This week Symfony routing implemented the serialization of the compiled route to speed things up. In addition, it improved error messages for lots of components and continued polishing the new VarDumper component. Lastly, this week the European Symfony community gathered around the Symfony Live Berlin 2014 conference, the last big Symfony event of the year before the SymfonyCon conference.
Symfony2 development highlights
- fd88de7: [Routing] serialized the compiled route to speed things up
- 97bb22c: [Config] fixed filelocator with empty name
- c77fdcb: [Yaml] improved error message for multiple documents
- 9c1e468: [Kernel] ensured session is saved before sending response
- eb4b20f: [Session] removed invalid hack in session regenerate
- 9ea4296: [Validator] fixed Regex::getHtmlPattern() to work with complex and negated patterns
- b1bffc0: [Twig Bridge] indicate which file was being parsed if an exception is thrown while running translation:debug
- ec82e32: [Form] fixed form handling with OPTIONS request method
- 8d2c296: [HttpFoundation] CSRF warning docs on Request::enableHttpMethodParameterOverride()
- cd2c2e3: decodes some special chars in a URL query
- d9c239d: added XML schema definition for the DebugBundle
- 99cfa8e: [OptionsResolver] fixed count() and exceptions
- 417f021: [Debug] DI controllable ErrorHandler::register()
- 9b9fb5a: [VarDumper] polymorphic and stateless output selection
- 7ffba44: [VarDumper] UML prefixes for properties
- dd7a9b6: [HttpFoundation] allow Cache-Control headers on StreamedResponse
Newest issues and pull requests
- [DX] Simplify the setting of form action and method
- [DX][Form] Improve exception message on invalid data_class
- [twig] remove the use of the deprecated form_enctype
- Handling exception thrown in contoller rendered by twig
- [DX][Form] Defining validation groups on form field level should throw an error
- [Kernel] deprecate X-Status-Code
- [HttpFoundation] Response status logic not according to RFC
- Router 3.0 improvements
They talked about us
- Symfony in Barcelona
- Symfony Camp UA 2014 is coming soon
- Moved from LiipCacheControlBundle to FOSHttpCacheBundle
- Symfony2: Outputting form checkboxes in a hierarchy
- Symfony CMF 1.2 veröffentlicht
- Use aggregations for statistics with Symfony and Elasticsearch
- What do the new Symfony “Best Practices” mean for frontend developers?
- PHP, .Net, Java, iOS, Big Data : le salaire des développeurs en 2014 (Infographie)
- [Benchmark] PHP amqp-lib VS amqp-ext with Swarrot
- Ansible and Vagrant stack for Symfony2 projects
- Neu in Symfony 2.6
- SymfonyのEditionまとめ
- How to use CodeShip with Symfony2, phpspec and Behat
- Testing Symfony2 Applications With Codeception
- Introduction to web development with Symfony2
- Visiting Symfony Live Conference
- Symfonyもくもく会 #1に参加してました
Just a to be clear, the serialization of the compiled route does not speed up Symfony ifself are we are not using serialized route anywhere. It was done to speed up Drupal.