This week, Symfony Serializer component added support for handling circular references and DependencyInjection fixed some problems with aliases and circular references. Meanwhile, some interesting proposals were made for future Symfony versions, such as decoupling type validation from constraint validators and removing Blank/NotBlank constraints.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 264c37a: [FrameworkBundle] improved server:run feedback
- 91fde69: [Form] no need to add the url listener when it does not do anything
- 5f8047d: [security] changed priority of switchuser
- acbde50: [DependencyInjection] break infinite loop while resolving aliases
- 51312d3: introduced a new code standard to unalign some code elements
- 957fbb2: [Tests] PHPUnit Optimizations
- 6020c43, 974bf01, 00c1b75: fixed some volatile tests
- b63926b: [Finder] escape location for regex searches
- 902efb8: [HttpKernel] made sure HttpCache is a trusted proxy
- fab61ef: [Translation] clear libxml errors after parsing XML file
- 5fbb278: [Finder] avoid question mark and asterisk in folder names to prevent windows filesystem issues
- 42ec76e: [HttpFoundation] Response::isNotModified returns true when If-Modified-Since is later than Last-Modified
- 4780210: [Form] added a form error if postmaxsize has been reached
- 759ae1a: [Form] moved POSTMAXSIZE validation from FormValidator to request handler
- e85cb7f: added the possibility to return null from SimplePreAuthenticationListener
- 9333395: [Security] fixed createToken() doesn't return TokenInterface object in SimplePreAuthenticationListener
- 24c5ba4: [TwigBundle] use request format from request in twig ExceptionController
- fd77b09: [Form] fixed ValidatorTypeGuesser to guess properties without constraints not to be required
- 5839832: [Form] fixed usage of "name" variable in form_start block
- b712ac1: [PropertyAccess] simplified code
- a05379e: [Serializer] handle circular references
- bef48b3: [VarDumper] add meta-data on hover
- 642c119: [OptionsResolver] merged Options class into OptionsResolver
- 5af0f89: [EventDispatcher] performance optimization
- ac8efd9: [HttpKernel] fixed DebugHandlersListener
- 2a19cd8: ensure that Twig form themes are always a list, not a hashmap
- 4bd8661: don't translate error messages twice
Newest issues and pull requests
- [Validator] Decouple type validation from constraint validators
- [DX] Proposal: Abstraction layer for functionnal testing
- [3.0] [Validator] Remove Blank/NotBlank constraint
- [FrameworkBundle] create a trusted referrer in session
- [Translation] translation:debug for views in app/ folder
- [DX][Console][DoctrineBundle] Alias console commands
- [DomCrawler] Terrible perfomance
Twig development highlights
- 8f617dc: fixed guessing a template info for the TwigErrorLoader exception
- 5ba4e9c: fixed using of unary operators with default parameters
- 8dfeda0: fixed "in" operator for resources and strings
- 435534e: first argument of TwigLoaderArray must be an array
They talked about us
- The PHP Security Advisories Database
- Symfony All The Things (Web)
- Happy Birthday, Symfony!
- Defining PHP Annotations in XML
- Знакомство с Oro Platform
- El proyecto Symfony cumple 9 años
- Elasticsearch et Symfony : Statistiques avec les agrégations
- Symfony2: logging out
- Symfony2: Outputting form checkboxes in a hierarchy
- Moved from LiipCacheControlBundle to FOSHttpCacheBundle
- Drupal 8 Hooks and the Symfony Event Dispatcher
- Basic Functional Testing With Symfony 2's Crawler
- Symfony2 Data Transformer and Custom Field Types
- Ya se encuentra disponible Symfony 2.3.21 y Symfony 2.5.6
- Windows Azure 上的 Symfony,适用于 PHP 开发者的强大组合
- 5 bonnes raisons de développer son site en PHP avec le framework Symfony2
- Symfony 301 redirect through router
- Symfony2 PHPUnit Mocking the database issue Symfony2 PHPUnit嘲弄的数据库问题
- Symfony2 FOSUserBundle resetting password manually – manuel şifre değiştirme
- Symfony 2, la version 2.6 va intégrer Bootstrap dans les formulaires
- Symfony2源码分析——启动过程2
- Window7上搭建symfony开发环境(PEAR)
Amazing information Thanks Osuol Legal Translation