This week, Symfony project resumed the biweekly IRC meetings to discuss about its own development. In addition, a new Symfony Docs Hack Day was organized with great success. Finally, after the approval of the PSR-7 specification, a working group has been set up to integrate it into Symfony.

Symfony2 development highlights

2.3 changelog:

  • 991e65c: [DomCrawler] throw an exception if a form field path is incomplete
  • 7a4394e: [FrameworkBundle] removed unnecessary parameter in TemplateController
  • 921ecff: [HttpFoundation] made IpUtils::checkIp4() allow networks
  • f24a6dd: [HttpFoundation] fixed baseUrl when script filename is contained in pathInfo
  • 438d394: [HttpKernel] handle an array vary header in the http cache store
  • 464c39a: [Security] AbstractRememberMeServices::encodeCookie() validates cookie parts
  • 63a9736: [Security] TokenBasedRememberMeServices test to show why encoding username is required
  • 44469d0: [Form] check instance of FormBuilderInterface instead of FormBuilder

2.6 changelog:

  • 9106ddb: [Twig Bridge] fixed the indentation in the compiled template for the DumpNode
  • 8b6efff: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed the rendering of deprecation log messages
  • af36c34: [Translation] fixed JSON loader on PHP 7 when file is empty

2.7 changelog:

  • ea874b6: added supported formats in commands that allow --format option
  • 3172d73: [DoctrineBridge] fixed BC break in DoctrineType
  • 01b7dd6: [TwigBridge] use proper class to fetch asset version strategy property

2.8 changelog:

  • 5fdc650: [WebProfilerBundle] improved page for logs
  • 53330e1: [Form] deprecated read_only option
  • 29ec5ca: [Translation] added options 'as_tree', 'inline' to YamlFileDumper to dump messages as tree instead of simple list
  • a57ce90: [Translator] dump translation constants as tree instead of simple list

Newest issues and pull requests

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony