A week of symfony #546 (12-18 June 2017)
June 18, 2017 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week, Symfony introduced Webpack Encore, the new official tool to manage web assets in Symfony applications. Meanwhile, we continued removing some dependencies from the upcoming Symfony 3.4 version, such as Doctrine Cache and the Stopwatch component. Lastly, we announced the dates and Call for Papers deadlines of the next Symfony conferences in London, San Francisco, Berlin and Cluj (Romania).
Symfony development highlights
- 4cff052: [HttpFoundation] added support for new 7.1 session options
- d44f143: [Filesystem] added workaround in Filesystem::rename for PHP bug
- baf988d: [Translation, FrameworkBundle] fixed resource loading order inconsistency
- f392282: [Routing] expose request in route conditions if possible
- 551e5ba: [HttpKernel] fixed two edge cases in ResponseCacheStrategy
- 3c2b1ff: [HttpKernel] keep s-maxage when expiry and validation are used in combination
- c8884e7: [TwigBundle] added Content-Type header for exception response
- 436d5e4: [FrameworkBundle] clean assets of the bundules that no longer exist
- aa94dd6: [PropertyAccess] fixed usage with anonymous classes
- dce2671: [PropertyAccess] do not silence TypeErrors from client code
- dddc5bd: [SecurityBundle] move cache of the firewall context into the request parameters
- 6852b10: [PhpUnit Bridge] fixed the conditional definition of the SymfonyTestsListener
- 7fc2552: [DependencyInjection] fixed keys resolution in ResolveParameterPlaceHoldersPass
- 748a999: [Yaml] fixed linting yaml with constants as keys
- 3278915: [Config] fixed ** GlobResource on Windows
- 57bed81: [HttpFoundation] added back support for legacy constant values
- 4667262: [FrameworkBundle] don't set pre-defined esi/ssi services
- 60e3a99: [WebServerBundle] fixed router script option BC
- 772ab3d: [Config] fixed Composer resources between web/cli
- 18ecbd7, a75a32d: [FrameworkBundle] removed dependency on Doctrine cache
- cc2363f, 17d23a7: [FrameworkBundle] drop hard dependency on the Stopwatch component
- 0300412: [SecurityBundle] give info about called security listeners in profile
- 936c1a5: [FrameworkBundle] deprecate useless --no-prefix option
- 2fe6e69: [WebProfilerBundle] sticky ajax window
- a03e194: [DependencyInjection] reference instead of inline for array-params
- 1ed41b5: [Serializer] allow to provide timezone in DateTimeNormalizer
- bf094ef: [Security] consistent error handling in remember me services
- e992eae: [Yaml] deprecate using the non-specific tag
- bc4dd8f: [Security] trigger a deprecation when a voter is missing the VoterInterface
- 1f6330a: [Validator] added support to check specific DNS record type for URL
- 6727a26: [FrameworkBundle] allow .yaml file extension everywhere
- 1cdbb7d: [Serializer] Xml encoder optional type cast
- 0478ecd: [HttpFoundation] shift responsibility for keeping Date header to ResponseHeaderBag
- 3bbb657: [HttpFoundation] removed obsolete ini settings for sessions
Newest issues and pull requests
- [RFC][DX][Security] Add basic access level control in firewall config
- Symfony 3, populating token and refreshing user
- [Console] Provide setter methods for Question text and default value
- [DX] [Asset] Conditional asset referencing
- Guard autowires UserProviderService based on types
- Cannot access the container from inside a controller
Twig development highlights
- 53cfcea: fixed deprecation when using Twig_Profiler_Dumper_Html
Silex development highlights
- 268e3d3: fixed RedirectableUrlMatcher needs to return a proper array with the _route parameter
- 9cbf194: added JSON manifest version strategy support
- 6260671: fixed error using EsiFragment with provider and Twig functions
They talked about us
- Symfony 3.3 Dependency Injection: ‘autoconfigure’ & 3rd Party Bundles
- Setting up Symfony continuous integration using GitLab CI/CD
- Doctrine sharding
- High Traffic E-commerce Sites — Which Php Framework?
- Framework Agnostic PHP Applications
- Symfony 4: Melhores Práticas
- Symfony 4: Monolito vs Micro
- Symfony 4: Componha as suas Aplicações
- Cambiar nombre de las tablas en tiempo de ejecución con Symfony/Doctrine
- SymfonyのService Containerについて(前編)
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