This week Symfony 2.2.4 was released to fix some minor bugs. In addition, the regenerate method of NativeSessionStorage was fixed for cases when a previous session didn't exist and the Security component prevented listeners from clearing unrelated tokens.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 52e530d: [HttpFoundation] fixed NativeSessionStorage:regenerate when does not exists
- 242b318: [DependencyInjection] added exception for service name not dumpable in PHP
- 2ebb783: [Propel Bridge] fixed issue when modelChoiceList calls getPrimaryKey on a non object
- 2317443: [Security] fixed issue where authentication listeners clear unrelated tokens
- d6cafcd: [PropertyAccess] added the 'moves' word to pluralMap
- b960004: [SecurityBundle] inject the schema instead of the whole container in the AclSchemaListener
- 15bf1d7: [SwiftmailerBridge] marked MessageDataCollector as deprecated
They talked about us
- Feedback : Monitor your Symfony2 application via Stats.d and Graphite
- Utilisation de l’évènement kernel.terminate sous Symfony2
- Symfony2 подписка на динамические события
- Instalasi Symfony 2 Pada Ubuntu
- Symfony2 Geliştirme ortamında cachelemeyi kapatmak
- Ma Relation ManyToMany n’est pas persisté.
- symfony2 foreign keyの登録でハマる
- Symfony2: Logging users in programatically with Doctrine2 and FOSUserBundle
- Symfony2: Doctrine2でちょっと複雑なORMを書く1
- Bundles in Silex using Stack
- Symfony: The form’s view data is expected to be of type scalar, array or an instance of ArrayAccess
- Site Performance with Drupal 8 and Symfony - Part 1
It's strange that Symfony 2.3.2 was released as well, but without any blogposts or other news around it, and even this blog post doesn't mention it...