This week, the first SymfonyCon conference was celebrated at Warsaw, Poland. More than 600 Symfony developers gathered to learn about Symfony, to meet other community members and to discover the future of the Symfony ecosystem. In the coming days, this blog will post about some of the main announcements.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 454ce16: [HttpKernel] allow TraceableEventDispatcher to reuse event instance in nested events
- 923640a: [Validator] added missing Lithuanian validator translations
- f727b22: [Routing] fixed router matching pattern against multiple hosts
- c9c21a5: [Validator] added missing Spanish validator translations
- a834c2f: [BrowserKit] added missing exception message parameter
- 37962a6: [Validator] improved the Basque validation translations
- 40e58cd: [Console] fixed TableHelper when cell value has new line
- a259c04: [Debug] ErrorHandlerTest: restoreerrorhandler() on assertion failure
- b7567d1: [Security] added ExpressionVoterTest
- b3afa8d: [ExpressionLanguage] throw exception when parameters contain expressions
- e1fe327: [Config] removed unnecessary condition
- 7f18d19: [Security] added ExpressionLanguage to require-dev
- 34d0b1d: [FrameworkBundle] fixed bug in XMLDescriptor
Newest issues and pull requests
- [ExpressionLanguage] way to use getters for private attributes
- [OptionsResolver] Choose policy on unknown options
- [Security] added string representation for core Users
- [Console] Added a way to set the process title
- [Console] Added the possibility to set a different default command
- [Translation] Added logging capability to translator
- [BrowserKit] make CookieJar comply with RFC 6265 edge cases
They talked about us
- Making the Sonata Project better
- Symfony2.3: Novedades – Forms y Validation
- Introducing SonataCoreBundle
- Meet us at SymfonyLive Warsaw
- Mi nueva etapa profesional en SensioLabs
- Installer Rest dans une application Symfony2 existante
- Erstellen einer flexiblen Projektstruktur für Symfony2 und AngularJS
- Semana intensa para la comunidad Symfony
- Hacking Day at Warsaw Series: Part VI
- Symfony2: Override Parent Controller Action to Add View Variables/Parameters
- SensioLabs raises 5 million euros to boost the Symfony ecosystem
- SensioLabs anuncia una ronda de inversión de siete millones de dólares
- SensioLabs, der Erfinder von Symfony, schließt seine Finanzierungsrunde im Wert von 7 Millionen US-Dollar mit CM-CIC Private Capital erfolgreich ab
- SensioLabs, creatore di Symfony, chiude con successo un ciclo di finanziamento di serie A del valore di 7 milioni di dollari raccolto da CM-CIC Private Capital
- SensioLabs, Creator of Symfony, Successfully Closes Its $7 Million Series a Financing Round With CM-CIC Private Capital
- SensioLabs, à l’origine de Symfony PHP, lève 5 millions d’euros
- Hacking Day Warsaw Symfony Series: Part VII
- Get Single Field Error in Symfony
- Symfony2 Twig 'DateTime Could Not Be Converted to String'
- SymfonyCon Varsovia 2013
- Moving from cakephp 1.3 to symfony 2 + doctrine 2
Symfony Advent Calendar 2013
Published by the Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de Symfony
- Jour 9 - symfony 1.5, notre fork de symfony1
- Jour 10 - Méta-données Doctrine
- Jour 11 - Les CMS autour de Symfony2
- Jour 12 - Et si on mettait un peu de Symfony dans Javascript?
- Jour 13 - Jouons à cache-cache avec HTTP
- Jour 14 - Votre application est lente? Pensez à optimiser Doctrine!
- Jour 15 - Etendre Behat pour y mettre son métier
Do you have any idea or suggestion to improve the A week of Symfony posts? Please, leave a comment below or send me an email to javier.eguiluz[at]
How do blogposts get in that list? I wrote about the docs hackday
Tom, to get the list of blog posts of the "They talked about us" section I do the following:
I've subscribed to dozens of Symfony sites and I check all of them with a RSS client.
I do a "Google Blog Search" query to find any missing post about Symfony.
In your particular case, I don't see the RSS feed on your site, so I cannot subscribe to your posts :( Anyway, the post that you mention in your comment will appear in the next week's digest.
Thanks for noticing me about your post and for helping with the Hack Day.