This week, Symfony development activity focused on minor fixes and improvements, Twig continued working on HHVM compatibility and Silex allowed to use strings instead of constants for Monolog logging levels. Meanwhile, a lot of new discussions and proposals were initiated at the repository, such as simplifying the addition of request formats, improving the form debugger and decoupling Twig commands from Symfony.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 2e4670d: [Security] fixed parent serialization of user object
- 35610d0: [Validator] removed duplicated test for IBAN in data provider
- d136555: [Filesystem] fixed mirror for symlinks
- d0555f4: [Form] check for hour, minute & second validity
- a6562b3: [Doctrine Bridge] fixed deprecated method calls
- 9d89f1e: [FrameworkBundle] avoid tables to have apparently long blank line breaks and be too far appart for long nested array params
- da53d92: [Security] added MutableAclProvider::updateUserSecurityIdentity method
- 20d4eb6: [PropertyAccess] allowed non alphanumeric chars in object properties
- 006cb81: [Console] show no output in ProgressHelper when isDecorated is false
- c6b1c74: [Form] added getter to transformer chain
- 6d9f0be: [Serializer] JSON encoder classes now throws UnexpectedValueException as XML classes
- 9a90e06: [EventDispatcher] added TraceableEventDispatcher from HttpKernel
Newest issues and pull requests
- [FrameworkBundle] added configuration for additional request formats
- [WIP] Form Debugger JavaScript improvements
- [Twig] decouple Twig commands from the framework
- [WIP][DependencyInjection] add a new syntax to define factories as callables
- [WebProfilerBundle] fixed profiler toolbar icons for XHTML
- Add support for HHVM in the getting of the PHP executable
Twig development highlights
- e03b05e, 81ef138: added HHVM to build matrix
- 87d4f08: simple filesystem loader enhancement for easy overloading
- 27f3e0f: fixed Filesystem::exists() to normalize the template name before checking the cache
Silex development highlights
- 121f3f2: allow strings for levels in the monolog service provider (they are automatically translated to the corresponding logger constant values)
- 2ef826c: backport static:: to classname:: in MonologServiceProvider for PHP 5.3 compatibility
They talked about us
- Factory pattern in Symfony2
- Doctrine: Value Objects
- PHPUnit Symfony Test Suite
- Nuevas ofertas de trabajo para programadores Symfony
- Composer The Latest of Our Alpha – Symfony2 Tricks
- Propel + Symfony2 : Debugando queries em comandos
- Un code fluide comme une symfony
- Symfony2 API: the rest of REST
- Enabling CORS in a RESTFull Silex server, working with a phonegap/cordova applications
- Best PHP Frameworks for 2014
Symfony Advent Calendar 2013
Published by the Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de Symfony
- Jour 22 - Formulaires Symfony2 et data-binding
- Jour 23 - Sensibilisation au DDD
- Jour 24 - Une avancée de Symfony 2.5... parmi d'autres
Do you have any idea or suggestion to improve the A week of Symfony posts? Please, leave a comment below or send me an email to javier.eguiluz[at]
It is already well written to stay informed of the framework's novelties, maybe adding some information about Doctrine updates also would be a nice idea ?