This week, Symfony started the stabilization phase of the upcoming 2.8/3.0 versions release: AbstractVoter was simplified, Console added support for column styles, SecureRandom class was deprecated in favor of the PHP7 random_bytes() function and lots of tests were simplified thanks to the @requires annotation.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 58bf830: [PropertyAccess] fixed PropertyAccessor modifying array in object when array key does not exist
- 70f2b3e: [Console] show global commands first in command list
- d3b8176: [Security] InMemoryUserProvider now concerns whether user's password is changed when refreshing
- 7bc836c, f37ceef, 1ed07a0: [FrameworkBundle] added compatibility with Security component split
- e8f0e5a: [Security] added Remember Me cookie configuration
- af420c1: [ClassLoader] avoid duplicated path with addPrefix
- a83d525: [Filesystem] fixed mirroring a symlink copies absolute file path
- e0910d9: [Validator] fixed URL validator failure with empty string
- d040be7: [Yaml] allowed tabs before comments at the end of a line
- 96a4071: [Console] added additional ways to detect OS400 platform
- b1bd093: [Process] workaround buggy PHP warning
- 4061d37: [tests] Use @requires annotation when possible
- 9bbab98: [DomCrawler] deprecated using /_root/ in XPath expressions
- 3567548: [Security] simplified AbstractVoter
- 21e50d5: [Console] added support for column styles in tables
- a1c7af1: [DependencyInjection] warn when a definition relies on a deprecated class in ContainerBuilder::createService()
- 141f9eb, bd275a1: [Security] deprecated the SecureRandom class
- a6cb1c0: [FrameworkBundle] replaced PhpFileCache by FilesystemCache
- 88e2d70: [HttpFoundation] changed precedence of parameters in Request::get
- 40cf393: [Process] included working directory in ProcessFailedException
- 4e0c6e1: replaced is_callable checks with type hints
Newest issues and pull requests
- [Serializer] twice as slow as the JMS serializer
- [Intl] Translations for TimezoneType Field Type
- Introduce Lock Account Route for Remember Me
- [Config] deprecation handling for configuration options
- Is there a easy way to add a event listener for a specific firewall?
- Multiple forms and profiler
They talked about us
- Using the Symfony router for a WordPress front-end
- How to perform a HTTP/2 Server Push with the Symfony HttpKernel
- Get fastest search result with Symfony2 and Elastica search – 2
- Silex skeleton + Gulp + LiveReload
- Why You Should now Start Developing with Drupal 8
- Optimiza tu aplicación con Blackfire y gana un MacBook Pro
- Migrare a Symfony 3
- 【Symfony2】Gitで管理しないファイルを無視させる .gitignore
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