトをGitLabで管理してVagrantで立てたJenkinsでCIする(2)
- PHP框架高级编程——应用Symfony、CakePHP
- コントローラ上などで、formオブジェクトの値を得る!
- Top 3 Ultra-Rapid PHP Application Development Frameworks
- Google App Engine, PHP and Silex. Setting up a Login Provider
we are looking forward to a Symfony week in Tunisia :)
Symfony live *