A week of symfony #518 (28 November - 4 December 2016)
December 4, 2016 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week Symfony 3.2.0 was published after six months of intense development activity and including more than 150 new features. Meanwhile, the SymfonyCon Berlin 2016 conference took place and a new project called "Symfony Flex" was announced to improve the way you work with Symfony.
Symfony development highlights
- 6d01ad2: [WebProfilerBundle] don't display menu items for empty profiler panels
- ec937cb: [Validator] ensure the proper context for nested validations
- 49addbe: [ClassLoader] use only forward slashes in generated classmap
- c360a22: [Config] ConfigCache::isFresh() should return false when unserialize() fails
- 5d7f4e1: [TwigBundle] don't register the twig loader twice
- 5f4d8e9: [Console] fixed wrong handling of multiline arg/opt descriptions
- 4a7fbdd: [DependencyInjection] PhpDumper::hasReference() shouldn't search references in lazy service
- fe15381: [Form] fixed "empty_value" option deprecation
- 7ef0951: [Form] fixed FileType when using the "multiple" option
- 03c79be: [WebProfilerBundle] increased the maximum allowed width for the dump panel
- 6459349: [Serializer] removed unused GetSetMethodNormalizer::denormalize
- e4a2c17: [FrameworkBundle] mark alias as private during creation
- b699e4b: [Yaml] fixed the inline level for dumped multi-line strings
- 821e7bb: [WebProfilerBundle] don't use request attributes in RouterController
- 8c2a77b: [Routing] fail properly when a route parameter name cannot be used as a PCRE subpattern name
- e62b602: [FrameworkBundle] improved performance of ControllerNameParser
- 24c40e0: [FrameworkBundle] don't rely on any parent definition for "cache.annotations"
- ee4ae55: [VarDumper] enhance performance of ExceptionCaster and DataCollector
- c500a3e: [FrameworkBundle] forbid env parameters in routing configuration
- 0c1e9ab: [Form] removed unused var cloner property
- f8b2a18: [WebProfilerBundle] use the VarDumper in the Translator panel
- 6a0ee38: [WebProfilerBundle] updated the "Symfony Config" panel in the profiler
- fe454e4: [Serializer] allowed to specify a single value in @Groups
- 122fae8: [DomCrawler] added support for formaction and formmethod attributes
- d6e8937: [Security] added a JSON authentication listener
Newest issues and pull requests
- [DependencyInjection] Support generating interface-bound proxies
- [DependencyInjection] Support getter-based dependency injection
- [DependencyInjection] Replace container injection by explicit service locators
- Consider deprecating ClassCollectionLoader
- DoctrineDataCollector does not output objects in queries
- Improve %env()% parameters in debug:config output
- Exception about Serialization and Closure after 3.2 upgrade
They talked about us
- Symfony Flex set to enable RAD (Rapid Application Development)
- Symfony – In Plain English
- Progress requires both stability and innovation, Symfony is nailing it
- Sound of Symfony: Episode 16 - Building a better bundle
- New Features In Symfony 3.2: Workflow Component, Twig And Other Changes
- Bolt vs. Grav: The Lightweight Standoff
- Michael Cullum Talks About PHP FIG, PSR, And Symfony
- Write a Simple CLI Command using Symfony
- Como crear un modelo de datos con doctrine en Symfony 3
- Avec SensioCloud, SensioLabs dévoile son cloud taillé pour Symfony
- SymfonyCon Berlin 2016 recap
- Symfony 2 Получить доступ к Entity Manager из static (статического) метода
- Навигация по коду в IDE от JetBrains с использованием REST API и командной строки
- Новое в Symfony 3.2: File контроллер хелпер
- 3年育てたSymfonyプロジェクトの現状
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