This week, Symfony 2.2.3 was released to fix some minor bugs and to revert some regressions. In addition, some failing tests were fixed for the newly released PHP 5.5 version.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- c875d0a: [Form] fixed INF usage which does not work on Solaris
- b272419: fixed variable name used in translation cache
- 494e803: [DependencyInjection] replaced try/catch block with an @expectedException annotation in a test
- 3492186: [Intl] fixed tests failing on PHP 5.5
- ba0bcb1: sorted files while extracting translation messages from a twig templates
- d95c245: [Config] allowed to get parent of BaseNode
They talked about us
- Packing a Symfony full-stack Framework Application in one File -- Introduction
- Packing a Symfony full-stack Framework Application in one File -- Bootstrapping
- The Power of Uniform Resource Location in PHP
- Symfony2: Bundle structure – bundles as integration layers for libraries
- Symfony2: Form intention
- Back from the Symfony CMF Hack Day
- Расширяем Symfony 2 Forms
- symfonyのデバックのやり方。
- Como instalar DoctrineFixturesBundle en symfony 2.1 de forma automática
- Symfony2 Assets 管理
- Sylius: A great piece of Symfony2 for e-commerce… but is it ready to use?
- Pense bête: activer la rotation de logs de Symfony 2 dans la configuration de Monolog
- How to render a string as a Twig template in Symfony2
- Integrating Twig in Your Legacy Code, Part 2: A Less Wild Approach
- BUZZ: HTTP Client per Symfony
- Tester l’envoi de mail avec Behat dans une application Symfony2
- Créer une barre de boutons sociaux pour Facebook, Twitter et Google+ avec Symfony2
Published in
#A week of symfony