This week, the Symfony community attention focused on the aftermath of the great SymfonyCon 2013 conference and the financing round announced by the parent company of Symfony.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 10e43b7: [Filesystem] changed the mode for a target file in copy() to be write only (stream wrappers like S3 do not support w+)
- c05232f: [Validator] removed deprecated constraints calls (Min, Max, MaxLength, MinLength)
- 06985eb: [DependencyInjection] do normalization on tag options
- 0af3d19: [Routing] removed usage of deprecated _scheme requirement
- 57ee519: [HttpFoundation] BinaryFileResponse should also return 416 or 200 on some range-requets
- 0bbde05: [Form] fixed issue in BaseDateTimeTransformer when invalid timezone cause Transformation filed exception
- 2e0bf0e: [Config] allow 0 as ArrayNode name
- bee06e9: [Config] let ArrayNode::normalizeValue respect order of value array provided
- faf2c8e: [HttpFoundation] fixed constants that don't exist in 2.3 (only in 2.4)
- 3132b04: [BrowserKit] fixed CookieJar is totally ignorant of RFC 6265 edge cases
- eb86af9: [Security] logger should manipulate the user reloaded from provider
- c6f210b: [DependencyInjection] fixed support for backslashes in service ids
- 404944e: [Form] fixed deprecated usage and clarify constructor defaults for number formatter
- cfff054: [DomCrawler] Crawler default namespace fix
- 8edc855: [FrameworkBundle] added extra details in XMLDescriptor to improve container description
Newest issues and pull requests
- [WIP] [Console] added a better way to ask questions to the user
- Added support for multiple route class annotations
- [TwigBundle] Add command to list twig functions, filters, globals and tests
- [Form] Polymorphic collections
- [DoctrineExtension] Allow cache drivers that are not an EM's child
- [SecurityBundle] fix wrong view behavior in WebDebugToolbar when username of token is empty
- [Security] Fix ExceptionListener to catch correctly AccessDeniedException if is not first exception
They talked about us
- SymfonyCon 2013 Hacking Day
- Enforcing Data Encapsulation with Symfony Forms
- Symfony2.3: Novedades – Components y Framework
- SensioLabs, creator of Symfony, successfully closes its $7 million Series A financing round with CM-CIC Private Capital
- SensioLabs Raises $6.9 Million To Implement Its PHP Framework ‘Symfony’ Everywhere
- SensioLabs raises 5 million euros to boost the Symfony ecosystem
- SensioLabs anuncia una ronda de inversión de siete millones de dólares
- SensioLabs, der Erfinder von Symfony, schließt seine Finanzierungsrunde im Wert von 7 Millionen US-Dollar mit CM-CIC Private Capital erfolgreich ab
- SensioLabs, Creator of Symfony, Successfully Closes Its $7 Million Series a Financing Round With CM-CIC Private Capital
- SensioLabs, à l’origine de Symfony PHP, lève 5 millions d’euros
- $7M инвестиций в Symfony и SensioLabs
- Generating Behat tests when creating pageparts
- Symfony + Vodka = SymfonyCon
- Symfony creator SensioLabs raises $7 Million to make PHP more professional
- L'éditeur de solutions Open Source SENSIOLABS cloture un premier tour de table de 5M€
- Le créateur de Symfony lève 5 millions d’euros
- Doctrine2: Désactiver temporairement les événements d’un listener
- Anunciados los ganadores de los segundos Premios Symfony
- Symfony : SensioLabs lève 5 millions d'euros
- Интеграция аутентификации Symfony2 и трекера Jira
- SymfonyCon Warsaw 2013
- PHPUnit Symfony Test Suite
- Knp Paginatorを使ってみる
- Changing the Symfony2 web directory
- Resumen de SymfonyCon Warsaw 2013
- Updated AMPPS Symfony2
- 5 reasons to use KNP RAD edition
Symfony Advent Calendar 2013
Published by the Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de Symfony
- Jour 16 - Tips & Tricks : AngularJS & Symfony2
- Jour 17 - Commencer à adopter Devops sur ses projets Symfony
- Jour 18 - Capifony et Capistrano sont dans un bateau
- Jour 19 - Bien penser ses commandes Symfony2
- Jour 20 - Intégration d'Elasticsearch dans vos applications Symfony2
- Jour 21 - RabbitMQ et Symfony2 : comment faire des traitements asynchrones et gérer les queues
Do you have any idea or suggestion to improve the A week of Symfony posts? Please, leave a comment below or send me an email to javier.eguiluz[at]