This week, Symfony 2.2.3 was released to fix some minor bugs and to revert some regressions. In addition, some failing tests were fixed for the newly released PHP 5.5 version.

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Symfony2 development highlights

2.2 changelog:

  • c875d0a: [Form] fixed INF usage which does not work on Solaris
  • b272419: fixed variable name used in translation cache

2.3 changelog:

  • 494e803: [DependencyInjection] replaced try/catch block with an @expectedException annotation in a test
  • 3492186: [Intl] fixed tests failing on PHP 5.5

Master changelog:

  • ba0bcb1: sorted files while extracting translation messages from a twig templates
  • d95c245: [Config] allowed to get parent of BaseNode

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Published in #A week of symfony