A Week of Symfony #618 (29 October - 4 November 2018)
November 4, 2018 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week, Symfony 2.8.47, 3.4.18 and 4.1.7 maintenance versions were released. In addition, the first beta of Symfony 4.2 was released, including recently added new features like some debug:autowiring command improvements.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 51 pull requests were merged (35 in code and 16 in docs) and 31 issues were closed (22 in code and 9 in docs). Excluding merges, 26 authors made 17,135 additions and 5,508 deletions. See details for code and docs.
- 5d11205: [DependencyInjection] fixed tags on multiple decorated service
- 3263175: [FrameworkBundle] made debug:autowiring list useful services and their description
- 2cd1e11: [Messenger] made TraceableMiddleware decorate a StackInterface instead of each middleware to free the callstack from noisy frames
- 225746b: [Messenger] mark the component as experimental for 4.2
- d2b8014: [Messenger] made senders and handlers subscribing to parent interfaces receive all matching messages (wildcard included)
- d699036: [DependencyInjection] use filter_var() instead of XmlUtils::phpize() in EnvVarProcessor
- 79bbee2: [VarDumper] added a caster for Memcached
Newest issues and pull requests
- [Messenger] Add Null Transport
- Option to disable the automatic 301 redirection without trailing slash
- [Form] Auto Password Encoder
They talked about us
- Understanding Dependency Injection by example with the Symfony DI component (part 1/2)
- Applying Hexagonal Architecture to a Symfony project
- HTTP/2: speed up your apps and dispatch real time updates (Symfony and API Platform’s features announcement)
- Inject your env’s configuration in your service — second pattern
- Training Realm — progressive web app on Symfony and Angular
- El contenedor de servicios Pimple on steroids
- La nueva certificación online de Symfony y Twig
Upcoming Symfony Events
- Symfony Meetup Frankfurt / Nov. 2018: Frankfurt, Germany (November 6, 2018)
- PHP Symfony User Group Basel: Basel, Switzerland (November 8, 2018)
- Symfony Vietnam Meetup - What's new in Symfony 4: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam (November 8, 2018)
- Symfony User Group Cologne: Cologne, Germany (November 14, 2018)
- Symfony India Meetup 2018: Noida, India (December 15, 2018)
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