A Week of Symfony #612 (17-23 September 2018)
September 23, 2018 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week Symfony introduced SymfonyCasts, the best place to learn about Symfony, PHP and JavaScript. Meanwhile, the Validator component was decoupled from the Translator, and the lint commands were improved to support multiples files and directories. Lastly, the SymfonyLive London 2018 conference will take place next week.
Symfony development highlights
- 8d90df7: [Form] fixed DateTimeType html5 input format
- a9004b3: [HttpFoundation] don't override StreamedResponse::setNotModified()
- c75b1ed: [LDAP] used shut up operator on connection errors at ldap_start_tls
- 4da7ab1: [PhpUnitBridge] provide debug_backtrace with proper args
- 5a10f2d: [Form] forwarded false label option to nested types
- 5d30df7: [HttpFoundation] allowed reuse of Session between requests if ID did not change
- 2c8c6f7: [Console] fixed boxed table style with colspan
- c4c2981: [DependencyInjection] detect circular references with ChildDefinition parent
- e0e5e83: [DependencyInjection] fixed infinite loop involving self-references in decorated services
- 31e96f7: [MonologBridge] re-add option option to ignore empty context and extra data
- 48038fd: [Cache, Contracts] save the item or the trait does not have any effect
- 1f98703: [Form, TwigBridge] fixed not displaying labels when value is false
- 680f319: [PhpUnitBridge] enabled DebugClassLoader by default
- cb13594: [FrameworkBundle] ignore backslashes in service ids when using debug:container and debug:autowiring
- a1ca55b: [Validator] allow Validator without the translator component
- bf4d011: [Validator] check the BIC country with symfony/intl
- 4d6fc63: [Translation] added support for multiple files or directories in XliffLintCommand
- a55853d: [Yaml] added support for multiple files or directories in LintCommand
- 6856c02: [VarDumper] allow dd() to be called without arguments
- 0d9154e: [Lock] added ZooKeeper data store
- c51592c: [Debug] trigger a deprecation for new parameters not defined in sub classes
- 85d335a: [VarDumper] added caster for MessageFormatter
- 57a3413: [Form] fixed fail reverse transforming invalid RFC 3339 dates
Newest issues and pull requests
- [RFC] proposal for symfony/numbers
- Allow Denormalization of a Collection of Objets as a Constructor Argument
- [Form] Add form option to not convert empty strings to null
- BinaryFileResponse with X-Sendfile
- [Serializer] Impossible to decorate the serializer
- [WebProfilerBundle] Create debug toolbar server
They talked about us
- How to Set up a Symfony Project for Work with Docker Subdomains
- Gedmo Translations in Symfony 4
- Symfony 4 + React PWA project
- Implementation of a GraphQL mutation with file upload
- New in Symplify 5: 3 New Cool Features of PackageBuilder
- SymfonyCasts, el nuevo sitio para aprender Symfony y PHP
Upcoming Symfony Events
- Sfpot Paris September 2018: Paris, France (September 25, 2018)
- Chicago Symfony & React Meetup: Chicago, United States (September 26, 2018)
- Clean Code, API Development & Barbecue: Berlin, Germany (September 26, 2018)
- Symfony trifft Kiel: Kiel, Germany (October 1, 2018)
- SymfonyDay 2018: Verona, Italy (October 19, 2018)
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