This week, a new component called Polyfill was proposed for Symfony. This component would provide userland implementations of functions and features available only on modern PHP versions. In addition, this week Symfony project turned 10 years old.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 58f5168: [WebProfiler] changed profiler toolbar color to comply with WCAG 2.0AA contrast standards
- fa604d3: mock time() function to fix transient tests
- 751f2be: [Filesystem] fixed makeRelativePath() does not work correctly from root
- b3a5411: [Validator] allowed an empty path in a URL with only a fragment or a query
- 795c8b3: [Security] use SessionAuthenticationStrategy on RememberMe login
- e704ee4: [TwigBundle] fixed Twig cache is not properly warmed
- b03ccb3: [EventDispatcher] added EventDispatcher::getListenerPriority()
- e599a72: [Yaml] deprecated non-escaped \ in double-quoted strings when parsing
- 1a93494: [PhpUnit] exit gracefully to workaround segfaults at shutdown time
- 87fdffa: [Form] fixed missing notice for deprecated "type"
- 27517e3: [Form] used "entry_type" instead of "type"
- a8d3d12: added UserLoaderInterface for loading users through Doctrine
Newest issues and pull requests
- YAML incorrectly parses tags starting with @ and `
- [WebProfilerBundle] Web profiler does not play nice with third-party CSS frameworks
- [Yaml] YAMLDumper does not support writing using folded/literal style
- [YAML] Question about array dumping
Twig development highlights
- d6316d6: fixed BC break by allowing null as the cache strategy
- 77c94ea, 7030fdd: added a cache for extension freshness test
They talked about us
- Symfony: A look back and what it all means
- eZ Platform: A CMS built with the Symfony Framework
- Custom Events in Symfony2 Bundle
- Refactoring TYPO3 CMS: Neos, Flow and... Symfony?
- Entities – the Model layer symfony
- Les 10 bundles symfony indispensables pour vos projets
- Integración de Bootstrap en Symfony 2
10 years is a milestone, surely it deserves more than just mere lip service? :-)