This week, the DependencyInjection component fixed some undetected circular references, the EventDispatcher events were made lighter and the Form component made a lot of tweaks and improved its code coverage. Meanwhile, the Symfony Live London 2013 conference will take place next week, where Fabien will introduce a game changing feature for the upcoming Symfony 2.4.
Development mailing list
- [Form] [Debug] DataCollector for Forms
- [Form] Simplify request handling #2
- [DependencyInjection] added a simple way to replace a service by keeping a reference to the old one
- [WIP] Parallelized travis builds
Symfony2 development highlights
- 53f292a: [Form] removed usage of the ChoiceList::getIndicesFor*() methods where they don't offer any performance benefit
- 30aa1de: [Form] fixed ChoiceList::getBy() methods to preserve order and array keys
- ed83752: [Form] fixed expanded choice field to be marked invalid when unknown choices are submitted
- 9d3628c: [Form] improved test coverage of ChoiceList classes
- 4d2dc55: [DoctrineBridge] improved test coverage of EntityChoiceList
- 1e75cf9: [Process] fixed: read output once the process is finished, enable pipe tests on Windows
- 8c2a733: [HttpFoundation] fixed format duplication in Request
- 37102dc: [Process] close unix pipes before calling
to avoid a deadlock - 610301d: [FrameworkBundle] removed obsolete code
- ce7de37: [DependencyInjection] fixed a non-detected circular reference in PhpDumper
- 427ee19: [FrameworkBundle] fixed registration of the register listener pass
- 8444339: [HttpKernel] added a check for private event listeners/subscribers
- 4c1dbc7: [TwigBridge] fixed form rendering when used in a template with dynamic inheritance
- 4f5b8f0: [HttpFoundation] tried to keep the original Request URI as much as possible to avoid different behavior between ::createFromGlobals() and ::create()
- 42019f6: [Console] fixed argument parsing when a single dash is passed
- 0d6af5c, 68c9c86: [Form] use setTimeZone if this method exists
- b65a515: [Form] fixed FormValidator::findClickedButton() not to be called exponentially
- 097b376: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed toolbar for IE8
- a273e79: [Form] fixed: 'required' attribute is not added to < select > tag if no empty value
- 6fd32f3: [FrameworkBundle] added option to show controllers optionally in the router:debug command
- 5499a29: [Validator] the default option name can now be omitted when defining constraints as annotations
- 3ee2989: [FrameworkBundle] added Stopwatch Helper
- 5cad478: [DependencyInjection] added tags validation when compiling a container
- e2bff32, 42f4b6d: [EventDispatcher] made events lighter
They talked about us
- Getting set for Symfony Live London 2013
- Symfony2 & TDD: Testing a Configuration Class
- Programadores descontentos con Symfony crean un fork de Drupal 8
- Symfony2 - creating adapter-dependent sub-forms
- Asset-ների սիմլինկ
- Create a custom form theme block with Twig
- Symfony: El mejor framework de PHP
- Handling Mobile template switching in Symfony2
- jqGrid y Symfony: lo básico
- Playtime with OroCRM
- DDD + BDD in a YOLO (Symfony2 Components) setup Series: The Renaissance – Part I
- Symfony2 创建项目与模板设置
- Créer un block de thème de formulaire perso avec Twig
- Symfony 2: Working with the Security Layer and Database Backends
- Convert your translation files using a Symfony command
- Installing and configuring symfony2
- Symfony2でSass、Compassを使う方法
- Symfony2 Parameter Bags
- Symfony2ը և HTTP֊ի հիմնադրույթները
And of course, Symfony CMF got tagged RC1!