This week, Symfony added the possibility of defining multiple fallback locales and improved the Length validator to reject values which don't match the expected charset. Meanwhile, the DX initiative keeps improving Symfony with new proposals to throw exceptions with error messages visible to users and to simplify setting Twig options to format dates and numbers.

Symfony2 development highlights

2.3 changelog:

  • 1251f0e: [FrameworkBundle] allowed multiple fallback locales
  • 58bf582: [Doctrine Bridge] Unique Entity Validator Invalid Value
  • 915fcd8: [Validator] dropped grapheme_strlen in LengthValidator
  • 3a9058a: [Validator] rejected ill-formed strings

2.5 changelog:

  • 458b029: [EventDispatcher] injected the correct EventDispatcher instance

2.6 changelog:

  • 1901c84: [OptionsResolver] added test for allowed values and types that default to null

2.7 changelog:

  • 8100069: [SecurityBundle] removed usage of deprecated service
  • d5e8ee3: [TwigBundle] fixed Twig options (removed the parameter as it cannot contain service references)

Master changelog:

  • f939fea: [Routing] made path required again in the xsd

Newest issues and pull requests

Twig development highlights

Master changelog:

  • 7868fe8: fixed named args for static methods
  • 24ff698: get PHP version info once on construction

Silex development highlights

Master changelog:

  • 9d082c6: used the SessionAuthenticationStrategy::MIGRATE constant to refer to session auth strategy

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony