This week, Symfony 2.2.10 and Symfony 2.3.7 maintenance versions were published. Meanwhile, the new ExpressionLanguage component received a lot of new documentation and the Swedish Symfony community announced their first Symfony conference.

Symfony2 development highlights

2.2 changelog:

  • 613b5f6, 43371bb, 1e2d14e: refactored Propel1 ModelChoiceList
  • 9bc76ca: [HttpFoundation] Request::overrideGlobals() may call invalid php.ini value
  • 74201e0: [Locale] fixed failing tests when the environment timezone is set to something else than UTC
  • 52a18ea: [Process] check if the pipe array is empty before calling stream_select()

2.3 changelog:

  • 056d836: [Intl] fixed a failing datetime test
  • 6316de5: [Form] fixed memory leak in FormValidator

Master changelog:

  • 42346ea: [Routing] made Router implement RequestMatcherInterface

Newest issues and pull requests

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony