A week of symfony #481 (14-20 March 2016)
March 20, 2016 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week, Symfony 2.3.39 maintenance version was released. Meanwhile, Symfony added some new interesting features, such as a checkdnsrr() mock to create faster and more reliable tests, support for sending raw cookies in the response, a Redis adapter for the Cache component and the option to register private console commands.
Symfony development highlights
- 0f35599: [HttpKernel] set s-maxage only if all responses are cacheable
- afd31da: [SecurityBundle] added method doumentation for SecurityFactoryInterface
- 18615fc: [Form] fixed NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer::reverseTransform with big integers
- 4fece28: [Translation] added support for fuzzy tags in PoFileLoader
- 092a42b: [Validator] test DNS Email constraints using checkdnsrr() mock
- a5d9414: [DomCrawler] used XML_ELEMENT_NODE in nodeType check
- 11bb865: [PropertyAccess] throw an UnexpectedTypeException when the type do not match
- d1b8414: [Intl] fixed invalid numeric literal on PHP 7
- 06146f3: [FrameworkBundle] added tests for the Controller class
- d220830: [Validator] fixed EmailValidator cannot extract hostname if email contains multiple @ symbols
- 8cd9138: [Process] getIncrementalOutput should work without calling getOutput
- 67fba7d: [FrameworkBundle] replaced kernel.debug with member variable
- 254b4e9: [Console] used the clock mock for progress indicator tests
- 0c01903: [PropertyInfo] support Doctrine custom mapping type in DoctrineExtractor
- 98ba4b7: [HttpFoundation] added support for sending raw cookies in the response
- a8591fb: [FrameworkBundle] deprecated absolute template paths
- b629710: [DomCrawler] exposed getter for baseHref
- f0b46d4: [Console] allowed to register commands privately
- ded8491: [Cache] added Redis adapter
- f29d46f: [Cache] restricted flushes to namespace scopes
- 009b544: [Ldap] added forward compatibility layer
Newest issues and pull requests
- [PHPUnitBridge] Provide option to disable DeprecationErrorHandler
- [RFC] Simplify the Email Validator
- [DX] Auto-dump Doctrine query results in the webprofiler
- random_compat 2.x not allowed?
- [RFC] Decoupling DependencyInjection through type mapping
- [Form] ChoiceType error since update to 2.7.10
They talked about us
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