During this week, symfony released its 1.0.8 version, Askeet tutorial was slightly updated and community contributed lots of new and updated plugins.
Development mailing list
- Interesting discussion about securing development and other administrative tools
Development highlights
- r5456:added OpenDocument mime types (closes #2362)
- r5470, r5471: fixed admin main.css - absolute to relative paths (closes #1889)
- Milestone 1.0.8 completed
- r5493: updated sfCompat10Plugin (deprecated methods from sfAction and sfRequest, moved unit tests for deprecated method to the plugin, moved sfValidatorException to the plugin, updated UPGRADE file)
- r5494: added sfWebRequest::isMethod() shortcut
- r5495: removed empty validate directories
- r5496: removed empty lib directory in Propel CRUD skeleton
- r5497: fixed a bug in sfSimpleAutoload
- r5500: fixed path problem in sfPropelBaseTask
- r5504: renamed sfPropelPlugin task folder from tasks to task
- r5508: fixed sfSimpleAutoload class + some optimization for tasks
- Updated dwhittle branch
- ...and many other changes
Development digest: 93 changesets, 20 defects created, 13 defects closed, 4 enhancements created, 2 enhancement closed, 8 documentation defects created, 12 documentation defects closed and 10 documentation edits.
Book and documentation
- Updated Askeet tutorial (fixed symfony installation with PEAR, fixed SQL filename generated by propel-build-sql, fixed schema creation explanation, removed phing installed as it is bundled with symfony 1.0, added the YAML format schema as an alternative, renamed all use_helpers to use_helper, fixed plugin installation explanation)
- Updated Ajax And JSON, Symfony And PDT, Installing symfony on IIS pages
- Created Securing the development frontend page
- Advances in czech and deutsch translations of the book
Approximate status of book translations: spanish (99%), italian (90%), polish (78%) chinese (26%), russian (26%), french (23%), czech (21%), brazilian portuguese (18%) deutsch (16%), dutch (15%), japanese (-).
- New Job Postings:
- Symfony Developers - full-time based in Lille, France - Webpulser - Contact: quentin.tousart [at] webpulser [dot] com
- New developers for hire:
- Reenhanced LLC: web applications firm based in Quakertown, PA, USA. Our firm supports both symfony and Ruby on Rails, with multiple projects in each.
- New symfony bloggers:
- New plugins
- sfPropelAlternativeSchemaPlugin: this plugin extends the symfony model generator, based on Propel, to allow a schema to override another one. It also provides a new YAML syntax for defining database schemas, more explicit and more readable.
- sfPHPUnitPlugin: integrates PHPUnit in symfony applicactions. The main motivation for this plugin was to introduce Selenium testing into symfony, so that you could fully test AJAX'ed sites from the command line.
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: extends the power of the generator and adds the Extjs AJAX library to a symfony project, while remaining compatible to the default symfony-theme. It allows you to use the power of the Extjs library for the admin generated modules by simply defining this theme in your generator.yml file.
- sfPropelMigrationsLightPlugin: easily change the database structure without losing any data.
- sfPaymentPayboxPlugin: this plugin is designed to connect to the french Paybox payment gateway in order to process credit cards.
- sfJqueryPlugin: offers helpers that integrate the Jquery Javascript framework (this plugin is in Alpha state)
- sfFaqPlugin: allows you to embed a FAQ module within your symfony application with lots of features
- sfYzAjaxValidationPlugin: provides validation by using AJAX to access Symfony's native validation code and updating it to the client side
- Updated plugins
- sfPropel13Plugin: bugfix when generating CRUD/adming (was reading PDO type, instead of Propel type), removed autoload.yml, added license, readme, package.xml, released 0.6.0 version
- sfMediaLibraryPlugin: fixed wrong path in CSS
- sfPropelActAsCommentableBehaviorPlugin: fixed bad index name, removed unnecessary schema parameters, added namespaces (behavior + tests + module + validation), fixed link in documentation, update package.xml, released 0.3 version, make module more extensible, added limit option
- sfLucenePlugin: added custom analyzer and case sensitivity support, made documentation more clear with custom partials, added/fixed encoding support in indexers, released version 0.0.8 (alpha), improved indexing error messages (regarding non-scalar resource types)
- sfPropelActAsTaggableBehaviorPlugin: removed model generated classes, updated package.xml, added an optionnal array parameter to the "getTags()" method + updated tests
- sfDoctrinePlugin: added default record listener, fixes for new sfDoctrinePlugin, added code so that propel style accessors are generated, fix so Table classes are generated
- sfSimpleForumPlugin: fixed empty forums not being displayed in Forum list (closes #2330), fixed package file and released 0.6.4 Beta (closes #2336)
- sfSuperCachePlugin: fixed problem when 2 urls can lead to a directory and a file, remove cache file if we have to create a dir with the same name, added a new with_host parameter and updated mod_rewrite rules, released 1.0.4 version
- sfSslRequirementPlugin: redirect does not end execution of the request
- sfThumbnailPlugin: toString($mime) method now works for both adapters, loadFile() method can now accept a URI if sfWebBrowserPluging is available, implemented "method" option for sfImageMagickAdapter where "method" for now can be "shave_all" or "shave_bottom"
- sfOPTViewPlugin: fixed detecting view class in sfPartialView, packaged as a plugin
- Updated documentation of sfMediaLibraryPlugin (clarify the need for advimage js plugin), sfPropelAuditPlugin
Some new symfony powered websites
- Grupo Beredali: a Mexican distributor of ConocoPhillips lubricants. The complete site is developed in Symfony and uses several plugins
- Klein Dytham Architecture
- fooWHO: a new concept of social networking designed to provide users with statistical information on items suggested by other users who like the same stuff they do.
- Poêle à granulés MARCUS: (french) website dedicated to MARCUS stove
They talked about us
- symfonyã®æœ¬ãŒå‡ºã‚‹ãã†ã§ã™
- Nuevos plugins Symfony (7-10-2007)
- sfReCaptchaPlugin update to 1.0.2
- Installer symfony sur Ubuntu
- Una semana con Symfony #13 (1-7 Octubre 2007)
- Performance Patch for Propel im symfony
- テンプレートã‚ャッシュã®ä½¿ã„æ–¹
- Se publica Symfony 1.0.8
- PHP frameworks, Part 1: Getting started with three popular frameworks
- Publicado symfony v1.0.8 y como bono ¿un problema en mi instalación?
- Nuova release di symfony
- Bringing the web stats to your site
- Symfony Intranetlösung für Hessen
- Symfony - Eine Volltextsuche muss her!
Symfony is teaching me something new everyday.
You guys deserve a round of applause :)
Thank you!
http://trac.symfony-project.com/attachment/wiki/SymfonyAndPDT/pdt_code_folding_with_preview.gif?format=raw is it a bug?