This week Symfony focused on fixing minor bugs and implementing some tweaks. The Yaml dump() method gained support for adding flags to tweak its output. In addition, we removed readline support from the Console component because it didn't work flawlessly. Meanwhile, the Symfony backlog cleaning process continued with more than 40 issues closed and 25 pull requests merged.
Symfony development highlights
- 90455df: [Process] fixed transient tests for incremental outputs
- 4f865c7: [DependencyInjection] check files before adding them as resources
- 047c195: [TwigBridge] forward compatibility with Yaml 3.1
- a45e8bb: [Routing] added a suggestion to add the HttpFoundation component
- 9983cfb: [Twig Bridge] fixed the Bootstrap form theme for inlined checkbox/radio
- 0e45a4a: [Console] removed readline support
- 1a58639: [DependencyInjection] removed unused parameter
- 4422103: [FrameworkBundle] register the SerializerExtractor in PropertyInfo
- 286103b: [Yaml] dump customization option with dumper flags
- 8605417: [Cache] don't clone, serialize
- 293df5d: [FrameworkBundle] fixed assets and templating tests
- 3e762a6: [Config] improved FileResource and DirectoryResource
Newest issues and pull requests
- [4.0][HttpFoundation] Future of the Request class
- Add support for composite environment variables
- Default TrustedHeaderNames are not standard... are they?
- [HttpFoundation] cache Request::getClientIp and Request::isSecure
- LDAP authentication should try to reconnect instead of comparing passwords
Twig development highlights
- d3c3c60: added hasser support to getAttribute()
They talked about us
- Help mold the Symfony of Tomorrow
- Sound of Symfony - Episode 11 - Looking forward to Symfony 4
- The Content API Gold Rush
- Porting Symfony Acme Demo Bundle as a Drupal 8 Module
- Making the Symfony PropertyAccess Component 84% faster
- Developing Symfony applications with Docker series part I: Getting started
- Validación en Symfony
- El Service Container en Symfony
- El proyecto EasyAdmin, un año después
- Comment installer Bootstrap LESS dans un projet Symfony
- Docker PHP7 und Symfony3 Image mit MySQL und phpMyAdmin
- [初心者向け]Symfony2を簡単にherokuにデプロイする手順
- SymfonyでElasticsearchを簡単に扱えるFOSElasticaBundleの紹介
- Symfony2バリデーションのコンテキスト
Is it possible to link the merge commits instead of the commits itself? Because sometimes I want to see the PR discussion, and I have to search for the corresponding PR by myself on github.
Example: There is no link to the PR. So this merge commit link would be more useful: