This week, Symfony 2.2.10 and Symfony 2.3.7 maintenance versions were published. Meanwhile, the new ExpressionLanguage component received a lot of new documentation and the Swedish Symfony community announced their first Symfony conference.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 613b5f6, 43371bb, 1e2d14e: refactored Propel1 ModelChoiceList
- 9bc76ca: [HttpFoundation] Request::overrideGlobals() may call invalid php.ini value
- 74201e0: [Locale] fixed failing tests when the environment timezone is set to something else than UTC
- 52a18ea: [Process] check if the pipe array is empty before calling stream_select()
- 42346ea: [Routing] made Router implement RequestMatcherInterface
Newest issues and pull requests
- "Make ExpressionLanguage component extendable"
- "The DateTime related form fields should support using the immutable classes from 5.5"
- "[Form] Allow to extend multiple form types"
- "[2.4] Restrict Routes based on Security Context"
- "[AclProvider] Fix incorrect behavior when partial results returned from cache"
They talked about us
- "Symfony on Google App Engine Troubleshooting Series: Part I"
- "DDD with Symfony2: Basic Persistence & Testing"
- "How to run a Web Server from a PHP/Silex application"
- "The Sonata Project"
- "KnpMenuBundle + Sonata. Делаем меню из базы"
- "Intro to symfony2 validation"
- "Dynamic mapping in Doctrine and Symfony: how to extend entities"
- "Новое в Symfony 2.4: компонент ExpressionLanguage"
- "Google Authenticator in Symfony2"
- "Symfony2: Add a global option to console commands and generate a PID file"
- "Symfony, the mother of all PHP frameworks"
- "SonataMediaBundle. Русская версия перевода файла xliff"
- "Functional testing with authentication and Symfony 2.3, FOSUserBundle"
- "Symfony Live Berlin 2013"
- "Como configurar un proyecto de Symfony2 y Git"
- "Symfony2 Form Types and Non-Mandatory Relationships"
- "Symfony2: Redirect without referral"
- "Drupal 8 And Symfony 2 Framework"
- "Encode password of symfony2 with node.js"
- "Understanding Drupal 8, part 1: the general structure of the framework"
- "Doctrine, array hydratation et clés définies grâce aux ids des entités"