This week, the Symfony 4.3.0 beta 1 version was released, so you can test Symfony 4.3 in your own projects before the stable release at the end of May. Meanwhile, the SymfonyLive London 2019 conference announced its first speakers.
Symfony development highlights
This week, 82 pull requests were merged (59 in code and 23 in docs) and 32 issues were closed (28 in code and 4 in docs). Excluding merges, 42 authors made 9,377 additions and 15,196 deletions. See details for code and docs.
- 60b505e: [Console] fixed auto-complete for ChoiceQuestion
- 7ae5fe0: [Intl] apply localeDisplayPattern and fix locale generation
- 75d1dd4: [Intl] fixed root fallback locale
- fb4d928: [Console] commands with an alias should not be recognized as ambiguous when using register
- 11f8a1e: [HttpFoundation] allowed to set 'None' on samesite cookie flag
- 0055284: [Serializer] fixed denormalization of object with variadic constructor typed argument
- 7de0f01: [Contracts] simplified implementation declarations
- 7ca637e: remove deprecated usage of some Twig features
- 3ae1e80: [Validator] fixed finding translator parent definition in compiler pass
- b9d3135: [Messenger] made cache rebuild correctly when message subscribers change
- 3ae1e80: [Validator] fixed finding translator parent definition in compiler pass
- b9d3135: [Messenger] made cache rebuild correctly when message subscribers change
- aa37157: [PhpUnit Bridge] extract all the code but shebang from bin/simple-phpunit
- b187261: [Intl] renamed Regions to Countries
- 26e1d89: [FrameworkBundle] show injected services for iterator and array arguments
- fec95e0: [Intl, Validator] handled alias locales/timezones
- bee5216: [Messenger] fixed wrong use of generator returns
- 4e61ff5: [Messenger] fixed Redis Connection::get() after reject()
- ecfccc6: [Validator] made API endpoint for NotCompromisedPasswordValidator configurable
- bec45ed: [Messenger] fixed rejecting of pending messages
- 7596da1: [Intl] made countries ISO 3166 compliant
- b2f5b8a: [Translator] set sources when extracting strings from PHP files
- 04f117f: [Messenger] simplified SyncTransport and fixed bug with handlers transport
- cbbf8b7: [Intl] revised timezone name generation
- 4f290d7: [DomCrawler] fixed HTML5 parser integration
- ae38ed8: [TwigBundle] fixed Mailer integration in Twig
- fe0f324: [Messenger] fixed routable message bus default bus
- 7800396: [Messenger] on failure retry, made message appear received from original sender
- 22ffa5f: [Messenger] removed send_and_handle which can be achieved with SyncTransport
- 7ef80ff: [Cache] log a more readable message when trying to cache an unsupported type
- 6c5faef: [FrameworkBundle] fixed issue when a parameter contains a % character
Newest issues and pull requests
- [Messenger] Dynamic transport creation
- [HttpFoundation] about add cache size limit in IpUtils
- [Form] Dispatch an additional event when creating FormView
They talked about us
- JWT Authentication with Symfony
- What's new in Symfony 4.3 ? (part 1)
- Symfony 4 Doctrine Custom Mapping Type
- Un mes de Symfony. Abril 2019
- Nuevo en Symfony 4.3: Procesado de URLs en variables de entorno
- Nuevo en Symfony 4.3: Búsquedas más precisas con Finder
- Gérer les utilisateurs dans son application Symfony sans le FOSUserBundle
- Docker com Symfony e Apache
- Constraints Numéricas no Symfony 4.3
Upcoming Symfony Events
- Sfpot May 2019 edition: Paris, France (May 14)
- 8. PHP Symfony User Group Basel: Basel, Switzerland (May 16)
- Symfony 4.3 & Mailer & HttpClient: Berlin, Germany (May 28)
- Symfony Meetup III / 2019: Frankfurt, Germany (May 28)
- Etwas mit FormTypes, AWS und der Unsplash-API: Hamburg, Germany (June 4)
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