This week, Symfony2 master branch added the ability to change encoding options for JsonResponse, improved the way form errors are handled, and allowed the Console component to set a different default command. In addition, the Symfony repository surpassed the 10,000th issue + pull request milestone. Lastly, Bernhard Schussek started drafting the new Symfony backwards compatibility promise, which sets the foundations for the strict Symfony 2.x policy regarding BC.

Symfony2 development highlights

2.3 changelog:

  • 8df535d: [BrowserKit] throw exception on invalid cookie expiration timestamp
  • 956fa58: [Propel 1 Bridge] added exception message for ModelChoiceList and ModelType when class parameter is not provided or invalid
  • 7eacc5a: [Translation] fixed empty translations with Qt files
  • 160b1cf: [Process] reverted TTY mode
  • bd78fbd: [Dotrine Bridge] added the type detection needed by pdo_dblib
  • 613535a: [CssSelector] fixed numeric attribute issue
  • 8ddb74a: [Doctrine Bridge] fixed null values in assosiated properties when using UniqueEntityValidator
  • ac1ba81: [Console] fixed the compatibility with HHVM

2.4 changelog:

  • ade448c: [Console] fixed command name guessing if an alternative is an alias

Master changelog:

  • 9c06b27: [FrameworkBundle] added yaml:lint command
  • 07d1d30: [OptionsResolver] allowed giving a callback as an allowedValue to OptionsResolver
  • 89f4784, f8bc3b2: [HttpFoundation] added ability to change JSON encoding options
  • a1f6411, f2261da: [FrameworkBundle] added feedback in cache:clear
  • 418de05: [Console] added the possibility to set a different default command
  • c8a0ee6: [Form] errors now reference the field they were added to and the violation/exception that caused them

Newest issues and pull requests

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony