This week, Symfony postponed SymfonyCon Disneyland Paris conference until next year and announced SymfonyWorld 2020, a new world-wide online conference. In addition, the first translations of the Symfony 5 book were published for free on Symfony website.

Symfony development highlights

This week, 27 pull requests were merged (27 in code and 0 in docs) and 19 issues were closed (17 in code and 2 in docs). Excluding merges, 16 authors made 1,458 additions and 111 deletions. See details for code and docs.

3.4 changelog:

  • b61fa44: [Cache] fixed saving no-expiry items with ArrayAdapter
  • b940b5a: [VarDumper] improved previous fix on light array coloration

4.4 changelog:

  • 600e5d1: [Messenger] removed redundant strtolower in ConsumeMessagesCommand
  • b6ea86e: [Messenger] reduced column length for MySQL 5.6 compatibility
  • e69b8b1: [Mailer] added the missing reset tag to mailer.logger_message_listener
  • bea4319: [Finder] fixed GitIgnore parser when dealing with (sub)directories and take order of lines into account
  • 909158b: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed error with custom function and web profiler routing tab

5.1 changelog:

  • c931d07: [FrameworkBundle] KernelBrowser::getContainer cannot return null anymore
  • bfc0351: [Messenger] fixed invalid option sslmode in AmazonSqs bridge

Master changelog:

  • e411c96: [Routing] allowed inline definition of requirements and defaults for host
  • 79bc5b7: [Twig Bridge] fixed getTranslationNodeVisitor() return type
  • 13a5e47: [Stopwatch] updated StopwatchPeriod
  • bd59105: [Router] allow to use \A and \z as regex start and end
  • 374d705: [Security] use NullToken while checking authorization
  • 281a752: [DependencyInjection] added the name of the env to RuntimeException
  • 5256323: [String] added a French inflector
  • 32941f2: [FrameworkBundle] deprecated some public services to private
  • 7aaf99d: [Console] added info method to symfony style
  • f1dc422: [DependencyInjection] resolved parameters in tag arguments
  • bea6c99: [Validator] added support for cascade validation on typed properties
  • 2d5e7b0: [Console] added signal event

Symfony CLI

Symfony CLI is a must-have tool when developing Symfony applications on your local machine. It includes the Symfony Local Server, the best way to run local Symfony applications. This week Symfony CLI released its new 4.18.2 and 4.18.3 versions with the following changes:

  • Fix running symfony console on Enterprise clusters fails
  • Fix Symfony environment is set to dev during the build stage
  • Checkout the first step of the book instead of the last one when running symfony new --book
  • Release the CLI as a Docker image
  • Fix usage error might show the help of another command with the same name
  • Fix symfony composer should not load .env files

Newest issues and pull requests

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Published in #A week of symfony