This week, Symfony 2.7.11 maintenance version was released. In addition, all Symfony versions improved PropertyAccess performance significantly and they added support for including parameters in custom MIME types. Lastly, PHPUnit Bridge defined a new "disabled" mode.
Symfony development highlights
- d01a106: [PropertyAccess] removed most ref mismatches to improve perf
- e375161: fixed some method mocks
- 09cc0b2: [HttpFoundation] fixed support of custom mime types with parameters
- 46e8229: [Routing] small refactoring for scheme requirement
- 241a725: [PropertyAccess] fixed isPropertyWritable not using the reflection cache
- dd7e05d: [FrameworkBundle] added tests for the Controller class
- 43df701: [Form] fixed Forms docblock to use FQCN
- 90ece1c: [Form] removed unused legacy code in ChoiceType
- fd0ddfb: [Cache] fixed an issue saving with not serializable values in RedisAdapter
- 1b21647: [PhpUnitBridge] added "disabled" mode to SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER
- 434a2f5, c7493f5: [Security] use auth trust resolver to determine anonymous in ContextListener
- abb8d64: [Cache] added fast multiple setEx with the pipeline transaction
- 697bac9: [HttpFoundation] made Request::isFromTrustedProxy() public
- 3c75c48: [FrameworkBundle, TwigBundle] made EngineInterface autowirable
- f9b0aaa: [FrameworkBundle] return the invokable service if its name is the class name
Newest issues and pull requests
- Reset Profiler data after each request for PHP-PM
- title
- Fix binary check in binary dumper
- Unescape CSS selector to XPath for id and class fields
- [Process] Silent behaviour change if folder doesnt exist
- [PhpUnitBridge] Set value of the deprecation helper
- Symfony 2.3 branch is not fully compatible with PHP 7
They talked about us
- Integrating eZ Platform + Doctrine Entities with the Symfony Framework
- The Ultimate Developer Guide to Symfony - API Example
- Parse YAML in PHP Using Symfony YAML
- Wrocław Symfony Group meeting at PIXERS
- Symfony po krůčkách – DomCrawler a CssSelector
- MicroKernel aneb spatny nazev pro Helper
- RailsユーザーだけどPHP/Symfony触ってみた
- Symfony支持多个站点(应用)
- Symfony2之session与cookie用法小结
Thanks again for nice selection!
An item with name "title" looks like it missing some url