This week, four important security releases were published, containing security fixes for the Validator and the HttpFoundation components of every Symfony major version. Meanwhile, a new 2.0 experimental branch was created to test the new features of the upcoming Twig 2.0 version.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 6d555bc: [Validator] fixed metadata serialization
- c35cc5b: [FrameworkBundle] added trusted hosts check
- 322f880: replaced deprecated Twig features
- 0b965fb: made the filesystem loader compatible with Twig 2.0
- 1a73b44: [HttpFoundation] added missing support for the new output API in PHP 5.4+
- 2769c9d: [ClassLoader] use strstr instead of strpos
- 8fa0453: [Intl] updated stubs to reflect ICU 51.2
- 98f6969: [Process] fixed empty process argument escaping on Windows
- e47657d: [Debug] made sure ContextErrorException is loaded during compile time errors
- 6ed0fdf: [Form] moved auto_initialize option to the BaseType
- 7eaaec1: [FrameworkBundle] made code more generic
- cb03a54: [SecurityBundle] adapted security collector template name to webprofiler conventions
- 9acedb7: [DependencyInjection] test constants
- 554f95f: [HttpKernel] added $event->isMasterRequest()
- ce32981: [Console] added a way to set terminal dimensions
- 0fa3a74: [Console] added more semantic commands to detect verbosity
- 49c4a79: [DependencyInjection] optimized some unneeded casts (esp. when casting something to string for array access)
- b28d280: [Process] added possibility to use array prefixes
- 50435aa: [Propel1Bridge] refactored PropelLogger to implement BasicLogger interface
- e6687d9: [DoctrineBridge] use custom cache namespace option if it is specified
They talked about us
- DDD with Symfony2: Folder Structure And Code First
- Your Service Layer benefits from a Dispatcher
- Symfony2: Separar el Date y el Time en un formulario
- Symfony2 su Google App Engine
- Symfony2でrootディレクトリを取得する方法
- Comienza el desarrollo de Twig 2.0
- Symfony2 Framework läuft nach Update auf Version 2.3.3 nicht mehr
- Ficheros de configuración en Silex
- How to manage fixtures in a PHP project