This week, the stabilization work on Symfony 2.8 continued in preparation of its imminent first beta release. Besides, the well-known ContainerAware class was deprecated in favor of ContainerAwareTrait and Symfony added a new micro kernel. Meanwhile, a lot of SymfonyCon related news were announced: there will be a live streaming ticket, the second edition of the Symfony Business Awards will be held and a Symfony edition of the PHP elePHPant will be available.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 30bd397: removed all @covers annotations
- b4dd254: session.gc_probability=0 to fix transient tests on HHVM
- 352dfb9, 916f9e0: [PropertyAccess] fixed dynamic property accessing
- 2c2836c: [HttpKernel] fixed race condition at mkdir
- 5a6c1f2: [Asset] achieved 100% code coverage
- b15bdca: [Serializer] PropertyNormalizer shouldn't set static properties
- d8d4405: [Serializer] GetSetNormalizer shouldn't set/get static methods
- aa4cc90: [PropertyAccess] port of the performance optimization from 2.3
- aacbcef: [FrameworkBundle] encode container params only once in JsonDescriptor
- da95b53: [Form] trigger deprecation warning when using empty_value
- 11d675f: [FrameworkBundle] better exception message for form services tagged as private
- 807ebac, 31a0669: [DependencyInjection] deprecated ContainerAware in favor of ContainerAwareTrait
- 7f89196: [Ldap] fixed ldap_set_option should be called with a valid link identifier
- b9863d5: [HttpKernel] PostResponseEvent should extend the KernelEvent
- 18913e1: [DependencyInjection] added autowiring support to dumpers
- 3b67daa: [Routing] readded the ability to add a resource to the RouteCollectionBuilder
- eab0f0a: added a micro kernel
- 8416f7b: [Yaml] deprecated unquoted indicator characters
- 9c3b910: [FrameworkBundle] added autowiring support for debug:container
- 71d502a: [DependencyInjection] added support for autowiring parent/decorators
- faefc60: [DependencyInjection] excluded abstract autowing definitons
- 69af9ea: [Console] added progress indicator helper
- 52c50e3: removed abstract class and use Interface+Trait
- 24ff770: [TwigBundle] used ContainerAwareTrait in commands
- 834218e: [Console] added end of options (--) signal support
Newest issues and pull requests
- Restrict firewall to a specific request by IP
- Support country for format Currency in NumberFormatter
- Ability to get entity constraints and message in FormBuilder class
- [Validator] Collection constraint with empty string (invalid data)
- Fatal Error Thrown for Untrusted Hosts
- Bug in Serializer component: AttributeMetadata could not be converted to string
Twig development highlights
- d4e3ada: cleaned some code
Silex development highlights
- 28ff003: fixed some routing deprecation notices
They talked about us
- PHP microframeworks and the Symfony Framework Micro Kernel
- Getting Started with Building APIs in Symfony2
- Symfony Live 2015 – The Second Day
- Symfony in a Docker Container
- This November in PHP: PHP 7, Symfony 3, eZ Platform and Drupal 8
- Using Swiftmailer in symfony
- Symfony in Drupal 8
- SymfonyCon 2015 venderá tickets especiales para seguir el evento por Internet
- Symfony2 - Ajouter une feuille de style personnalisée
- blogチュートリアル 基本(1) Symfony2のインストール
@Javier, as you're currently curating this weekly news, how do you select/discover the blog articles mentioned in the "They talked about us" section?