This week Symfony 3.2.0 was published after six months of intense development activity and including more than 150 new features. Meanwhile, the SymfonyCon Berlin 2016 conference took place and a new project called "Symfony Flex" was announced to improve the way you work with Symfony.
Symfony development highlights
- 6d01ad2: [WebProfilerBundle] don't display menu items for empty profiler panels
- ec937cb: [Validator] ensure the proper context for nested validations
- 49addbe: [ClassLoader] use only forward slashes in generated classmap
- c360a22: [Config] ConfigCache::isFresh() should return false when unserialize() fails
- 5d7f4e1: [TwigBundle] don't register the twig loader twice
- 5f4d8e9: [Console] fixed wrong handling of multiline arg/opt descriptions
- 4a7fbdd: [DependencyInjection] PhpDumper::hasReference() shouldn't search references in lazy service
- fe15381: [Form] fixed "empty_value" option deprecation
- 7ef0951: [Form] fixed FileType when using the "multiple" option
- 03c79be: [WebProfilerBundle] increased the maximum allowed width for the dump panel
- 6459349: [Serializer] removed unused GetSetMethodNormalizer::denormalize
- e4a2c17: [FrameworkBundle] mark alias as private during creation
- b699e4b: [Yaml] fixed the inline level for dumped multi-line strings
- 821e7bb: [WebProfilerBundle] don't use request attributes in RouterController
- 8c2a77b: [Routing] fail properly when a route parameter name cannot be used as a PCRE subpattern name
- e62b602: [FrameworkBundle] improved performance of ControllerNameParser
- 24c40e0: [FrameworkBundle] don't rely on any parent definition for "cache.annotations"
- ee4ae55: [VarDumper] enhance performance of ExceptionCaster and DataCollector
- c500a3e: [FrameworkBundle] forbid env parameters in routing configuration
- 0c1e9ab: [Form] removed unused var cloner property
- f8b2a18: [WebProfilerBundle] use the VarDumper in the Translator panel
- 6a0ee38: [WebProfilerBundle] updated the "Symfony Config" panel in the profiler
- fe454e4: [Serializer] allowed to specify a single value in @Groups
- 122fae8: [DomCrawler] added support for formaction and formmethod attributes
- d6e8937: [Security] added a JSON authentication listener
Newest issues and pull requests
- [DependencyInjection] Support generating interface-bound proxies
- [DependencyInjection] Support getter-based dependency injection
- [DependencyInjection] Replace container injection by explicit service locators
- Consider deprecating ClassCollectionLoader
- DoctrineDataCollector does not output objects in queries
- Improve %env()% parameters in debug:config output
- Exception about Serialization and Closure after 3.2 upgrade
They talked about us
- Symfony Flex set to enable RAD (Rapid Application Development)
- Symfony – In Plain English
- Progress requires both stability and innovation, Symfony is nailing it
- Sound of Symfony: Episode 16 - Building a better bundle
- New Features In Symfony 3.2: Workflow Component, Twig And Other Changes
- Bolt vs. Grav: The Lightweight Standoff
- Michael Cullum Talks About PHP FIG, PSR, And Symfony
- Write a Simple CLI Command using Symfony
- Como crear un modelo de datos con doctrine en Symfony 3
- Avec SensioCloud, SensioLabs dévoile son cloud taillé pour Symfony
- SymfonyCon Berlin 2016 recap
- Symfony 2 Получить доступ к Entity Manager из static (статического) метода
- Навигация по коду в IDE от JetBrains с использованием REST API и командной строки
- Новое в Symfony 3.2: File контроллер хелпер
- 3年育てたSymfonyプロジェクトの現状
Could anyone reveal something about Flex?
@Artem we'll do that soon. Thanks for your patience!