This week, Symfony 3.4.17 and 4.1.6 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, we continued deprecating features in preparation for the upcoming Symfony 4.2 version, such as simple_preauth and simple_form and the "--env" and "--no-debug" console options. Lastly, next week the Symfony Loves PHP USA 2018 conference will gather the American Symfony and PHP communities in San Francisco to learn about the latest and best developments with Symfony and PHP.
Symfony development highlights
- 8932f5c, d33e245, 73d74c4, 47f2aee: Code syntax fixes
- 28841c4: [PHPUnitBridge] fixed ClockMock microtime() format
- 22aec24: [DependencyInjection] fixed error in dumped container
- 8e1f381: [DependencyInjection] fixed dumping setters before their inlined instances
- 636eb9e: [Finder] fixed root directory access for ftp/sftp wrapper
- 3ae327c: [FrameworkBundle] don't suggest hidden services in debug:container and debug:autowire commands
- b1f462f: [Console] fixed clearing sections containing questions
- 9610d10: [Form] added a cause when a CSRF error has occurred
- 38655bd: [Cache] added RedisClusterProxy to create lazy connections to Redis clusters
- 3b604ff: [Validator] pre-check constraint validator dependencies
- 104e922: [DependencyInjection] improved ServiceLocatorTagPass service matching
- 679f8d9: [Translation] marked getFallbackLocales() as internal
- 7cc7c71: [Security] deprecated simple_preauth and simple_form in favor of Guard
- 64727c1: [FrameworkBundle] deprecated the "--env" and "--no-debug" console options
- 5a0cad2: [Serializer] object class resolver
- 3e7b029: [Serialized] allowed configuring the serialized name of properties through metadata
- e0cb452: [WebServerBundle] deprecated relying on --env in server:start and server:run
Newest issues and pull requests
- [LDAP] Add error codes to exceptions
- [Form] Enhanced CollectionType with dynamic types
- [WebLink] Do not push known assets to the client
They talked about us
- Managing spreadsheets with Symfony
- An opinionated Symfony Monolog Configuration for Prod and Dev Environments
- Let’s Look Under the Hood of Doctrine 2
- Exploring The API Platform Ecosystem From A Noob-perspective
- Internationalization with API Platform: the other way
- Symfony se convierte en una empresa independiente
- 10 bundles que deberías conocer si vas a trabajar con Symfony
- Twig üzerinde PHP Fonksiyonu Çalıştırmak
Upcoming Symfony Events
- Symfony Stammtisch: Munich, Germany (October 9, 2018)
- SymfonyDay 2018: Verona, Italy (October 19, 2018)
- Symfony Meetup Frankfurt / Nov. 2018: Frankfurt am Main, Germany (November 6, 2018)
- PHP Symfony User Group Basel: Basel, Switzerland (November 8, 2018)
- Treffen der Symfony User Group Hamburg: Hamburg, Germany (December 4, 2018)
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